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Unreal Tournament

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Name: Unreal Tournament
Year: 1999
Publisher: GT Interactive
Developer: Epic Megagames
Platform: PC
Genre: 3D Shooter
Total rating: 83.5% - rated 194 times
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Submitter: David Dé
Added: Aug 27 2004
Warez status: Warez

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Game review

Author: Legendary
Date: Sep 19 2004 - 18:03
Score: 55 points
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Unreal Tournament is slightly related to the original Unreal Games. However, with Unreal Tournament, you do not need to battle your way trough a level and beat the end boss or hit the end switch, in fact, you need to kill a certain amount of people, complete a certain mission and capture the flag several times. This is the reason why Unreal Tournament doesn't have a real end like other shooters. One of the best qualities of this game is that it's not boring at all.

The graphics are really great, so is the gameplay. The weapons are looking realistic, your enemies and your possible team mates too. You can edit your own character and bots in one of the option menus, there are many different variations. Totally Unreal Tournament features about eleven different.

There is also a program where you can make your own levels, called UnrealED. The only problem is that it's pretty hard to use.

First of all the deathmatch mode: You've to kill as many people as you have entered in the option menu. When you kill a person, you will get a 'frag'. When you kill yourself or if someone else kills you, you will lose a frag.

Team DeathMatch, basically it's the same as the normal deathmatch mode, but now in a team, you've to kill a certain amount of people together this time.

Assault: The missions. You've to complete several things in a certain amount of time. Your opponent will defend its base and you have to enter their base and destroy or capture certain things. When you did this, you have to defend your base from the enemy. When you manage to do this a certain time, you have won an Assault level.

Capture The Flag (CTF): In this game mode, you have to capture your opponent's flag and bring it to your own base. If you do this, you will receive a point. The first team who has reached a certain amount of points, has won the match. When your opponent has your flag, you've to get your flag back before you can score a point or capture your opponents flag.

Domination: You've to go to certain points and make that point your property. When your opponent has reached that point, it will be get your opponent's color so try to get it back as soon as possible. When you touch that point again, it get your color again and this goes on an on until you or your enemy has certain number of points. The longer you can keep a point your color, the more points you'll get.

All in all, a great game and great replay value. Recommended for blood, violent and good graphics game lovers.

Game files

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Cheats 731 Read
Cheats 676 Read
Ingame music - Unreal Tournament - Run 76 Download
v436 Final Patch 125 Download

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User avatar
By Jozo12 - Jun 28 2006 - 15:46
i've submitted some soundtracks in mp3 format.  :D
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By Oyildiz86 - Jun 24 2006 - 15:49
This game is perfect.No.1
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By Gellert94 - Jun 20 2006 - 13:08
Very Good Game
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By Jules5956 - Jun 18 2006 - 13:21
about to be resold as part of a bundle pack..
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By Jozo12 - Jun 18 2006 - 07:15
I've the sountracks of this game, they are really nice!

but i cant submit 100 limit!! :-p

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