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Metal Gear Solid

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Name: Metal Gear Solid
Year: 2000
Publisher: Microsoft
Developer: Konami
Platform: PC
Genre: Action
Links: Official site
Total rating: 74.8% - rated 89 times
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Submitter: Dgsige
Score: 10 points
Added: Jun 16 2006
Warez status: Warez

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Game review

Author: Dgsige
Date: Jun 17 2006 - 22:32
Score: 25 points
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In 1998 metal gear solid was released for the playstation and was a huge sucess. It got ported to the pc and even tough it wasn't so sucefull has the playstation version, it is one of the best ports ever.

First of all, the pc version of metal gear solid includes the vr mission so I'll start there. The vr missions as the name says, are missions in virtual reality. There are a big variety of these, sneaking, shooting targets, killing enemies and even a few missions where you play as cyborg ninja.

Now, for the game itself. Shadow moses in alaska was taken over by a special ops group: FOXHOUND. They demand that the remains of big boss are handed over to them within 24 hours or they'll launch a nuke. It's up to Solid Snake to stop them. The plot is very interesting and gets really deep. By the way, I recomend reading the previous missions texts (wich can be acessed on the main menu) to get some more background on some chracters. This is a stealh game, meaning you won't want to get spotted, specialy early in the game since you start only with some cigaretes and binoculars. Passing trough unoticed isn't very hard, because unfortunately the enemey AI isn't very great. And there's the great sneaking weapon, the carboard box.  :-p The game plays nice with a keyboard, but with a controler it's even better.

Now, for the presentation. The envoirements are great but the characters could be better. The soundtrack is great, the right theme is always on at the irght time and it has the greatest voice acting I ever heard.

Overall: This is a great game. Unfourtunately it is no longer available to buy and is considered warez so you won't find it here. The main flaw of the playastation version was lack of game lenght unless you bought the vr missions but since the pc version already has them, this is a must get.

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By Bee_94 - Jul 01 2015 - 15:33
The VR mission is what I think of is: Our hero meets Lawnmower Man.
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By Bee_94 - Mar 01 2015 - 15:12
The sequel takes up to 7,17 GB (Ho-ly shit!), making it a large game.
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By Bee_94 - Oct 24 2013 - 19:21
For this version: Game split into two CD-ROMs, originally planned with hi-definition characters, but scrapped, script is the same as the original Playstation version, new controls, ability to save game rather than using the Codec, highly detailed characters (the ones that help you on the mission) as a special mode. New installation by Microsoft (who brought us Midtown Madness). Another thing: Can be played in software mode, like with the Playstation version. (Also, another game that can be played without with a 3d accelerator, next being Midtown Madness 2 and Carmageddon TDR 2000.
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By Bee_94 - Aug 25 2013 - 09:38
There's a Gameboy Colour version, but it's entirely a new game.
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By Bee_94 - Jul 20 2013 - 12:42
"Press the circle button repeatedly to regain your strenght." "And don't even think of using- auto-fire, I'll know."

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