Text file
Metal Gear Solid - Walkthrough
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Original can be found at http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/metal_gear_solid_u.txt
This is it, this is the start of Solid Snake's mission. So lets get on with
it now. Start the game, select any difficulty level and watch the opening.
Disc 1
You will start the game by seeing a small scene of snake emerging out of
the water and taking some of his scuba gear off. You will immediately be
contacted by the Colonel after the scene is over, listen to the lengthy
conversation in which he will actually explain to you some of the basic
functions of the game like how to operate the codec and what not. Listen
to him and when he's done, get ready.
From the start, immediately head down back into the water via the stairs
going down and find the ration underwater, now surprisingly Snake runs
underwater as well. After taking this head back up and crouch under that
pipe blocking your way. You will be in an area with containers and just
two guards patroling. For now we dont want to kill or alert anything as
we have a very small health bar.
So, ignore those two guards, and sneak past them and head to the right
hand side of this area. Avoid those water puddles as the noise you make
on them will attract the guards attention. After reaching the right hand
side head all the way up and take the ration behind the fork lift. After
that go near the elevator shaft and you'll be contacted by the Colonel
who tells you to wait for the elevator.
Now, go and hide behind the fork lift again to avoid the guards and wait
for the elevator to arrive. The elevator will arrive shortly but dont go
to it yet as a guard will come out of it. Wait for this new guard to go
away from the elevator then quickly head inside to trigger the next scene.
Now you will watch snake take the rest of his scuba gear off, and finally
the title of the game will appear on the screen. "METAL GEAR SOLID"
Now begins a series of lengthy scenes, in which Snake will first see a
Hind D flying off, afterwards your contacted by the Colonel, and you also
meet Mei Ling for the first time, if you want to save the game she's the
person to call. Her frequency is 140.96. Dont forget it.
Afterwards, Snake will look for possible ways to enter the facility, the
main gate is out of question but there are two ducts which he can use to
enter the area. You'll also be briefed on how your radar system works.
Also, snake tells Naomi that he managed to smuggle out his Cig's, how it
will help him is yet unknown.
--------------------| NIFTY TRICK WITH MEI LING |------------------
| Here's a neat trick, if you want to see a funny scene and piss off Mei|
| Ling then continue to call her without saving the game, she'll tell |
| you to stop it but if you call her about a dozen or so times then she |
| will stick her tongue out at you. There's nothing more to it but its |
| just fun to watch this. |
After the series of scenes is finished and your finally back in control
of Snake. If you want another ration {you can only carry 2 for now} then
run to the left and check the area to find another ration. Afterwards go
right on the snowy area, there's a guard patrolling here, avoid him and
go around the air conditioning unit. There's a set of stairs going up to
the second floor on the top right hand corner but there's a surveillance
camera here. If you want to go past it then stick to the wall right udner
it and sneak past quietly.
Before that, head to the area right above the heli pad and you'll find a
truck parked here. Head in the back and check in the back of this truck
to find your first fire arm. The Socom pistol. Equip it. Afterwards get
out of the truck and choose which floor your going to enter the facility
from. Here's your options...
------------------| ENTERING AREA 1 : FIRST FLOOR |-------------------
| The first floor area is easy and a takes less time to complete since |
| you'll have a shorter time in the vents. From the main gate head left |
| and Snake will find a guard napping with a Camera over his head, kill |
| the guard quickly by either using the gun or choking him, or just get |
| rid of him by throwing him quickly, then enter the duct that was just |
| behind the guard. Enter the duct quickly since you most likely have |
| been spotted by now. After entering the duct, move forward, the duct |
| is linear so there's no chance of you getting lost. After a litte |
| while you will get a Codec call from one of Snake's friends, Master |
| Miller. He will tell you to follow the rats you see in the duct as |
| they will lead you to the exit. Do that and you'll emerge out of the |
| ducts in the first floor of the Tank Hanger. Your in now. |
NOTE : The master's frequency is 141.80
If you'd rather go by the second floor and watch one extra scene for the
sake of story, then here's what you do.
------------------| ENTERING AREA 2 : SECOND FLOOR |------------------
| The second floor area isnt that hard either, from the truck or the |
| main gate go right to the stairs where we saw the first camera. Avoid |
| the camera by sneaking on the wall right under it. After passing the |
| camera zone take the stairs up to the second floor balcony area. A |
| guard is roaming the area so you might want to be careful. Or if your |
| just in a hurry, pop one in the guards ass and head left afterwards. |
| You will spot a duct in one of the pillary area's soon. Enter it as |
| you've probably already been seen by the guards. The duct itself is |
| straight forward so you can't get lost. Move straight on and shortly |
| little while you'll come to a grating under you and another scene |
| begins. Snake will over hear some guards talking about the DARPA chief|
| and some one who's already killed a couple of guards. Not snake. Once |
| the rather long scene is over, head to the end of the duct where you |
| will see an open area at the bottom. You will get a call from the |
| Colonel who'll tell you to press the action button to go down. Do it |
| and we're in the Tank Hanger, second floor balcony area now. |
| |
| Oh, and you'll also be contacted by the Master, Snake's old buddy. |
NOTE : The master's frequency is 141.80
You'll enter the Tank Hanger either from the first or second floor, I will
prefer the second floor since it will bring you easier to an important
item that we will take before proceeding. Shortly after entering from any
floor you will get a call from the Colonel who will tell you about the
elevator. The elevator is on the first floor, but ignore that for now. If
your on the first floor then avoid the guards by hiding around the tank in
the center and make your way to the left hand side. Take the stairs you'll
see here to the second floor balcony. There's a camera right on the top of
the stairs, wait for it to move the other way, then run and stick to the
wall right under it. Wait for it to clear the area ahead the run past its
field of vision.
Afterwards, proceed across the catwalk which for some reason makes a lot
of noise, keep heading right until the path heads up north, dont go up yet
but enter the room on the right wall, careful here as there is a camera on
the far right wall of this room. Avoid the camera and take the item from
the far corner of this room, its the very important Thermal Goggles. We
can live without them but they will make the coming area's very easy.
After taking the Thermal Goggles, proceed back across the catwalk, go back
down to the main floor once again, and this time head for the elevator, be
careful as the two guards are still here, press the call button next to the
elevator and wait for it to come up. Once its up, enter the elevator and
choose the floor B1.
-----------------| NIFTY TRICK FOR THE ELEVATOR |-----------------
| Here's a neat trick, if your tired of waiting for the elevator to come|
| up then quickly press the elevator call button two times, quickly tap |
| the action key and the elevator door will open at once. This is useful|
| for saving time and especially if guards are close by. |
As soon as you arrive at this floor, you will get a call from Mei Ling
who informs you that the DARPA chief is really close to you and showing
up on your radar, check it and you'll see his dot on it. If you want to
take a sneak peak at him then cling to the right side wall, the camera
will pan further showing him sitting in his cell.
After the talking is done, head south in this linear hall, a door will
be on the right wall but we can't enter it since its electronically
locked off and we'll need a Level 1 card or higher. Ignore it and keep
heading south, turn right at the turn and head to the end to see a ladder
going up, the Colonel will call you and tell you how to climb up. Do so.
You'll enter another duct, move forward, at the first right intersection
you'll find Socom bullets, take them, if you look down via the grating
you'll see a guard sitting on the toilet talking about some 'well built'
woman. Head back to the main duct area and proceed down. Its straight
forward so you can't get lost. At the final parts of the duct you'll see
two gratings. Look down the first one to spot a woman working out in her
cell, ignore that and proceed to the second grating. Before you reach
it you'll be called by the Colonel who tells you how to look down into a
grating. As if we didn't know already.
Look down and you'll find the DARPA Chief and another long set of scenes
will begin. How interesting.
-----------------| MERYL WORKING OUT IN HER UNDIES |-----------------
| This is one for all you preverted video gamers out there hehe, when |
| you see Meryl working out in her cell, go back out of the duct and |
| climb back up into it, see Meryl again and she'll be doing different |
| exercises each time, do this six times and you'll see her working out |
| with her pants off. Ohh my .. |
Once you check the DARPA chief's cell, Snake drops down into his cell and
a long series of scenes begins. The DARPA chief acts sort of weird and
asks Snake a couple of questions. Then tells Snake of the secret project
being worked on, on this island. A prototype Nuclear walking battle tank
code named Metal Gear Rex. Snake immediately recognizes that name. After
a series of scenes , and giving Snake his level 1 security card the DARPA
chief suddenly has a heart attack and dies in front of Snake in a matter
of seconds. The woman in the cell, who was listening to this conversa
-tion from her cell the whole time, starts to shout out to the guard.
After the series of scenes and the following Codec talking is over you'll
be in the DARPA chief's locked cell with his body. Check under the bed to
find another ration. Then all you have to do is wait.
You'll hear noises from outside and if you see the radar you'll see that
the girl got out of her cell, and knocked out the guard. After a few more
seconds the DARPA chief cell will open. Walk outside and Snake noticed
the knocked out guard, the girl points her gun at Snake, dressed in the
guards uniform. Some more talking later you'll be ambushed by soldiers in
this room and its fighting time.
In the first round of fights, you should take your socom out and shoot the
three guards, after the first wave goes out Snake orders the girl to shoot
as well, if you didn't take the Socom early on in the truck then you will
find it next to you as soon as the guards attack.
Once the initial wave of guards is out head on to the top right corner of
the screen, to the right of the door the guards are coming from and wait
for the next wave of guards to arrive, shoot them quickly, the girl will
help you in shooting from now on as well. Keep shooting waves after waves
of guards. At one point three grenades will be thrown into the room, you
should quickly head to the top of the screen if your not already there to
avoid getting killed. After that the final wave of guards will enter the
room, take them out quickly and its over.
Afterwards, another set of scenes begins, Snake tries to stop the girl,
she runs off and tries to shoot at snake, and in some further away place
you see the members of FOX HOUND talking among themselves. Afterwards,
the girl escapes in the elevator, and snake catches a glimpse of one of
the members of FOX HOUND, Psycho Mantis, as told by Naomi on the codec.
Afterwards. you'll be back in control of Snake.
-----------------| HOW TO USE THE PAN KEYCARDS |-------------------
| If you want to enter the doors locked by the cardkey system, then put |
| the card on you from the item menu and walk right up to the door, it |
| will open as soon as you come near it automatically. |
Control Snake back into the room we just came out of, inside you can see
the guard still out, head for the south part of this room and near the
door to the bathroom you'll find a pack of Socom ammo, take it. Now exit
back to the hallway and head for the elevator. We're done with this part.
Take the elevator and choose to go to floor B2, the armory.
You will come out in the armory, this area is a large area which has small
sub rooms containing various ammo and weapons in them, unfortunately we
only have a level one card right now. You can only open two of these sub
rooms, one in the middle row which contains two packs of C4 Explosives.
The other is in the bottom row which contains more Socom ammo. Take both
of these doors. Now its time for you to look hard.
-----------------| ADVANTAGES OF THERMAL GOGGLE |-------------------
| Equip the Thermal Goggles that we picked up in the hanger after you |
| enter this area, you'll see some trap doors on the floor which you |
| should avoid since falling in them gives you an instant game over. |
Dont forget, there's a couple of guards roaming around here as well, so
watch out for them too. Once you've taken all available items, look on
some of the corner walls and you'll find dried paint chips on them. The
C4 we just found will be used to get rid of these. Over all there are 3
walls you can blow, one on the right side of the elevator, one on the
left side of the elevator and one at the bottom left hand corner of the
area. The first two contain ammo and more C4, the bottom one is the one
that we need to proceed on to.
Remember to get a good distance away from the planted C4 before you go
ahead and detonate it since the damage radius is high. Also, you can
plant multiple C4's and detonate them at once using the action button.
Enter the south side area once you've detonated the bomb there. In this
new area just proceed south and check the right side wall and plant the
explosive where the wall is dry to make another hole. Enter this hole
and go right. You'll see two more dried walls. One on the north and one
on the right side. Ignore the right wall for now and plant the bomb on
the upper wall. Detonate it and enter this new area.
In this new area you will meet Kenneth Baker, the other guy we were to
rescue, but he's all tied up. You'll also meet Revolver Ocelot, the gun
slinger of the group. The scene will end up with your first boss fight.
A true fight of the pistols among two good gun slingers.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : REVOLVER OCELOT |-----------------
| This is the first boss battle in the game, this boss fight can be |
| really easy or really difficult depending on how good your gunning |
| is so far in the game. As soon as the battle starts, you'll notice |
| a couple of extra meter's on the screen. First is Ocelot's health |
| meter which is WAY bigger then yours, then Kenneth's health meter |
| and you'll also see Ocelot's ammo count, he's got a six shooter. |
| |
| Here's the basic DONT's of this boss battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON'T shoot Kenneth |
| 2/ DON't run into the wires near Kenneth as they'll detonate |
| the entire area and bye bye Kenneth. |
| 3/ Also, DON't die heh. |
| |
| This boss fight is easy and all you have to do for the most part |
| is dodge Ocelot's bullets, and shoot him with your own. If you |
| are out of ammo there's a pack or two that you can find in the |
| corners of this very room. Basically you have to run around and |
| follow Ocelot and avoid his bullets, when you have a clear shot |
| fire him once and wait, you can not hit him multiple times in a |
| row so dont bother wasting ammo. |
| |
| Also, dont bother trying to hide behind the pillars as Ocelot is |
| able to ricochette his bullet's on walls and hit you. When he is |
| out of ammo he will take a long time to reload his gun completely |
| and will be very vulnerable to you so thats the prime time to hunt |
| him down and put a bullet or two in his ass. You'll have to shoot |
| him a good amount of time before his health runs out and the boss |
| fight finally ends. |
After the boss fight is over Ocelot will continue to taunt Snake but a
weird ninja type person comes in and chops off his gun hand and also he
cuts the wires around Baker letting him out. After that Ocelot escapes,
soon the ninja escapes too. Snake and Kenneth are left. Another series
of long scenes begins in which Kenneth tells Snake some more about the
Metal Gear and dies with a similar heart attack to the DARPA chief.
Fortunately you got his Level 2 card before he died. After he's died a
long codec conversation begins. Once it ends you'll be back in control.
Some more ammo packs would have regenerated in this room, take them as
your about to leave, the lv 5 locked door at the top of this area isn't
our concern for now so head back the way we originally came into this
place and go back into the main armory area.
Now that we have a new card, we can open a couple more of new doors.
But before that head back to the same rooms that we opened with our Lv
1 card and all the items in them will have regenerated, take all of
them. Especially the C4 since we're going to need them shortly.
Also, check the middle room in the bottom row to find some hand grenade
which we'll need in the next boss fight. After that enter the bottom
right door and you'll find a box with two laser wires blocking it. You
will not be able to see these wires unless you have the Thermal Goggles
equipped. To find out more about stuff like this you can contact an ally
of yours named Nastasha and her frequency is 141.52 .
Anyway, you can just crouch down to avoid the lasers and take whats on
the other side, its a FAMAS and some ammo for it. The FAMAs is an auto
rifle which shoots bullets at a very fast rate.
While we're here lets contact the girl that kenneth talked about when
we were talking to him. He asked you to check the back of your CD to
find the frequency of her radio. Also, you can find it in the official
game manual as well. But I'll just tell you. Her frequency is 140.15
Contact Meryl right now and sit back to listen to the very long codec
conversation. After the banter Meryl will inform you on the ware about
of the scientist Hal Emmerich and tell you that she has the key to get
to his building. So Snake has to work with her.
After the talking is done head to the elevator and take it to the 1st
floor of the hanger. As soon as your on the first floor Meryl will
contact you again and open the big gate at the north of the tank hanger.
We're back in the Tankk Hanger now, you can go directly to the big gate
tha Meryl just opened up for you but we'll take a little time to get a
couple of necessery items.
From the elevator go straight to the right, you'll run past the gate we
just saw opening. But ignore that and enter the big door on the right
wall. Inside you'll find a single guard sleeping, kill him and take the
box behind him. Inside it is the Socom Supressor which is just a fancy
word for Silencer. Take it and head back to the main hanger area.
Now proceed to the right while avoiding the guards, test out your new
silenced Socom and take one or two out. Take the stairs up to the second
floor. Avoid the camera here like before and enter the door near it on
the right wall. In this room take the item which is BOX A.
Afterwards, go across the catwalk as if we were going to the room with
the thermal goggles. But run north past that door. Avoid the camera here
and enter the door next to the camera, its a level 2 door. Inside it you
will see a guard, kill him and take the Mine Detector item. Another one
that we'll need in a little while. Take it. Head back all the way to
the main hanger floor. NOW enter the big door Meryl just unlocked.
Once your in Meryl will contact you again and tell you that there's a
bunch of laser beams in this area and if you touch one the entire area
will be gassed and you'll die. So equip the Thermal Goggles to be able
to see those laser wires. Now carefully dodge the wires and cross this
area, remember if your touched by a wire then its game over for you.
If for some freakish reason you didn't have the thermal goggle with you
then equip the cig's from Snake's inventory, now stand next to a laser
and the smoke from the cig will make the laser visible. Keep in mind if
you equip the cig's Snake's health will slowly begin to fall down.
Sheehs, what kind of cig's are these.
One way or another you should make it to the north end of this room, so
equip the card key to pass through and out of the Tank Hanger completely.
-----------------| FOR THOSE PLAYING SECOND GAMES |----------------
| First timers won't know what I'm talking about in this area, if you |
| finished the game with the Otacon ending then you would've gotten the |
| Optic camoflauge device from him. In the new game from the save made |
| at the end, you should start with it. Equip the device and just pass |
| this area as the laser's won't be able to detect you at all. This |
| applies to all the laser's in the game. Not just these one's. |
In this area, run a few steps forward and you'll be contacted by a new
person on the Codec, some one calling himself Deep Throat. This person
is weird in the sense that you cannot contact him, he's the one calling
you to inform you about various threats approaching. He'll tell you to
watch out for the mines in the area.
Equip either the Thermal goggles or the mine detector we found a little
while ago, with the thermal goggles you'll be able to see exactly where
the mines are but you won't know which side they're facing so its a bit
dangerous. With the mine detector you'll know which sides the mines are
facing and where to pass them by. But only on the radar. So equip either
one and pass the area. A good tip is to pass from the very left or right
side of the canyon.
---------------------| DONT WASTE THE MINES |----------------------
| Although they are almost completely useless and you'll probably not |
| use them ever in the game, you can still take those mines laying on |
| the ground, just crouch down and crawl over them, when you pass over |
| a mine Snake will take it. Thats stealing. |
After the mine area, proceed further into the canyon and another scene
starts, you'll be introduced to another member of the Fox hound group,
this is the Shaman of the group. Vulcan Raven. Its boss fight time and
your up against a huge cannon firing Tank.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : VULCAN RAVEN TANK |---------------
| This is the second boss fight in the game, though its an easy fight |
| but if you didn't pick up any chaff grenades from your trips in the |
| armory then you'll be very annoyed with the Tank cannon which can |
| kill you very quickly. So I hope to god you didn't forget the chaff's |
| |
| Here are the basic dont's of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ Don't forget to bring some Chaff grenades |
| 2/ Don't get too far from the Tank as it'll fire the cannon if you |
| get a little too away from him. |
| 3/ Don't stand still when your close to it either since the machine |
| gun on the cannon can shoot you reguardless of your distance. |
| 4/ Don't get in the tank's path, it can run you over for a very |
| annoyingly long time wasted and health wasted. |
| |
| Okey, so as soon as the battle begins, quickly throw a Chaff gren. |
| to distract the senosrs of the tank so you can run right up to it |
| without the hell blown out of you. After your a little close to it |
| equip the hand grenade's. Now you'll notice a guard on the top of |
| the tank firing at you with the machine gun. You can easily outrun |
| the machine gun fire by running left or right so do that to avoid |
| the getting hurt part. Once you see a clear shot and the tank is |
| not moving that fast, throw a grenade right at the machine gunner. |
| If your lucky enough the grenade can some times go right into the |
| tank and kill the guard in a single blow. This will immediately |
| take half of the Tank's energy bar. If the guard doesn't die in a |
| single grenade then throw another one. |
| |
| Once the first guard is dead, another will take his place, and if |
| your close to the tank at this time, the tank will try to run you |
| over a lot, so stay a bit away from the tank from now on. Like the |
| first guard, throw a couple of hand grenades to take out this one |
| as well and ths boss fight will be over. We didn't get to face |
| Vulcan raven at all. |
After this boss fight is over, Snake will automaticaly take the Level 3
PAN card from one of the dead guard and enter the Nuke building. But
Vulcan Raven is still alive and well. He talks to Liquid Snake on his
radio and tells him about Snake. Ocelot also joins in the conversation
but he's still angry at loosing his hand.
As soon as your back in control of Snake after entering this building,
go back outside. To where we just had the boss fight. Now explore this
open area and you'll find a ration on the right hand side of the canyon
and some ammo and grenades on the left hand side. Take all of them and
enter the building once again.
You'll see a catwalk heading up the left, run right up to it and take
the ration at the end of it. Head back to the main area and proceed
north and crawl under the slightly open door.
As soon as you enter here you'll be contacted by the Colonel and told
not to use guns in there since thats the place where they store the
dismantled Nuclear Warheads. Contact Nastasha for more information on
this subject. Anyway, you can't use guns in this area even if you want
to since you won't be able to select weaponry from your inventory. So
we'll just have to be sneaky in this area. You'll notice the guards in
here are wearing gas masks. That is because if your spotted then the
alarm goes off and gas is released in this area, meaning your almost
certainly killed if your spotted.
So avoid being spotted at all. From the entrance of this area, head
left past the containers, there's a guard partolling this side of the
floor so watch out for him, there's a set of stairs at the very left
side wall, take it up to the above balcony area. Sometimes there's a
guard right in front of the stairs on the 2F, if that happens then wait
at the center of the stairs for the guard to go back. Once the area is
cleared, go to the balcony area and enter the elevator. Quickly press
the call button twice to open the gate at once.
Take the elevator down to floor B1.
------------------| NEAT TRICK FOR THE PC VERSION|----------------
| If your playing the PC version of Metal Gear solid then there is a |
| way to use weaponry even on the forbidden floor. You will notice |
| that in the PC version you can change weaponry also by pressing the |
| numeric keys on the keyboard. So, keep the numeric key of the weapon |
| you want pressed, you'll see the display going on and off but the gun |
| will remain in your hands as long as you hold the key. Be advised as |
| any noise which attracts anyone will cause gas to be released in the |
| area and you'll get killed. So its better NOT to use weaponry at all. |
Our stay in this part of the building is very small as we're here only
to take a certain item. So, as soon as you get off the elevator run
straight forward and enter the door right in front of you. Ignore all
other directions and paths for now. You'll enter a square room with a
couple of doors on either side and one guard roaming the area. I'd ask
you to kill the guard to make roaming this place easier.
Once free, check the top right corner of this area and you'll find a
box with stun grenades. Then back to the center area, check the middle
room in the right hand side and inside you'll find a box with the uber
cool Nikita missile launcher in it and a couple of ammo for it.
The Nikita is a remote controlled missile system and we're going to
need it in a little while. With this in hand, go back outside and take
the elevator again. This time go to the floor B2.
Once outside, for a little sneak peak at where we're about to go, go
to the left wall and lean against it. The camera will pan to the right
and you'll see a guy in a white coat on the other side. Could that be
Hal Emmerich. Anyway, now proceed down the only door here and another
scene will begin.
Snake noticed that the floor ahead of him is electrified, the camera
will then move and show you where the electricity box is, now we have
to get rid of it somehow. You'll get a call from Deep Throat again
who tells you that you'll need a remote controlled missile to get rid
of the box. Luckily for us, we just found one. Also, the area is full
of gas so your slowly loosing Oxygen.
Equip the Nikita launcher and fire a round straight down, you'll see
that the game puts you in control of the launcher and you'll decide
where it goes. You can control the missile in first person as well
by pressing the look button, but i find its easier to control it in
third person since you just have to press left or right to change
its direction.
So anyway, control the missile down, then turn left at the bottom,
then turn up as soon as possible since there are automated guns in
the next area which will shoot the missile down. Go straight up and
turn left again, go up through the door, turn right and crash into
the electricity control box. It'll blow into bits and the floor in
front of you will become safe.
But i'd advice you to go back near the elevator and regain some air
then go back in and pass the now safe floor. Run down. You'll pass
three doors on the right wall, enter the first door to find a ration
you can't enter the second one yet, enter the third one to find a
very helpful item, the gas mask. This will slow down the oxygen depl
-etion level. After taking all the items, head all the way down and
turn right. Head all the way right and enter the door at the end of
the hall while avoiding the camera.
In this new area, run forward and you'll hear some screaming and
slashing sounds. Run forward, enter the next room and enter the door
directly north of you to see a very gruesome scene.
Dozens of guards bodies have been layed out in this long hallway and
they have huge gashes on their chets. When your in control of Snake
run fo rward, you'll run into one living guard but he's not going to
make it a long time. Run to the end of the hall and turn the corner.
You'll see a pretty awesome scene.
Something, partially invisible is holding a guard up in mid air,
suddenly, the thing decloks, its the ninja who took Ocelot's hand.
He's holding a guard up by his sword. He throws the guard down and
enters through the door leading to Hal Emmerich's personal lab. We
gotta save him.
Enter after the Ninja, another series of scenes will now begin in
which Snake confronts the ninja and Hal Emmerich, the ninja offers
to fight Snake one on one while Hal goes and hides in a locker
after peeing his pants. Now, one of the most exciting boss fights
in all of video game history begins.
---------------------| BOSS BATTLE : NINJA |-----------------------
| I really love this boss fight since this is one of the purest bosses |
| in the entire game, he will offer you to throw down your guns and be |
| a man, use your fists to battle with him. That's exactly what we're |
| going to do since thats the only way we can fight this ninja. Contact |
| Nastasha to hear a little rambling about the ninja's skeleton. |
| |
| Here are the basic don't of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ Don't bother to use weapons in this battle, since if you try to |
| he'll just dodge all your attacks with his sword. |
| 2/ Dont stand in one place at all since it has a very damaging |
| stomp from air attack. |
| 3/ Dont waste your Chaff grenades. |
| |
| As soon as the battle begins, run right up to the boss and smack a |
| good combination of punches in him. He'll be using his sword for the |
| first bit of the fight so right after you hit him run away to avoid |
| being sliced. Once you've landed a couple of combo's he'll land in |
| the middle of the room and start talking again. He'll throw down the |
| sword and battle you hand to hand. |
| |
| Use the same strategies as before, run up to him and smack a combo |
| of punches and kicks into him, making sure to get away after one |
| combo since bosses are invulnerable to repetetive attacks. Once you |
| have hit him a couple of times and drained his health bar a good d |
| deal then he'll land in the middle again and start talking. Now he |
| will ask you to hurry up and find him. |
| |
| In this phase of the fight he will use his cloaking device and go |
| in one of the corner's of the area and ask you to find him. For |
| this part equip the thermal goggles since he'll appear on them. But |
| also note that if you fail to hit him in a little time then he'll |
| run right up to you and hit you really hard. After every time you |
| hit him he'll jump to a different place to hide. Hit him a couple |
| of times and he'll land in the middle and start talking again. The |
| fight should be nearing its conclusion now. |
| |
| In this phase, he'll walk right up to you but quickly teleport to |
| your side and SMACK you really hard. His punches in this phase take |
| out a lot of your health so avoid them. The best way is to wait for |
| the ninja to come up to you and when he teleports quickly run ahead |
| to dodge him and hit him with your own combo of punches. After you |
| hit him a couple of times and his health bar reaches zero he will |
| start glowing and form a large circle of electricity around him. |
| |
| Now take out any gun and shoot him once, he'll teleport to the mid |
| area of the room, shoot him once more and the fight is over. |
---------------| TIP TO MAKE NINJA FIGHT EASIER |-----------------
| Though it can be done regularly, but this trick comes into action at |
| the fullest if you have he Bandana from completing the game once with |
| the Meryl ending. Take out the Chaff grenades and throw one, they |
| will distract the Ninja and he'll be defenceless, go kick his ass |
| throw another chaff, kick some more ass, repeat the process until |
| his health bar is empty. |
Now begins, argueably, the longest series of scenes in the game. This is
boring. To summarize. Snake meets Hal Emmerich, Hal asks Snake to call
him Otacon. Otacon knows where Meryl is. Snake contacts Meryl but she is
found by some guards and her radio breaks up. Otacaon mentions he heard
some music in the background. Otacon claims he didn't join the team to
make weapons of mass descruction. Also, Otacon hands you the level 4 key
card which we'll loose very quickly, then Otacon reveals he has another
cloaking device like the ninja and runs off using it.
Now, back in control of Snake. Take the various items like the box of
chaff grenades, Socom ammo and a ration from this room and head back
out the way we came. Make your way back all the way to the elevator
and take the elevator to floor B1.
Now that we're back here, head in the door across the elevator door one
more time, in here you'll notice a single soldier walking on the left
hand side who makes a squishing sound while walking. Don't kill this
guard as its actually Meryl and you'll get a game over very quickly for
doing so. Let her see you, she'll run off into the women's toilet.
Follow her and check the corner cabin to trigger another scene. Snake
will finally meet Meryl in all her feminine glory. Meryl seems to know
how to handle guns pretty easily and she despises weak women. After the
scene is over head outside the bathroom. Meryl will comment that the
guards have disappeared and Snake will comment on the mysterious music
that was playing here before. That has stopped too.
---------------| SEE MERYL IN HER UNDIES PART II|-----------------
| If your one of those preverted gamers who were willing to see Meryl |
| in her panties the last time, you'll want to read this part as well. |
| As soon as Meryl spots you, quickly go after her and make sure that |
| you trigger the scene within Five seconds after entering the female |
| toilet. Then through out the first half of the next scene Meryl will |
| be without her pants. Thast what I call caught with your pants down. |
Now since there are no more guards in this area your free to roam around
this floor and check all the doors to find various items that we couldn't
get before, also since Meryl gave you a level 5 card you can open various
new doors as well. So head back into the door across the one from the
elevator. There are a total of 6 rooms left and right combined, check all
of them. You should be able to open all of them. You'll find various ammo
and a box B in one room, also I think you won't be able to open the door
at the bottom right hand corner right now since its locked with Level 6.
One of the room contains the Night vision goggles, they're useless in my
opinion as you'll only really need them in one area in a little while.
---------------| MAKE MERYL BLUSH ON SCREEN |----------------------
| Once Meryl is with you stand right in front of her and start looking |
| at her directly in first person mode, after a little while Meryl will |
| turn slightly red and ask Snake what he's looking at. Continue that |
| and after a little while she'll get more red and ask snake to stop |
| looking her. Continue looking at her and she'll keep getting redder |
| and redder making comments at Snake. |
Once you've taken all the items from the various rooms its time for us
to proceed. From the elevator door proceed left and you'll see a hall
going north on the screen. Go there and pass through the door at the
end of the hall to reach the next area.
In this new area, proceed forward and Meryl will run ahead of you and
stand next to the big door leading into the Commandor's room. When you
get near her a scene will begin and Meryl will begin to feel a terrible
head ache. Suddenly she gets all fine but her voice becomes mono tone
and she starts acting weird.
-------------------| MERYL'S POINT OF VIEW|----------------------
| After this scene happens if you press the first person view button |
| you'll notice that you'll be seeing from Meryl's eyes rather then |
| snake. So stand right up to Meryl and press the FPS view button to |
| see Snake's ugly face close by. |
Afterwards, head into the room ahead and you'll notice that its empty and
the base commandor is no where to be seen. But Meryl is still being weird
and following you around. After a little while in this room Meryl will go
to the center of the screen and raise her gun at Snake. Cue another scene.
Meryl will start asking Snake weird questions and waving her gun at him,
but Snake notices some distortion behind Meryl and realizes that some one
is doing this to her. Suddenly Meryl gets ready to shoot at Snake and its
back to Snake. You will be contacted by the Colonel who will beg you not
to shoot Meryl and that she's being controlled by some one via the music.
At this time, you must quickly knock Meryl out by punching her, DON'T you
shoot her at all. Just keep punching her until she falls unconscious. Now
finally the person controlling Meryl reveals himself. Its Psycho Mantis,
the psychic of the Fox hound group.
He challanged Snake to a battle and warns him that he can read every one
of his moves. He also demonstrates by reading a part of Snake's memory
and scanning through your memory card to see if you have any other saves
from a Konami game. If you do then he'll comment on those games too.
After some more talking its boss fight time.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : PSYCHO MANTIS |-------------------
| This is one helluva interesting boss fights. Its one of those fights |
| where if you don't know EXACTLY what to do then you won't have a god |
| damn chance in the world of surviving. Right from the start of the |
| fight if your playing the PSX version of the game then take out the |
| control pad from the player 1 slot and plug it into the player 2 slot |
| |
| Here are the Dont's of this fight.. |
| |
| 1/ DON't forget to switch the controller slots. |
| 2/ DON't forget to equip the thermal goggles at all times. |
| 3/ DON't bother trying to shoot Mantis when he swings the items |
| around the room like a hurricane, wait for it subside. |
| 4/ DON't let Meryl die |
| |
| As soon as the boss battle begins you should take out the controller |
| from the first player slot and put it in the second player slot if |
| you haven't done that already, after that a second or two into the |
| boss battle the screen will go black and the word HIDEO will come |
| on the screen for a brief while. Then it will disappear. If the word |
| appears that means your doing it just right. Now you will be able |
| to face the boss without him avoiding your every move. |
| |
| Otherwise if you fight him normally then he will dodge your every |
| single move and you'll become frustrated very quickly. With this |
| trick though, you'll have an easier time. Also you should equip the |
| thermal goggles for this boss fight since you will be able to see |
| Mantis even when he becomes invisible. Now onto the fighting. |
| |
| Basically, I use the Socom for this battle, fire a round into him |
| a nd wait until he stops blinking and fire another round into him. |
| You should keep track of him thanks to the thermal goggles. But if |
| for some reason you dont have them then you can still track him if |
| he goes invisible. Just press the first person view mode and you |
| will switch over to Mantis's vision, which should help you to some |
| extent in finding out where's he at. Then aim and fire at him. |
| |
| During the fight he will often hurl objects at you using his mind |
| power, which shouldn't be too hard to avoid. It gets a little more |
| annoying when he calls too little things and makes them attack you |
| repeatedly, in that case all you can do is run away from them. Make |
| sure you pop one into Mantis every other time causing his health bar |
| to go down rapidly. |
| |
| When you've caused him a substancial amount of damage Mantis will |
| wonder why he couldn't read your mind, but then he realizes what |
| Snake's weakness is and summons Meryl. He then forces Meryl to try |
| and shoot herself. At this time you must quickly punch Meryl to |
| knock her out like before. If you dont do that she will blow her |
| brains out and its game over. Once you've knocked her out again |
| Mantis will damn near lose his mind and quickens the attacks. |
| |
| Now continue like before and Mantis should be dead pretty soon. |
| |
| If your playing the PC version of the game and also have a gamepad |
| connected then the game will detect that and will do the same thing |
| as the PSX version and you will have to switch to the keyboard in |
| order to make the Mantis fight easier. But on the other hand if you |
| don't have any gamepads installed and are playing the game using |
| just the keyboard then the battle will be easy to begin with and the |
| game will not require any sort of control changes. |
After the fight is over you will see another lengthy scene in which Mantis
shows his better side and ends up helping Snake and Meryl by telling them
what they have to do after this part of the game, and he also reveals the
hidden exit out of the Commander's room.
Once the talking is done take the secret exit that Mantis revealed for you
and head in it. Climb down the little stairs but before heading through the
door check the area on the side of the stairs for some more ammo and one
ration. Take all these and exit through the door on the north.
You will come out to the open.
Once you reach the new area Snake and Meryl will comment on the wolf dog
voices they're hearing in this area. Then Meryl runs off and you have to
continue yourself. From the start of this area go up and crawl under the
grating. You'll come to an open area with wolves in it. These wolves are
going to attack you so you have to avoid them or throw a stun grenade to
momentarily stun them giving you the time to get out of the area. Since
its a dark place you might want to equip either the Thermal goggles or
the Night vision goggles to see better.
After crawling under the ledge, run up north and stick to the right side,
and go right when you can, after that go down when you can. Throw a stun
grenade or two to distract the dogs. Once you've reached the south part
of this side you'll see two further crawling spaces, one in the south
corner and one heading off to the right. The south one has a couple of
stun grenades in it. Ignore that one and take the one to the right. You
will come to an open area.
Run a bit forward and you will meet up with Meryl again who is waiting
for you by the gate leading to the next area. She'll comment on Snake's
attitute towards the dogs. When your in control take the ration next to
the gate heading further and head through it when your ready.
-----------------| MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE WOLVES |-----------------
| This following trick can come in really handy for you at times. If |
| your a bastard then go ahead and punch Meryl, she will blow a whistle |
| and the wolves will attack you draining a small part of your health, |
| but we being sneaky and all figured a way around it. Punch Meryl once |
| then quickly hide inside either one of the boxes from your item menu. |
| She will blow the whistle but the dog won't be able to attack you, |
| instead it will take a piss on your box. From now on when ever your |
| in this area equip the pissed on box and the wolves will consider you |
| as one of their own and not attack. |
Now you will come out in another big wide open area. But before you can go
any further Meryl will stop you and tell you that the place is mined. When
Psycho Mantis tapped into her mind she was able to see where the mines are
placed. Meryl will then walk across the area leaving behind footsteps for
Snake to follow. She will clear the field successfully.
But its much easier to just crawl across the area to avoid the mines. Once
you reach Meryl another scene begins. Some one is aiming at her with what
looks like a sniper rifle and suddenly Meryl is shot three times by this
unseen sniper. But none of the shots is critical and hits her in her legs
and arms. This person is an excellent sniper. Snake realizes that he can't
face the sniper unless he has a rifle himself so he has to leave a bloody
and injured Meryl and escape the area to find a Sniper rifle. Luckily Otacon
tells him that there is a sniper rifle in the Armory way back in the hanger.
Now we have to go back all the way to the Armory way back in the Hanger. At
the wolves area equip the box that they pissed on to avoid being attacked
by them. In the Nuke Building B1 area quickly rush to the elevator since
you'll be able to make it without any one noticing you. In the 1st floor
of the Nuke Building avoid the guard and run down the left side, down the
stairs and head to the big gate.
In the open mine field, stick to the left or right side of the field, equip
the Thermal goggles or the mine detector for easier navigation and enter
the tank hanger again. Luckily no more wires here for now so quickly go
over to the elevator and take it to B2, the armory of the hanger.
In the armory, check your radar, you will notice one guar patrolling out
near the door of the small room in the top left row. That is the room in
which the sniper rifle is. Quietly kill the guard using the Socom and go
inside the room. The sniper rifle is in the back but there are a couple
of lasers here as well. So crouch down and take the sniper rifle without
alerting the guards or tripping the wires. Afterwards proceed back all
the way to where Meryl was shot at.
There shouldn't be any significant changes on your trip back either but
once you return back to the place you'll notice that Meryl is no longer
there, but her blood is still there. The sniper is also still there and
you have to duel with her. Sniper Wolf.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : SNIPER WOLF |-------------------
| This is a very unique sniper vs sniper fight. Not an easy one if your |
| not good with aiming and especially not good if you don't have any of |
| those Diazepan items. You should have found some Diazepan in one of |
| the rooms in the Office area of the nuke building. Anyway, before you |
| start the fight face the front side so you dont waste half an hour in |
| turning the sniper rifle and use a Diazepan on yourself and equip the |
| PSG 1 Sniper rifle. |
| |
| Here are the DONT's of this fight. |
| |
| 1/ Don't shoot unless you have a clear shot. |
| 2/ Don't waste your Diazepan too quickly. |
| 3/ Don't take a long time in aiming since Sniper Wolf doesn't. |
| 4/ Don't try to shoot her multiple times. You can only shoot her |
| once at a time and wait for her to stop blinking before you can |
| shoot her again. |
| |
| If your low on sniper rifle ammo then there's a pack on the left and |
| right of the screen, and if you run out of ammo during the battle the |
| pack on the left keeps regenerating. So you can breath a sigh for now |
| |
| As soon as the battle starts, use a Diazepan and aim steadily at her, |
| you should see her aiming at you or running and hiding behind pillars |
| the best time to shoot her is when she's aiming at you but don't take |
| a long time since she has pretty accruate shooting skills and she is |
| not going to miss you. |
| |
| You can also get a shot in her if you catch her running. That is |
| very hard to do since the sniper scope doesn't move that fast to |
| catch up to a person. |
| |
| Overall this is one of the easier boss fights and you really should |
| not have any problems with it. The only concern is that a shot from |
| Sniper wolf takes a good chunk of your health out and it also moves |
| your sniper scope so you have to re adjust your aiming again. Which |
| totally sucks. |
Even though she screams as if she's dead, believe me Sniper wolf is not
even after this boss fight. So as soon as the fight is over, start running
to the north of this huge area. Once you reach the tower where Sniper wolf
was go to the second floor taking note of the blood spots and take the box
of PSG 1 ammo from there. Also check under the tower to find a ration. And
some more ammo on the area to the left of the tower.
To the right of the small tower is a door, run towards it but before you
can enter it a scene begins and Snake is ambushed by some guards. Sniper
Wolf also makes an appearance and she leaves the mark of death on Snake's
face before one of the guards knocks him out with his gun. Snake see's in
a subconscious state that he's being dragged away from that area.
-------------------| PISS OFF THE COLONEL |-----------------------
| This is a very funny thing to do. When you've beaten Sniper Wolf stay |
| there and aim at the tower where she was with the Sniper rifle, on |
| the metal pipes of the tower you'll notice some rats going back and |
| forth. Shoot the rats with the sniper rifle and after a couple of |
| them the colonel will call you in and angrily tell you to stop doing |
| that and proceed on with the mission. |
Now begins another lengthy series of scenes. Snake will wake up on a bed,
a torture bed actually and he will over hear some of the conversation
between Ocelot and Liquid Snake before they finally realize that he is up.
After that his bed is straightened and Snake finally comes face to face
with Liquid Snake for the first time. He looks remarkably like the hero
Snake besides the blonde hair.
Pretty soon Sniper wolf will enter the area too, and after some chatting
Liquid Snake and Sniper wolf will leave you with Ocelot and its time for
his interogation. Which means a fun little mini game called Survive the
brutal torture. He will tell you a couple of the details, like press the
action button to survive, and if you die there is no continue. Its game
over for you. He also warns you not to use a turbo controller since he
will know about it.
-------------------| SURVIVING THE TORTURE |-----------------------
| This is without a doubt the most important location in the game as |
| what you do in this sequence will determine what ending you get at |
| the end of the game. Surviving the torture succesfully will give |
| you the good ending and giving up and submitting to Ocelot will be |
| rewarded by the bad ending. |
| |
| Surviving the torture is simple enough, you just mash the action key |
| as fast as you can to make sure your health bar doesn't finsish |
| before the time runs out. If you press the Select key then you will |
| give up and Ocelot wins. |
| |
| Although Ocelot says he'll know if you use the turbo controller for |
| cheating, i've read on many places that it doesn't do anything and |
| you can use a auto controller to cheat through this area easily. |
| |
| The torture will have three parts. Each time the time bar will be |
| increased slightly and you'll have to press the buttons harder to |
| keep Snake alive through it. After three shocks Ocelot will think |
| its enough for now and you'll be sent to your cell. |
When you reach the cell another scene begins, Snake will notice that there
is a corpse in his sell. Its the DARPA chief's body and its decomposing
already. Snake receives a call from the Colonel and a lengthy talk begins
in which Snake talks about his past with Naomi.
Also, call Otacon and inform him of your situation, he'll say that he's
heading for your area now. But he won't be there quickly engouh as in some
time you will be called back for a second torture. Since we're hopefully
going for the good ending we'll have to endure this one as well. Do what
we did the last time and all should be fine.
Now its time to escape.
When you come back from the torture a second time, keep an eye on the
guard patrolling outside your cell. Pretty soon he'll feel some pain in
his stomach and will run off to the toilet. Soon after that Otacon will
arrive, still cloaked and decloak next to the cell door and call you. Run
towards the cell door to trigger the scene. Otacon can't free you bue he
will give you a Level 6 card, some ketchup and Sniper wolf's scented
scarf to hold by. Then before the guard comes he bails off.
Now you can do one of the two things in order to escape the cell. The
guard is coming back from the cell and you don't have much time to decide.
The first trick is simple, lay down on the ground and use the Ketchup that
Otacon just brought for you, Snake will squirt it around himself, when the
guard enter's he think Snake's dead and enter's the cell to check on him.
Quickly get up and kill him.
Note that if you move even a little bit during this time the guard will
see you and you'll be busted.
The second method is a bit simpler, hide under the bed in the cell before
the guard arrives. He'll come and not find Snake in the cell. He opens
the cell door to check inside, quickly get out and kill the guard before
he gets out and closes the cell again. Either way you should be free now.
Exit the door which takes you back to the torture device room. Take the
box floating here to receive all of your items back. If you survived all
of Ocelot's tortures then check your item menu right now. There should be
a bomb in there placed by Ocelot, get rid of it by pressing the action
button on it. Afterwards the colonel will contact you and Snake will vow
revenge on Ocelot.
-------------------| HIDDEN ESCAPING METHOD |----------------------
| Most people don't know about this method since they dont want to go |
| through the torture sequence this many number of times. For this you |
| will have to pass the torture sequence five times. Yes FIVE times. |
| After you pass it the fifth time the ninja will come in and kill the |
| guard and open the cell for you to escape. |
| |
| The plus side of this method is that once you take your items back |
| all your ammo will be restored on full capacity. Cool. |
After collecting all your items again head outside via the door on the
right wall, watch out for the camera there as some times people don't see
it. Once out the door you'll realize that your in a familiar place. This
is the hallway outside the elevator in floor B1 of the Tank Hanger.
Our Objective now is to make it all the way back to the place where we
fought Sniper wolf. Although there have been no significant changes in
the path there are still two side trips that we can make to get two items
which we will benefit from a lot.
------------------| SECRET ITEM : THE CAMERA |------------------
| Now that we have the level 6 card courtey of Otacon, we can open all |
| the doors in this base and the Nuke Building. This is one of those |
| fun to have in your inventory items. To get the camera, go back to |
| the armory of the Tank Hanger, and go through the wall hole as if we |
| were going to the place where we fought Revolver Ocelot. But remember |
| there was an additional place to put the C4 in on the right wall, it |
| was right next to the place where we put the bomb to reveal the area |
| where Kenneth Baker was held. Blow that area up now with the C4. If |
| you don't have any then take it from the rooms in the armory itself. |
| |
| Now you will come out in a little hallway, there are two gun cams in |
| this place, one at the north end and one at the south end, and also |
| two doors, both locked with level 6. Open those doors after using a |
| chaff grenade to disrput the gun camera's. Each of the two doors has |
| a gun camera inside it as well so you'll need to be quick. One door |
| woill have a bunch of stun and chaff grenades, and the other one has |
| the Camera in it. Take it. |
| |
| NOTE : You can take pictures of anything from the camera using it as |
| if you were viewing through the Scope you have. Remember that each |
| picture takes one block on your memory card so dont waste it. |
| |
| NOTE FOR PC VERSION : All of you who have the PC version, dont hold |
| back on using the camera since it takes very little space on your PC |
| hard drive and the pictures are neatly stacked. So get on. |
| |
| Also, the camera will be in your inventory in the next game too but |
| only if you found it once in the main game. |
-----------------| SECRET ITEM : THE BODY ARMOR |------------------
| This isn't really a secret item and you can find a body armor later |
| in the game too but that is very late in the game and here you are |
| able to find one pretty early on. So, when your in the NUKE building |
| take the elevator to floor B2 and go down the gassy hallway as if we |
| were going to Otacon's lab. But turn left at the intersection to the |
| hall where we moved as the Nikita Missile. |
| |
| Go left till you reach an open area with a couple of gun cameras and |
| a bunch of doors above you. One of the doors here will be locked by |
| a Level 6 pad. Go in it to find the Body armor. When equipped, this |
| baby will reduce the amount of damage that Snake sustains. Really is |
| handy during boss fights. |
| |
| Also, check around the rest of this area as well to find the various |
| ammo for different weaponry of yours. |
Oh and just let me add one more thing. When your passing through the wolf
area equip Sniper Wolf's scarf and the wolves will go soft on you, they
wont hurt you even if you kill them or punch them. That's because Sniper
Wolf is the only person in FOX hound who takes care of the wolves, and
they like her too.
After you've taken the items and are ready to proceed on with the story.
Head back to where we fought Sniper Wolf. Once you reach the passageway
Snake will stop and have a flashback of Meryl, where she was shot. Also
your contacted by your Codec team and they try to make Snake feel good.
Once your ready, proceed on to the other side of this large area andg go
to the door we were trying to enter before we were caught. Now that you
have the right card, enter that door. Now you'll enter another straight
hallway. Go ahead and turn left. Run down the end of the hallway and go
through the door. You will be spotted by a Camera's and Snake will note
that there are guards coming from behind him.
Quickly take out the FA MAS and kill these first two guards right here
afterward, pick up the Rope item and the pack of stun grenades near you
and run forward. This is one helluva sequence as you will now run up all
the stairs of this huge tower chased by guards who come from ahead and
behind of you.
Here's a few tips that you should find helpful.
1/ You should never stop and keep running at all times since the guards
will close in from behind you and start shooting.
2/ Keep an eye out in front of you as well since there are guards who
will shoot at you from your front as well.
3/ A tip to make the run easier to remove all weaponry and run bare hand
and when you come up to a solder in front of you press the fire key
to make Snake throw that guy behind you, hopefully knocking out any
approaching guards as well.
4/ If your one of those people who have finished the game once and are
equipped with the Bandana, you can make this trip very easy, either
just keep on throwing stun grenades to get yourself a clear path or
equip the FAMAS and keep firing while running to mow down anyone in
front of you.
Continue to run upwards in the tower with these tips, when you reach
the middle part you will see a door, but it won't open from your side,
Otacon will call in and tell you that it gets jammed due to the ice so
you have to go all the way up to the tower. So go all the way up.
Once you reach the final floor of the tower, the camera will go to a
different angel and you'll see the ladder you can take to the roof of
the tower. But ignore that for now and run to the opposite end of the
top floor of the tower. Here you can find some missiles and a ration.
Now quickly run to the ladder and take it to the top, the guards on
your tail are probably on your ass by now.
Once your up the ladder, go up and through the only door in this small
room, Snake will notice that he is on the roof of the communication
tower A and we need to go to the tower B, the two towers are luckily
joined by a bridge and you need to cross it to reach the other side.
So when your back in control head for the bridge but before you can go
over it a barrage of missiles comes in and blows the bridge, and a big
antena dish into bits. Its Liquid Snake, in a chopper and he's out to
get rid of our hero Snake once and for all. Snake realizes that he is
trapped and needs to find a way to get out of this area quickly.
As soon as your back in control take out the rope item from your item
inventory and head straight up, to the corner of the roof of the tower.
Snake will harness the rope quickly and now you have to repel down the
side of the tower with it. When your back in control the Colonel will
call you and give you a quick briefing on how to repel downards and go
sideways etc etc.
The important thing here is that Liquid will be shooting at you with
the hind D at times and there will be dangerous steam coming out of
some of the pipes, you have to avoid both of them and make it all the
way down before your health runs out. In order to avoid the gun fire
just simply repel further down, and make sure that there is no steam
where your about to land. If there is a steam of gas below you then
wait a second or two for the gas to subside then quickly jump to that
area and jump further down before the gas starts up again.
You should be able to make it all the way down using this method. You
will come on a narrow bridge, which is actually just on the other side
of the door we crossed when in the middle of our run to to top of the
communication tower a little while earlier.
If you want to go back through the door then take out a C4 and put it
on the door, get back a little and detonate it. This should un jam the
door and you will be able to pass through it at will now.
Now, to go ahead. First check where you landed and you will find one
ration and some missiles or ammo. Before you think or crossing this
narrow bridge in front of you, you should know there are guards on the
other side who can shoot you from there, but you can't. Meaning that
you cannot pass ahead until you get rid of them.
So take out the Sniper rifle, and take some medicine to calm Snake and
kill those three guards from where you are. Each should take two hits
from the rifle. Otherwise use the Nikita missile to get rid of them.
Once they're dead, run forward to where they were, but before you get
to the end of the bridge Liquid pops up again and shoots at you, avoid
him completely and turn left. Go to the end of the bridge and enter the
door at the end. In this small room do NOT forget to take the STINGER
MISSILE LAUNCHER and some ammo for it.
Pass through the small door here to reach a new area.
Your in the middle of communication tower B now. Before anything, you
must turn right and go down all the floors of the tower as possible.
But you will see that the stairs are broken in the middle of a floor
so this is out of the question.
Go back to the floor we started in this tower from, and go down the
screen this time, you'll notice an elevator here but it won't work
either. So now we have to go to the roof of this tower to finish the
battle with Liquid once and for all. By the way, did I forget to tell
you that you'll run into Otacon here too
From the elevator go right and you'll see stairs leading up, but this
time there's no guards following you. You will see some gun camera's
mounted on the walls every few floors and they increase in number on
each location. In order to get past them throw a chaff grenade just
as your about to reach the gun's so they are distracted and you can
go past them safely.
Once you reach the top of the stairs take the ladder up like tower A
and enter the door up top to reach the roof of this tower. Snake and
Liquid come face to face now, or rather face to chopper. After a chat
scene its time for the boss fight.
--------------| BOSS BATTLE : LIQUID iN HIND D |----------------
| This, in my opinion is one of the easier fights if your a good hider |
| and can quickly aim and fire at the chopper with the Stinger missile .|
| A little note that you can not fight this battle with anything other |
| then the stinger missile. So you know exactly what to equip. |
| |
| Here are the basic DONT's of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON't attempt to fight without the stinger, you'll fail. |
| 2/ DON't stay in the open too long since he'll chop you up. |
| 3/ DON't stay on the lower end of the roof, its better to |
| stay in the top area with the big block structure to hide behind. |
| 4/ DON't fire the stinger unless the target box gets red. Fire any |
| other time and your missile is wasted. |
| |
| Right from the start of the battle, if you picked up the body armor |
| earlier then equip it. See that block like structure in the middle |
| of the top part of the roof, thats what we're going to hide behind |
| for the most part of this fight. The radar is very important in the |
| battle since you'll be able to find out exactly where the chopper is. |
| |
| When your ready to fire, get out of the covering, make sure your not |
| too close to anything as your missile can damage you pretty badly if |
| it miss fires. Then aim at the chopper until the target box gets red |
| and fire the missile. Then quickly hide behind the box again since |
| Liquid will most definetly start shooting at you once he's hit. |
| |
| The Hind has a couple of hit zones, so you shouldn't have a hard time |
| aiming at the chopper itself. The hard thing about this battle is the |
| gun on the chopper as it causes really quick multiple damage. If your |
| aiming at the hind and he starts shooting at you, forget the shot for |
| now and concentrate on hiding. |
| |
| If your short on missiles, then you can find another pack in the area |
| where the broken bridge should have joined this tower, lower right |
| hand corner of the area. There's a ration on the roof too. |
| |
| Once you hit him enough he will get back and you will see a little |
| scene of Liqiud firing a missile from his chopper. When he does that |
| you should definetly stay behind the box structure to be safe, the |
| missile will hit the lower parts of the roof and it can cause quiet |
| a lot of damage if your hit. After this scene continue like before. |
| |
| When the hind is almost finished Liquid will start hiding his hind in |
| the lower corners of the roof, you will be able to see it but you can |
| not do anything about it if its below you. You will know this part as |
| the boss music will also fade out. Then the chopper will suddenly |
| emerge from the shadows and start shooting. At this time quickly hide |
| or shoot the chopper with your missile. |
| |
| When the chopper health finishes, liquid will go back and fire one |
| more missile at the roof, but this one can't damage you so stand |
| where ever you like. After the missile is fired, the chopper starts |
| to malfunction and falls down with Liquid in it. This battle is done. |
Once the battle is finished you will get a call from Otacon who tells you
that the elevator in the tower has mysteriously started working again and
that Snake should use it now.
From the roof, if you didnt take it before, take the ration and make your
way back down to the floor with the elevator on it. Use Chaff grenades on
the turrets to make your path easier and once you get down to the floor
with the elevator use it.
Once in the elevator, first the weight limit bell will go off, then Snake
will get a call from Otacon who tells him that some one stole his four
stealth prototype devices and those some one are in the elevator with our
hero at this time. Now a frantic battle begins. There are four soldiers
in the elevator with you using the stealth device that Otacon uses and we
have to kill them.
Equip the thermal goggles to see them easier, but you'll be able to spot
them easily enough without it since they move a lot. The best method to
take on them is the FA MAS. But you can also choke and break their necks
for quicker more efficient kills.
Either way, once you kill the four soliders the elevator will come to the
bottom floor and you can proceed on with the story. Once off the elevator
head left and behind the stairs area to find some more ammo. Once taken go
back to the elevator area and enter the small door on the south wall to
the right of the elevator. There are gun cams in this area so you might
want to throw a chaff grenade just in case.
In this room, run south and enter the door to the left, continue on this
path and enter the door at the very end of the passage to exit to a snow
field where the next boss battle awaits.
In the snow field, run forward and you'll see via the sniper scope that
Sniper Wolf is aiming at Snake, now we have to finish her one more time
in order to proceed. You will have a long codec chat with Otacon during
which Wolf butts in as well. After the chat is finished the battle begins.
----------------| BOSS BATTLE : SNIPER WOLF II |------------------
| You have to fight Sniper wolf again, but this time the battle is much |
| harder as your in a big snow field and she can attack you from diff |
| erent directions to make your life miserable. First off you can do |
| this battle with either the PSG 1 Sniper rifle or the Nikita missiles |
| for some efficient fighting. |
| |
| Here are the basic DONT's of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON't stay in the open, get to the corner ASAP. |
| 2/ DON't waste your Diazepan unless you know exactly where she is. |
| 3/ DON't hesitate in using the nikita missiles. |
| |
| Once the battle begins, you can either stand where you are and start |
| aiming for her with the Sniper rifle or if you have a bunch of Nikita |
| missile's left then you can follow a very sneakier method. From the |
| start quickly go right and hide behind the elevator ledge in that end |
| of the room. You should find some ammo there as well. |
| |
| Now, from there, Wolf will not be able to hit you as long as you are |
| behind the elevated ledge. So, equip the Nikita missile and fire one |
| shot, switch into first person view mode so you can see exactly where |
| Wolf is hiding, the detector on the missile will show Wolf as a box |
| even if she's in the dark area {I-E too far to see normally} so you |
| can easily steer the missile right into her. |
| |
| Keep in mind that the missile cant magically go over elevated ledges |
| so you need to find paths for the missile to go up. Also, dont hit |
| anything else in the way and concetrate on hitting wolf directly. |
| The missile also has its own fuel limit so be quick in your shooting. |
| |
| With this method it really shouldn't take a long time to beat her and |
| you won't be loosing much of your health either. But if you want to |
| save the missiles or you just dont have any, then you have no other |
| choice but to fight her sniper on sniper. In that scenario, take a |
| Diazepan and aim quickly, first spot where she is, then run away a |
| little bit from where you were since she's probably aiming at you |
| as well. Then re aim and fire at her. Note that even though you can |
| see her arms and legs when she's hiding behind a tree, you will not |
| be able to hit her unless she aims at you herself, or is running to |
| a different location. Pretty soon she'll be dead and its over. |
After the fight is over you'll see probably the most emotional scene in the
entire game, Otacon arrives just in time to see Snake setting the love of
his life, Sniper Wolf, 'free'. Otacon asks Snake why we all fight and Snake
replies that he'll tell him later.
After the scene is over and your back in control, check the area around you
and you'll realize your in a snow field with a lot of doors around you, on
the left and right and on the north end also.
First check the rooms in the left and right corners to find various ammo
grenades missiles and such, then check the north doors. The one on the
right side is locked with a level 7 lock. We can't go in there right now.
But the other one is accessible. So go through the only other door in the
northern side. Inside you will see two gun cams and a set of stairs going
down on the far side of the room. Throw a chaff grenade to distract the
gun cams and quickly dash down the stairs to end disc 1.
-------------------| USING THOSE BOX ITEMS |----------------------
| The reason why im telling you guys how to use the box so late is that |
| in the snowfield area you should have found the final box, and now you|
| can fully utilize the boxes. The boxes do have other uses rather then |
| being pissed on by wolves ya know lol. See those trucks, there's three|
| trucks in total. One in the initial heliport area, one in the storage |
| area for the dismantled warheads, and one in the snowfield here. Equip|
| the respective area box you want to return to and sit in the truck. In|
| a little while a soldier walks by, spots the box and drives you to the|
| specific area. Box A represents the heliport area, box B represents |
| the Nuke storage Building and box C represents this snowfield. Now you|
| can return to previous area's to regain ammo. |
Disc 2
Now, at the end of the stairs you will come out in the blast furnace of
the facility. Before anything, kill the single guard here and check the
far left area. you'll notice a narrow ledge going to the other side of
the area but there is a crane moving in between which will cause problems.
After you've killed the guard, equip either the stinger or the nikita
missiles and fire two shots at the crane, that should make the crane fall
down clearing the path. There is an elevator to cross over to the other
side as well but thats not working right now. How predictable.
After making the crane fall down, go over to the left side of the area you
are in and stick to the wall, now cross over the narrow catwalk, since the
crane is now destroyed there is nothing blocking your path ahead. Cross to
the other side and reach the other area.
Once here, go north of the screen and you'll see some stairs leading down
to the main floor of the furnace, be cautious as there is sometimes one
guard walking on the stairs. Kill the guard and go down the stairs, you
will see a big door on the north wall right after the stairs and a small
opening in the south wall.
-----------------| SECRET ITEM : THE BODY ARMOR |------------------
| This time getting the body armor will apply only if you didn't take it|
| the first time when possible. In the main floor of the blast furnace|
| go through the little opening at the south of the stairs. You will be|
| in a very high temperature room as the screen starts to get heated up.|
| In this small room, watch out for steam jets coming out of walls, they|
| can hurt you as well. Proceed south then turn left and at the very|
| left crouch down and cross over the pipes into the new area. |
| |
| Now you will come out in the main furnace floor again, in a different |
| area, there are two gun cam's here, throw a chaff to distract them |
| then quickly take the various ammo here and also take the body armor |
| from the center of the floor. Head back afterwards. |
Head through the big north door to enter the new area.
In this new area run forward and you'll see that the big cargo elevator is
coming up to your floor, so take the time to collect the ammo packs around
this area before the elevator arrives at your floor. Once the elevator is
stopped go to the control panel in the right hand corner and press on it
with the action key. Snake will start the elevator.
But before the elevator can go wrong, a couple of guards spot Snake and
jump onto the elevator as well. Now we have to kill them quickly. Equip
the FA MAS to kill them quicker or if your good enough you can either
throw them off the railing of the elevator or punch combo them over it.
This battle is sort of hard as these soldiers take a lot of bullets.
Once you've killed them the elevator will reach its destination. At this
time throw a chaff grenade and quickly head for the right side of the
screen where you'll see another similar elevator, we threw the grenade
because there's a gun cam right in our way. Start this second elevator
now and prepare to go down.
On your way down you will get a long and interesting codec call. Listen
to it well. Once the elevator ride ends you will come out in a frozen
like area with a bunch of crows flying around in it. There is a big door
at the north end but dont go in it straight away. Check the area behind
the containers to find some missiles and a ration. Once your ready enter
the big door.
Inside, Snake meets Vulcan Raven again, only this time he's on his feet
and you have to fight him mano e mano.
--------------| BOSS BATTLE : VULCAN RAVEN |----------------
| This is your final encounter with this behemoth of a man and its a |
| fight to death this time. Raven will be equipped with a mammoth |
| mini gun and he won't hesitate in stomping holes in Snake with it. |
| Also, raven has a huge field of vision so he will be able to spot |
| you from any corner of the ware house, so you should take cover. |
| |
| Here are the basic dont's of this fight. |
| |
| 1/ DON't get in front of Raven, stay behind him or hidden. |
| 2/ DON't try to finish him using hand to hand moves. Won't work. |
| 3/ DON't use small arms like FAMAS or Socom on him, won't work. |
| 4/ DON't stay around after firing a missile at him since he'll |
| immediately look at you after that. |
| |
| Okey, in this fight your going to use only the missiles, either the |
| Stinger missiles or the Nikita missiles. You shouldn't have a lot of |
| Stingers on you by this time so use them wisely and carefully. |
| |
| Raven will be patrolling around the warehouse in all directions and |
| he'll often turn around quickly to check his rear side. What you do |
| is not get in front of him or he'll mow you down. The best method of |
| taking on him is by hiding behind the containers and firing when he's |
| got his back turned to your side, so you can shoot from behind. |
| |
| With the Stinger missile, wait for Vulcan to run ahead of where ever |
| your standing so his back will be at you, then quickly come out of |
| hiding and fire a missile at him, quickly un equip the stinger and |
| get back behind a container. Hopefully the missile will make contact. |
| |
| With the Nikita missile, like before make sure his back is turned at |
| you but since you can control the Nikita missile, you can navigate |
| around corners as well if you accidentally miss him. But dont forget |
| to keep an eye on the radar, you don't want Raven to spot Snake while |
| your out controlling the missile, cause that'll be really bad for you.|
| |
| One more thing you should remember using the nikita, try not to make |
| the missile move much since it slows down if you change its direction |
| and vulcan raven can shoot your missiles down with his machine gun. |
| Which is also another reason we don't attack him up front, since you |
| will just end up wasting your missiles. Remember, if Vulcan is right |
| in front of you, let the nikita go straight, it will detect if the |
| missile is near it and turn around, but get hit with it any way. |
| |
| You can also play sneaky in this fight and use C4 or mines to set |
| traps in the path he walks on. The C4 does a good deal of damage to |
| him and you might want to use this method slightly more often. |
| |
| When his health bar gets smaller he starts to get more annoyed and he |
| moves around quicker and turns around more often to look behind. You |
| should continue the above given methods and soon he'll be finished. |
Once this fight is over, Raven will reveal some very important story plots
to you and before he dies he will hand over a level 7 card to you as well.
Well, atleast he did something good once. After his scenes are over you
will immediately get another codec call from the Master.
Once the talking is done you'll have the level 7 card and now we can go
anywhere we like. So proceed through the big door at the north end of the
warehouse and go through. You will come out in a new area. Here equip the
thermal goggles to see two trap doors on the floor in front of you. Don't
forget to take the Chaff grenade from your left and proceed a little more
into the room. When you come to an open area you'll notice hundreds of
gun camera's everywhere. So quickly throw a chaff grenade and make a run
for the door in the other corner of the room. Ignore the part to the right
of the door with the stairs unless you want some extra missiles.
---------------| GETTING THE MINE DETECTOR AGAIN |---------------
| If for some reason you forgot to take the mine detector very early on|
| in the game then you can find another mine launcher on the area to the|
| right of the door that you have to go through,there are some stairs on|
| that side and if you climb up those you will find a mine detector and |
| a couple of more missiles for the taking. |
In the new area, run straight forward and Snake will finally come face to
face with the Metal Gear. Looking pretty much completed. After the scene
go straight then turn right and go to the upper right portion of the area
to find a ladder leading up towards the Metal Gear. There are some stairs
leading down into some sewer water here as well but ignore that for now,
When your about to climb the ladder you'll get a call from Otacon. Take it
then climb up the ladder.
Here, either go around the catwalk to find some items, or go up north the
screen to find the next ladder. in the third area go around the cat walk
again to find some ammo or take the ladder which takes you to the roof of
the Metal Gear. Cross over it and drop on the other side of the cat walk.
Now just run across this catwalk, there's a guard here so watch out for
him. At the end of the catwalk you'll see a control room. Enter it.
Now you'll see a scene in which Snake realizes that Liquid is still alive
and well, even after that hind D crash. Otacon explains to Snake how to
use the PAL keycard during this scene and it ends with Ocelot knocking
the card out of Snake's hand and into the water down below.
After the scene is over, the guards would have been alerted and there is
nothing you can do about liquid and ocelot for the time being so ignore
them and quickly head back to where the ladder were. Take out any guard
that blocks your way and make it to the ladders.
Take the ladders all the way to the first floor of the Metal Gear room
and take the stairs down into the muddy water, we need to find the PAL
key card quickly. Note that you will loose your health very slowly if
you stay in the water for too long.
Now, you won't be able to see any thing in the water so equip the mine
detector which doubles as a metal detector and you should see a couple
of red blimps on your radar. Note that you can accidentally pick up a
bomb in these waters as well, so if that happens throw it out of your
inventory ASAP. You may also find some other items in here but we're
here just for the card.
If you don't find the card using the metal detector quickly then that
means that a rat must have swallowed it, you will get a call from
Master if that happens and he'll tell you what to do in that case.
Keep your eye on the radar and you will spot a moving red blimp in
the piping system, keep track of it and you'll notice its a rat, wait
for it to come out into open then shoot its ass to get the card back.
How a rat is able to eat a card is beyond me.
Once you hopefully have your card back go back all the way up to the
control room where you spotted Liquid and Ocelot, they won't be here
now but we dont care about them. Throw a chaff grenade before you go
inside this room as there are two security camera's in there and if
your spotted they'll lock the room down and gas it.
Once inside the room, check the first of the three computers with the
PAL card equipped. You will see a scene now. Now we need to cool the
key down. How do we do that ? We do it in the warehouse.
If you dont know what to do then you can always ask your Codec team,
they'll tell you where you have to go as well. Anyway, we now have
to cool the card down and the closest we can do that is in the ware
house we just killed Vulcan Raven in. So get out of the control room
and get back all the way down to the first floor of the Metal Gear.
From here, go back to the room with the hundreds of gun camera's. Use
a chaff to clear your path and watch out for the pits while entering
the raven warehouse.
Something i forgot to mention before was that you can find more ration
and missiles on the sides of the warehouse so while your here take all
of those things. Now, un equip the PAL card if you've got it on you
and just stand in one corner of the place for a little while. Check on
your inventory from time to time. You'll know when the card is cool.
When the card becomes blue and the logo on it changes, quickly go to
the gun camera room, then back to the metal gear room and head for
the control room quickly since if you waste time with the card it
will go back to its original state and you will have to cool it all
over again. Once in the control room, use the card on the middle PC.
Now just one more thing to do.
After using the cold key, we now have to warm the key up, and since
we're in Alaska, there's only one place i can think of. The big bad
Blast furnace. So start making your way all the way back through the
area's to the Blast furnace.
Note though that the Vulcan Raven warehouse will now be patrolled by
guards and on your way back you will receive another call from Master
on your Codec. Watch out for the gun camera when switching Elevators
and when your up to the Blast furnace its best that you go in that
little steam room directly to the south of the cargo elevator entrace.
In the steam room, find a corner, equip the card and sit tight. Check
on the card every little while, first it will go back to the normal
temperature mode then after a little while it will turn Red and its
logo will change again. Now that the card is heated up, we need to be
really quick since the cold weather can change it quickly.
Keep the card equipped and close to your body at all times so that it
doesn't go cold quickly and make your way back to the Metal Gear area.
Along the way, you'll get a very long and emotional Codec session and
things start to add up.
Once your near the Metal Gear Control room don't forget to save your
game and enter the control panel and use the final card on the final
computer. Its all over now.
Or is it ?
Snake doesn't know what he's done as he finds out that he's a part of
a very elaborate scheme and he accidentally helped Liquid and Ocelot
by starting up the Metal Gear for them. Master Miller calls you and
you finally learn how the terrorists knew everything, since Miller IS
liquid snake in disguide.
After the scenes are over, you will be trapped in the control room and
it will start filling up with gas. Quickly call Otacon from the codec
and he will shut the gas down in a little while, equip the gas mask as
Otacon does his work and when the gas is out and the door opens back up
you'll see a glimpse of Liquid running in the distance. Follow him.
Another series of scenes starts in which Liquid reveals to Snake that
he and Snake are infact twin brothers and that they're both the sons
of Big Boss. After some more talking Liquid suddenly makes a break for
the Metal Gear and enters it. The entire area begins to rise and Snake
and Liquid are taken to a huge empty ware house like area. Now its you
against a huge Metal Gear.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : METAL GEAR REX |-----------------
| PART I |
| ------ |
| |
| The first part of this boss fight is not that difficult, neither is |
| the second part for that matter, but here we go. For this stage of |
| the fight your main target is the radome plate on Rex's shoulder. |
| His left shoulder to be a bit more specific. You can not hurt Rex |
| at any other place at this time in the battle. |
| |
| Here are the basic DONT's of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON't stand still as he'll hit missiles at you. |
| 2/ DON't get too close to him, he'll try to stomp on you. |
| 3/ DON't use any other weaponry besides the Stinger missiles, |
| since nothing else is powerful enough to hurt him. |
| 4/ DON't fire off missiles rapidly, wait for the red target |
| box to appear again before firing the second missile. |
| |
| This battle can be very easy if you have a couple of chaff grenades |
| on you before the fight, as soon as the fight starts REX roars and |
| charges at you. Throw a chaff grenade to confuse it momentarily and |
| hit the radome on his shoulder at least 2 times. When REX is back in |
| order it will launch missiles at you, to avoid the missiles just run |
| right towards rex and you'll be safe from them. |
| |
| If you get too close to him, he'll attack with a machine gun, to |
| avoid that run away from REX. Also, dont get too close since he's |
| just all that much happy to stomp on you. |
| |
| If you have the body armor with you then equip it ASAP, and this |
| fight will be a tad bit easier. Overall this isnt a hard fight and |
| will quickly be over. After you've damaged it enough a scene begins. |
| |
| Grey Fox comes in to rescue Snake just as he's about to be pounded |
| and manages to knock off the radome dish completely opening up the |
| mouth of REX revealing Liquid inside it. But unfortunately even Fox |
| isnt strong enough to survive REX and gets seriously injured. |
| |
| When FOX is talking and you are back in aiming mode, Snake will not |
| be able to fire at either FOX or REX because he doesn't want to hit |
| Fox accidentally. But unfortunately Liquid is not that kind and he |
| crushes Fox with REX, killing him. |
| |
| |
| ------- |
| |
| Now its personal. Liquid has gone too far. Fortunately Grey fox did |
| what he said he would, the rex mouth is now open and you have a new |
| target to fire at, liquid himself. Also the metal gear will not move |
| during this stage of the fight. |
| |
| The basic DONT's of this battle are the same as part I. |
| |
| In this stage of the fight, like before the rex will shoot out guns |
| missiles and if your a little close to it, it will use the same blue |
| laser it used to cut fox's legs in the previous scene. If you want to |
| buy yourself some time throw a Stun grenade to distract Liquid for a |
| small time, take that time to hit him in the cockpit of the rex two |
| times. This battle will be similar to the first one and you should be |
| able to finish Liquid quickly enough. |
After the big boss fight is finally over, you'll see another series of some
great scenes in which Snake gets caught by Liquid who surprisingly escaped
the Metal gear blasts without taking serious injuries. Liquid reveals a lot
of gene related information to Solid Snake. He also reveals that Meryl may
or may not be alive.
After all the chatting and a disappointing conversation on the Codec, its
time for the final fight. Liquid unties Snake's hands and wants to do one
on one battle with him. Liquid has tied a bomb near Meryl and the timer is
set for three minutes. If Snake wins he might still be able to save her.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : LIQUID SNAKE |-------------------
| |
| This is it. The battle of fates. Its brother against brother. Both the|
| brothers will be on the roof of the destroyed Metal Gear Solid, a tied|
| up Meryl is there too but we dont know if she's alive or dead and the |
| worst part is that you only have a three minute time in which you must|
| beat Liquid. |
| |
| Here are the basic don't of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON't stand near Liquid after hitting a punch punch kick combo. |
| 2/ DON't stand near the corners when fighting since you'll slip. |
| 3/ DON't waste time since you have very little. |
| 4/ DON't try to knock Liquid off the side unless his health is |
| completely finished since he takes a lot of time to get back |
| up, and here, time is money. |
| |
| So, in this battle you will have no guns, no rations, and a rapidly |
| fininshing time in which you must beat Liquid. The easiest strategy |
| here is to just hit liquid with a punch punch kick combo then wait |
| for him to get up, then hit him with another combo and repeat the |
| process until his health finihes. |
| |
| Note that when his health bar is almost over he will start doing |
| running charges which are very dangerous since they take a big part |
| out of Snake's health. Try to avoid those. Also, when ever you are |
| able to knock him down, he flips to get up, stay away from him at |
| this point since he'll knock you down with his flipping action too. |
| |
| Also, do try and not get hit by him since his punches are much more |
| damaging then yours are to him. There is a sneaky method to get rid |
| of him quickly though, if your a master of this, try to hit him with |
| just two punches, then wait for half a second and quickly tap the |
| punch button two times, if your timing is right then Snake will not |
| do the kick and hit Liquid two more times with the punches. |
| |
| If your good at this, you can completely finish his health without |
| even knocking him down once. But this requires a lot of practice. |
| You can make this tip easier on yourself by pressing the pause key |
| after hitting the first two punches, un pausing and pressing the key |
| two more times to hit two more punches. Sneaky. |
| |
| When his health bar finishes, wait for him to be near a corner and |
| then do a full combo to knock him over and down the side of rex. |
| Remember, this battle will not finish until you knock him down the |
| side after his health bar finishes completely. |
Now you will get the biggest spoiler in the entire game, if you submitted to
Ocelot's torture then Snake will discover that Meryl is dead and Otacon will
arrive in the area to help Snake in getting out and he'll be with you in the
ending stages of the game.
If you managed to survive through the torture sequence the Meryl will be all
alive and well. She and Snake will be together for the final stretch of the
game and Otacon will help them from back in the facility.
After the scenes are over and Snake is in prep again you'll see a 9 minute
timer on your head, once your back in control of Snake your partner will go
ahead, dont follow him/her just yet, turn back around and enter the small
door behind you, you will find another ration there. Since you've lost all
items this is the only one you'll have. Now run after your partner and he
or she will get caught by a camera and some guards will rush in.
You need to fight the guards until your partner can start up the jeep, the
best method is to choke out the guards quickly, once your partner manages
to start the jeep ignore them and run for the jeep, once your in it blow
up the barrles next to the blocked path to make the jeep go ahead.
-------------| SURVIVING THE JEEP SEQUENCE FINALE |--------------
| This is it. The final stretch of the game, your in the back seat of a |
| gun mounted jeep and Meryl or Otacon will be driving the jeep. You've |
| got to take out any enemies that pop up. Well technically speaking you|
| won't be facing enemies randomly. The jeep will stop at two checkposts|
| and you will have to kill three guards on each post. After killing the|
| guards blow the barrels next to the posts to clear the path so that |
| your partner can move the jeep further. |
| |
| If your having a hard time aiming them press the first person key to |
| see directly with the gun, this makes aiminig a lot easier. |
| |
| When you pass both the check points, a brief scene happens in which |
| we see that Liquid is STILL alive and he's following you in another |
| jeep. He's got a machine gun in his hand and he'll be shooting at you |
| too so you return the favor. The quicker you shoot Liquid in this |
| sequence the faster the chase scene will end. There is no specific |
| health bar for him during this stage but you should keep on hitting |
| him. Dont hesitate to use the ration if your health goes down since |
| you won't be needing any after this sequence. |
| |
| Once the chase scene is about to end your partner character will see |
| some light at the end of the tunnel but Liquid crashes his jeep into |
| yours and its game over. Now sit back and watch the finale. |
Now sit back and watch the long and well deserved ending sequence of the game
but dont be quick to shut the game down, watch the entire ending credits and
once the credits are over you'll be able to save your game.
If you load this game then you will start from the beginning docks and have
either the camo device Otacon gave you or the limitless bandana Meryl gave
you in the final sequences. Along with the Camera if you took it this time.
This is it, this is the start of Solid Snake's mission. So lets get on with
it now. Start the game, select any difficulty level and watch the opening.
Disc 1
You will start the game by seeing a small scene of snake emerging out of
the water and taking some of his scuba gear off. You will immediately be
contacted by the Colonel after the scene is over, listen to the lengthy
conversation in which he will actually explain to you some of the basic
functions of the game like how to operate the codec and what not. Listen
to him and when he's done, get ready.
From the start, immediately head down back into the water via the stairs
going down and find the ration underwater, now surprisingly Snake runs
underwater as well. After taking this head back up and crouch under that
pipe blocking your way. You will be in an area with containers and just
two guards patroling. For now we dont want to kill or alert anything as
we have a very small health bar.
So, ignore those two guards, and sneak past them and head to the right
hand side of this area. Avoid those water puddles as the noise you make
on them will attract the guards attention. After reaching the right hand
side head all the way up and take the ration behind the fork lift. After
that go near the elevator shaft and you'll be contacted by the Colonel
who tells you to wait for the elevator.
Now, go and hide behind the fork lift again to avoid the guards and wait
for the elevator to arrive. The elevator will arrive shortly but dont go
to it yet as a guard will come out of it. Wait for this new guard to go
away from the elevator then quickly head inside to trigger the next scene.
Now you will watch snake take the rest of his scuba gear off, and finally
the title of the game will appear on the screen. "METAL GEAR SOLID"
Now begins a series of lengthy scenes, in which Snake will first see a
Hind D flying off, afterwards your contacted by the Colonel, and you also
meet Mei Ling for the first time, if you want to save the game she's the
person to call. Her frequency is 140.96. Dont forget it.
Afterwards, Snake will look for possible ways to enter the facility, the
main gate is out of question but there are two ducts which he can use to
enter the area. You'll also be briefed on how your radar system works.
Also, snake tells Naomi that he managed to smuggle out his Cig's, how it
will help him is yet unknown.
--------------------| NIFTY TRICK WITH MEI LING |------------------
| Here's a neat trick, if you want to see a funny scene and piss off Mei|
| Ling then continue to call her without saving the game, she'll tell |
| you to stop it but if you call her about a dozen or so times then she |
| will stick her tongue out at you. There's nothing more to it but its |
| just fun to watch this. |
After the series of scenes is finished and your finally back in control
of Snake. If you want another ration {you can only carry 2 for now} then
run to the left and check the area to find another ration. Afterwards go
right on the snowy area, there's a guard patrolling here, avoid him and
go around the air conditioning unit. There's a set of stairs going up to
the second floor on the top right hand corner but there's a surveillance
camera here. If you want to go past it then stick to the wall right udner
it and sneak past quietly.
Before that, head to the area right above the heli pad and you'll find a
truck parked here. Head in the back and check in the back of this truck
to find your first fire arm. The Socom pistol. Equip it. Afterwards get
out of the truck and choose which floor your going to enter the facility
from. Here's your options...
------------------| ENTERING AREA 1 : FIRST FLOOR |-------------------
| The first floor area is easy and a takes less time to complete since |
| you'll have a shorter time in the vents. From the main gate head left |
| and Snake will find a guard napping with a Camera over his head, kill |
| the guard quickly by either using the gun or choking him, or just get |
| rid of him by throwing him quickly, then enter the duct that was just |
| behind the guard. Enter the duct quickly since you most likely have |
| been spotted by now. After entering the duct, move forward, the duct |
| is linear so there's no chance of you getting lost. After a litte |
| while you will get a Codec call from one of Snake's friends, Master |
| Miller. He will tell you to follow the rats you see in the duct as |
| they will lead you to the exit. Do that and you'll emerge out of the |
| ducts in the first floor of the Tank Hanger. Your in now. |
NOTE : The master's frequency is 141.80
If you'd rather go by the second floor and watch one extra scene for the
sake of story, then here's what you do.
------------------| ENTERING AREA 2 : SECOND FLOOR |------------------
| The second floor area isnt that hard either, from the truck or the |
| main gate go right to the stairs where we saw the first camera. Avoid |
| the camera by sneaking on the wall right under it. After passing the |
| camera zone take the stairs up to the second floor balcony area. A |
| guard is roaming the area so you might want to be careful. Or if your |
| just in a hurry, pop one in the guards ass and head left afterwards. |
| You will spot a duct in one of the pillary area's soon. Enter it as |
| you've probably already been seen by the guards. The duct itself is |
| straight forward so you can't get lost. Move straight on and shortly |
| little while you'll come to a grating under you and another scene |
| begins. Snake will over hear some guards talking about the DARPA chief|
| and some one who's already killed a couple of guards. Not snake. Once |
| the rather long scene is over, head to the end of the duct where you |
| will see an open area at the bottom. You will get a call from the |
| Colonel who'll tell you to press the action button to go down. Do it |
| and we're in the Tank Hanger, second floor balcony area now. |
| |
| Oh, and you'll also be contacted by the Master, Snake's old buddy. |
NOTE : The master's frequency is 141.80
You'll enter the Tank Hanger either from the first or second floor, I will
prefer the second floor since it will bring you easier to an important
item that we will take before proceeding. Shortly after entering from any
floor you will get a call from the Colonel who will tell you about the
elevator. The elevator is on the first floor, but ignore that for now. If
your on the first floor then avoid the guards by hiding around the tank in
the center and make your way to the left hand side. Take the stairs you'll
see here to the second floor balcony. There's a camera right on the top of
the stairs, wait for it to move the other way, then run and stick to the
wall right under it. Wait for it to clear the area ahead the run past its
field of vision.
Afterwards, proceed across the catwalk which for some reason makes a lot
of noise, keep heading right until the path heads up north, dont go up yet
but enter the room on the right wall, careful here as there is a camera on
the far right wall of this room. Avoid the camera and take the item from
the far corner of this room, its the very important Thermal Goggles. We
can live without them but they will make the coming area's very easy.
After taking the Thermal Goggles, proceed back across the catwalk, go back
down to the main floor once again, and this time head for the elevator, be
careful as the two guards are still here, press the call button next to the
elevator and wait for it to come up. Once its up, enter the elevator and
choose the floor B1.
-----------------| NIFTY TRICK FOR THE ELEVATOR |-----------------
| Here's a neat trick, if your tired of waiting for the elevator to come|
| up then quickly press the elevator call button two times, quickly tap |
| the action key and the elevator door will open at once. This is useful|
| for saving time and especially if guards are close by. |
As soon as you arrive at this floor, you will get a call from Mei Ling
who informs you that the DARPA chief is really close to you and showing
up on your radar, check it and you'll see his dot on it. If you want to
take a sneak peak at him then cling to the right side wall, the camera
will pan further showing him sitting in his cell.
After the talking is done, head south in this linear hall, a door will
be on the right wall but we can't enter it since its electronically
locked off and we'll need a Level 1 card or higher. Ignore it and keep
heading south, turn right at the turn and head to the end to see a ladder
going up, the Colonel will call you and tell you how to climb up. Do so.
You'll enter another duct, move forward, at the first right intersection
you'll find Socom bullets, take them, if you look down via the grating
you'll see a guard sitting on the toilet talking about some 'well built'
woman. Head back to the main duct area and proceed down. Its straight
forward so you can't get lost. At the final parts of the duct you'll see
two gratings. Look down the first one to spot a woman working out in her
cell, ignore that and proceed to the second grating. Before you reach
it you'll be called by the Colonel who tells you how to look down into a
grating. As if we didn't know already.
Look down and you'll find the DARPA Chief and another long set of scenes
will begin. How interesting.
-----------------| MERYL WORKING OUT IN HER UNDIES |-----------------
| This is one for all you preverted video gamers out there hehe, when |
| you see Meryl working out in her cell, go back out of the duct and |
| climb back up into it, see Meryl again and she'll be doing different |
| exercises each time, do this six times and you'll see her working out |
| with her pants off. Ohh my .. |
Once you check the DARPA chief's cell, Snake drops down into his cell and
a long series of scenes begins. The DARPA chief acts sort of weird and
asks Snake a couple of questions. Then tells Snake of the secret project
being worked on, on this island. A prototype Nuclear walking battle tank
code named Metal Gear Rex. Snake immediately recognizes that name. After
a series of scenes , and giving Snake his level 1 security card the DARPA
chief suddenly has a heart attack and dies in front of Snake in a matter
of seconds. The woman in the cell, who was listening to this conversa
-tion from her cell the whole time, starts to shout out to the guard.
After the series of scenes and the following Codec talking is over you'll
be in the DARPA chief's locked cell with his body. Check under the bed to
find another ration. Then all you have to do is wait.
You'll hear noises from outside and if you see the radar you'll see that
the girl got out of her cell, and knocked out the guard. After a few more
seconds the DARPA chief cell will open. Walk outside and Snake noticed
the knocked out guard, the girl points her gun at Snake, dressed in the
guards uniform. Some more talking later you'll be ambushed by soldiers in
this room and its fighting time.
In the first round of fights, you should take your socom out and shoot the
three guards, after the first wave goes out Snake orders the girl to shoot
as well, if you didn't take the Socom early on in the truck then you will
find it next to you as soon as the guards attack.
Once the initial wave of guards is out head on to the top right corner of
the screen, to the right of the door the guards are coming from and wait
for the next wave of guards to arrive, shoot them quickly, the girl will
help you in shooting from now on as well. Keep shooting waves after waves
of guards. At one point three grenades will be thrown into the room, you
should quickly head to the top of the screen if your not already there to
avoid getting killed. After that the final wave of guards will enter the
room, take them out quickly and its over.
Afterwards, another set of scenes begins, Snake tries to stop the girl,
she runs off and tries to shoot at snake, and in some further away place
you see the members of FOX HOUND talking among themselves. Afterwards,
the girl escapes in the elevator, and snake catches a glimpse of one of
the members of FOX HOUND, Psycho Mantis, as told by Naomi on the codec.
Afterwards. you'll be back in control of Snake.
-----------------| HOW TO USE THE PAN KEYCARDS |-------------------
| If you want to enter the doors locked by the cardkey system, then put |
| the card on you from the item menu and walk right up to the door, it |
| will open as soon as you come near it automatically. |
Control Snake back into the room we just came out of, inside you can see
the guard still out, head for the south part of this room and near the
door to the bathroom you'll find a pack of Socom ammo, take it. Now exit
back to the hallway and head for the elevator. We're done with this part.
Take the elevator and choose to go to floor B2, the armory.
You will come out in the armory, this area is a large area which has small
sub rooms containing various ammo and weapons in them, unfortunately we
only have a level one card right now. You can only open two of these sub
rooms, one in the middle row which contains two packs of C4 Explosives.
The other is in the bottom row which contains more Socom ammo. Take both
of these doors. Now its time for you to look hard.
-----------------| ADVANTAGES OF THERMAL GOGGLE |-------------------
| Equip the Thermal Goggles that we picked up in the hanger after you |
| enter this area, you'll see some trap doors on the floor which you |
| should avoid since falling in them gives you an instant game over. |
Dont forget, there's a couple of guards roaming around here as well, so
watch out for them too. Once you've taken all available items, look on
some of the corner walls and you'll find dried paint chips on them. The
C4 we just found will be used to get rid of these. Over all there are 3
walls you can blow, one on the right side of the elevator, one on the
left side of the elevator and one at the bottom left hand corner of the
area. The first two contain ammo and more C4, the bottom one is the one
that we need to proceed on to.
Remember to get a good distance away from the planted C4 before you go
ahead and detonate it since the damage radius is high. Also, you can
plant multiple C4's and detonate them at once using the action button.
Enter the south side area once you've detonated the bomb there. In this
new area just proceed south and check the right side wall and plant the
explosive where the wall is dry to make another hole. Enter this hole
and go right. You'll see two more dried walls. One on the north and one
on the right side. Ignore the right wall for now and plant the bomb on
the upper wall. Detonate it and enter this new area.
In this new area you will meet Kenneth Baker, the other guy we were to
rescue, but he's all tied up. You'll also meet Revolver Ocelot, the gun
slinger of the group. The scene will end up with your first boss fight.
A true fight of the pistols among two good gun slingers.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : REVOLVER OCELOT |-----------------
| This is the first boss battle in the game, this boss fight can be |
| really easy or really difficult depending on how good your gunning |
| is so far in the game. As soon as the battle starts, you'll notice |
| a couple of extra meter's on the screen. First is Ocelot's health |
| meter which is WAY bigger then yours, then Kenneth's health meter |
| and you'll also see Ocelot's ammo count, he's got a six shooter. |
| |
| Here's the basic DONT's of this boss battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON'T shoot Kenneth |
| 2/ DON't run into the wires near Kenneth as they'll detonate |
| the entire area and bye bye Kenneth. |
| 3/ Also, DON't die heh. |
| |
| This boss fight is easy and all you have to do for the most part |
| is dodge Ocelot's bullets, and shoot him with your own. If you |
| are out of ammo there's a pack or two that you can find in the |
| corners of this very room. Basically you have to run around and |
| follow Ocelot and avoid his bullets, when you have a clear shot |
| fire him once and wait, you can not hit him multiple times in a |
| row so dont bother wasting ammo. |
| |
| Also, dont bother trying to hide behind the pillars as Ocelot is |
| able to ricochette his bullet's on walls and hit you. When he is |
| out of ammo he will take a long time to reload his gun completely |
| and will be very vulnerable to you so thats the prime time to hunt |
| him down and put a bullet or two in his ass. You'll have to shoot |
| him a good amount of time before his health runs out and the boss |
| fight finally ends. |
After the boss fight is over Ocelot will continue to taunt Snake but a
weird ninja type person comes in and chops off his gun hand and also he
cuts the wires around Baker letting him out. After that Ocelot escapes,
soon the ninja escapes too. Snake and Kenneth are left. Another series
of long scenes begins in which Kenneth tells Snake some more about the
Metal Gear and dies with a similar heart attack to the DARPA chief.
Fortunately you got his Level 2 card before he died. After he's died a
long codec conversation begins. Once it ends you'll be back in control.
Some more ammo packs would have regenerated in this room, take them as
your about to leave, the lv 5 locked door at the top of this area isn't
our concern for now so head back the way we originally came into this
place and go back into the main armory area.
Now that we have a new card, we can open a couple more of new doors.
But before that head back to the same rooms that we opened with our Lv
1 card and all the items in them will have regenerated, take all of
them. Especially the C4 since we're going to need them shortly.
Also, check the middle room in the bottom row to find some hand grenade
which we'll need in the next boss fight. After that enter the bottom
right door and you'll find a box with two laser wires blocking it. You
will not be able to see these wires unless you have the Thermal Goggles
equipped. To find out more about stuff like this you can contact an ally
of yours named Nastasha and her frequency is 141.52 .
Anyway, you can just crouch down to avoid the lasers and take whats on
the other side, its a FAMAS and some ammo for it. The FAMAs is an auto
rifle which shoots bullets at a very fast rate.
While we're here lets contact the girl that kenneth talked about when
we were talking to him. He asked you to check the back of your CD to
find the frequency of her radio. Also, you can find it in the official
game manual as well. But I'll just tell you. Her frequency is 140.15
Contact Meryl right now and sit back to listen to the very long codec
conversation. After the banter Meryl will inform you on the ware about
of the scientist Hal Emmerich and tell you that she has the key to get
to his building. So Snake has to work with her.
After the talking is done head to the elevator and take it to the 1st
floor of the hanger. As soon as your on the first floor Meryl will
contact you again and open the big gate at the north of the tank hanger.
We're back in the Tankk Hanger now, you can go directly to the big gate
tha Meryl just opened up for you but we'll take a little time to get a
couple of necessery items.
From the elevator go straight to the right, you'll run past the gate we
just saw opening. But ignore that and enter the big door on the right
wall. Inside you'll find a single guard sleeping, kill him and take the
box behind him. Inside it is the Socom Supressor which is just a fancy
word for Silencer. Take it and head back to the main hanger area.
Now proceed to the right while avoiding the guards, test out your new
silenced Socom and take one or two out. Take the stairs up to the second
floor. Avoid the camera here like before and enter the door near it on
the right wall. In this room take the item which is BOX A.
Afterwards, go across the catwalk as if we were going to the room with
the thermal goggles. But run north past that door. Avoid the camera here
and enter the door next to the camera, its a level 2 door. Inside it you
will see a guard, kill him and take the Mine Detector item. Another one
that we'll need in a little while. Take it. Head back all the way to
the main hanger floor. NOW enter the big door Meryl just unlocked.
Once your in Meryl will contact you again and tell you that there's a
bunch of laser beams in this area and if you touch one the entire area
will be gassed and you'll die. So equip the Thermal Goggles to be able
to see those laser wires. Now carefully dodge the wires and cross this
area, remember if your touched by a wire then its game over for you.
If for some freakish reason you didn't have the thermal goggle with you
then equip the cig's from Snake's inventory, now stand next to a laser
and the smoke from the cig will make the laser visible. Keep in mind if
you equip the cig's Snake's health will slowly begin to fall down.
Sheehs, what kind of cig's are these.
One way or another you should make it to the north end of this room, so
equip the card key to pass through and out of the Tank Hanger completely.
-----------------| FOR THOSE PLAYING SECOND GAMES |----------------
| First timers won't know what I'm talking about in this area, if you |
| finished the game with the Otacon ending then you would've gotten the |
| Optic camoflauge device from him. In the new game from the save made |
| at the end, you should start with it. Equip the device and just pass |
| this area as the laser's won't be able to detect you at all. This |
| applies to all the laser's in the game. Not just these one's. |
In this area, run a few steps forward and you'll be contacted by a new
person on the Codec, some one calling himself Deep Throat. This person
is weird in the sense that you cannot contact him, he's the one calling
you to inform you about various threats approaching. He'll tell you to
watch out for the mines in the area.
Equip either the Thermal goggles or the mine detector we found a little
while ago, with the thermal goggles you'll be able to see exactly where
the mines are but you won't know which side they're facing so its a bit
dangerous. With the mine detector you'll know which sides the mines are
facing and where to pass them by. But only on the radar. So equip either
one and pass the area. A good tip is to pass from the very left or right
side of the canyon.
---------------------| DONT WASTE THE MINES |----------------------
| Although they are almost completely useless and you'll probably not |
| use them ever in the game, you can still take those mines laying on |
| the ground, just crouch down and crawl over them, when you pass over |
| a mine Snake will take it. Thats stealing. |
After the mine area, proceed further into the canyon and another scene
starts, you'll be introduced to another member of the Fox hound group,
this is the Shaman of the group. Vulcan Raven. Its boss fight time and
your up against a huge cannon firing Tank.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : VULCAN RAVEN TANK |---------------
| This is the second boss fight in the game, though its an easy fight |
| but if you didn't pick up any chaff grenades from your trips in the |
| armory then you'll be very annoyed with the Tank cannon which can |
| kill you very quickly. So I hope to god you didn't forget the chaff's |
| |
| Here are the basic dont's of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ Don't forget to bring some Chaff grenades |
| 2/ Don't get too far from the Tank as it'll fire the cannon if you |
| get a little too away from him. |
| 3/ Don't stand still when your close to it either since the machine |
| gun on the cannon can shoot you reguardless of your distance. |
| 4/ Don't get in the tank's path, it can run you over for a very |
| annoyingly long time wasted and health wasted. |
| |
| Okey, so as soon as the battle begins, quickly throw a Chaff gren. |
| to distract the senosrs of the tank so you can run right up to it |
| without the hell blown out of you. After your a little close to it |
| equip the hand grenade's. Now you'll notice a guard on the top of |
| the tank firing at you with the machine gun. You can easily outrun |
| the machine gun fire by running left or right so do that to avoid |
| the getting hurt part. Once you see a clear shot and the tank is |
| not moving that fast, throw a grenade right at the machine gunner. |
| If your lucky enough the grenade can some times go right into the |
| tank and kill the guard in a single blow. This will immediately |
| take half of the Tank's energy bar. If the guard doesn't die in a |
| single grenade then throw another one. |
| |
| Once the first guard is dead, another will take his place, and if |
| your close to the tank at this time, the tank will try to run you |
| over a lot, so stay a bit away from the tank from now on. Like the |
| first guard, throw a couple of hand grenades to take out this one |
| as well and ths boss fight will be over. We didn't get to face |
| Vulcan raven at all. |
After this boss fight is over, Snake will automaticaly take the Level 3
PAN card from one of the dead guard and enter the Nuke building. But
Vulcan Raven is still alive and well. He talks to Liquid Snake on his
radio and tells him about Snake. Ocelot also joins in the conversation
but he's still angry at loosing his hand.
As soon as your back in control of Snake after entering this building,
go back outside. To where we just had the boss fight. Now explore this
open area and you'll find a ration on the right hand side of the canyon
and some ammo and grenades on the left hand side. Take all of them and
enter the building once again.
You'll see a catwalk heading up the left, run right up to it and take
the ration at the end of it. Head back to the main area and proceed
north and crawl under the slightly open door.
As soon as you enter here you'll be contacted by the Colonel and told
not to use guns in there since thats the place where they store the
dismantled Nuclear Warheads. Contact Nastasha for more information on
this subject. Anyway, you can't use guns in this area even if you want
to since you won't be able to select weaponry from your inventory. So
we'll just have to be sneaky in this area. You'll notice the guards in
here are wearing gas masks. That is because if your spotted then the
alarm goes off and gas is released in this area, meaning your almost
certainly killed if your spotted.
So avoid being spotted at all. From the entrance of this area, head
left past the containers, there's a guard partolling this side of the
floor so watch out for him, there's a set of stairs at the very left
side wall, take it up to the above balcony area. Sometimes there's a
guard right in front of the stairs on the 2F, if that happens then wait
at the center of the stairs for the guard to go back. Once the area is
cleared, go to the balcony area and enter the elevator. Quickly press
the call button twice to open the gate at once.
Take the elevator down to floor B1.
------------------| NEAT TRICK FOR THE PC VERSION|----------------
| If your playing the PC version of Metal Gear solid then there is a |
| way to use weaponry even on the forbidden floor. You will notice |
| that in the PC version you can change weaponry also by pressing the |
| numeric keys on the keyboard. So, keep the numeric key of the weapon |
| you want pressed, you'll see the display going on and off but the gun |
| will remain in your hands as long as you hold the key. Be advised as |
| any noise which attracts anyone will cause gas to be released in the |
| area and you'll get killed. So its better NOT to use weaponry at all. |
Our stay in this part of the building is very small as we're here only
to take a certain item. So, as soon as you get off the elevator run
straight forward and enter the door right in front of you. Ignore all
other directions and paths for now. You'll enter a square room with a
couple of doors on either side and one guard roaming the area. I'd ask
you to kill the guard to make roaming this place easier.
Once free, check the top right corner of this area and you'll find a
box with stun grenades. Then back to the center area, check the middle
room in the right hand side and inside you'll find a box with the uber
cool Nikita missile launcher in it and a couple of ammo for it.
The Nikita is a remote controlled missile system and we're going to
need it in a little while. With this in hand, go back outside and take
the elevator again. This time go to the floor B2.
Once outside, for a little sneak peak at where we're about to go, go
to the left wall and lean against it. The camera will pan to the right
and you'll see a guy in a white coat on the other side. Could that be
Hal Emmerich. Anyway, now proceed down the only door here and another
scene will begin.
Snake noticed that the floor ahead of him is electrified, the camera
will then move and show you where the electricity box is, now we have
to get rid of it somehow. You'll get a call from Deep Throat again
who tells you that you'll need a remote controlled missile to get rid
of the box. Luckily for us, we just found one. Also, the area is full
of gas so your slowly loosing Oxygen.
Equip the Nikita launcher and fire a round straight down, you'll see
that the game puts you in control of the launcher and you'll decide
where it goes. You can control the missile in first person as well
by pressing the look button, but i find its easier to control it in
third person since you just have to press left or right to change
its direction.
So anyway, control the missile down, then turn left at the bottom,
then turn up as soon as possible since there are automated guns in
the next area which will shoot the missile down. Go straight up and
turn left again, go up through the door, turn right and crash into
the electricity control box. It'll blow into bits and the floor in
front of you will become safe.
But i'd advice you to go back near the elevator and regain some air
then go back in and pass the now safe floor. Run down. You'll pass
three doors on the right wall, enter the first door to find a ration
you can't enter the second one yet, enter the third one to find a
very helpful item, the gas mask. This will slow down the oxygen depl
-etion level. After taking all the items, head all the way down and
turn right. Head all the way right and enter the door at the end of
the hall while avoiding the camera.
In this new area, run forward and you'll hear some screaming and
slashing sounds. Run forward, enter the next room and enter the door
directly north of you to see a very gruesome scene.
Dozens of guards bodies have been layed out in this long hallway and
they have huge gashes on their chets. When your in control of Snake
run fo rward, you'll run into one living guard but he's not going to
make it a long time. Run to the end of the hall and turn the corner.
You'll see a pretty awesome scene.
Something, partially invisible is holding a guard up in mid air,
suddenly, the thing decloks, its the ninja who took Ocelot's hand.
He's holding a guard up by his sword. He throws the guard down and
enters through the door leading to Hal Emmerich's personal lab. We
gotta save him.
Enter after the Ninja, another series of scenes will now begin in
which Snake confronts the ninja and Hal Emmerich, the ninja offers
to fight Snake one on one while Hal goes and hides in a locker
after peeing his pants. Now, one of the most exciting boss fights
in all of video game history begins.
---------------------| BOSS BATTLE : NINJA |-----------------------
| I really love this boss fight since this is one of the purest bosses |
| in the entire game, he will offer you to throw down your guns and be |
| a man, use your fists to battle with him. That's exactly what we're |
| going to do since thats the only way we can fight this ninja. Contact |
| Nastasha to hear a little rambling about the ninja's skeleton. |
| |
| Here are the basic don't of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ Don't bother to use weapons in this battle, since if you try to |
| he'll just dodge all your attacks with his sword. |
| 2/ Dont stand in one place at all since it has a very damaging |
| stomp from air attack. |
| 3/ Dont waste your Chaff grenades. |
| |
| As soon as the battle begins, run right up to the boss and smack a |
| good combination of punches in him. He'll be using his sword for the |
| first bit of the fight so right after you hit him run away to avoid |
| being sliced. Once you've landed a couple of combo's he'll land in |
| the middle of the room and start talking again. He'll throw down the |
| sword and battle you hand to hand. |
| |
| Use the same strategies as before, run up to him and smack a combo |
| of punches and kicks into him, making sure to get away after one |
| combo since bosses are invulnerable to repetetive attacks. Once you |
| have hit him a couple of times and drained his health bar a good d |
| deal then he'll land in the middle again and start talking. Now he |
| will ask you to hurry up and find him. |
| |
| In this phase of the fight he will use his cloaking device and go |
| in one of the corner's of the area and ask you to find him. For |
| this part equip the thermal goggles since he'll appear on them. But |
| also note that if you fail to hit him in a little time then he'll |
| run right up to you and hit you really hard. After every time you |
| hit him he'll jump to a different place to hide. Hit him a couple |
| of times and he'll land in the middle and start talking again. The |
| fight should be nearing its conclusion now. |
| |
| In this phase, he'll walk right up to you but quickly teleport to |
| your side and SMACK you really hard. His punches in this phase take |
| out a lot of your health so avoid them. The best way is to wait for |
| the ninja to come up to you and when he teleports quickly run ahead |
| to dodge him and hit him with your own combo of punches. After you |
| hit him a couple of times and his health bar reaches zero he will |
| start glowing and form a large circle of electricity around him. |
| |
| Now take out any gun and shoot him once, he'll teleport to the mid |
| area of the room, shoot him once more and the fight is over. |
---------------| TIP TO MAKE NINJA FIGHT EASIER |-----------------
| Though it can be done regularly, but this trick comes into action at |
| the fullest if you have he Bandana from completing the game once with |
| the Meryl ending. Take out the Chaff grenades and throw one, they |
| will distract the Ninja and he'll be defenceless, go kick his ass |
| throw another chaff, kick some more ass, repeat the process until |
| his health bar is empty. |
Now begins, argueably, the longest series of scenes in the game. This is
boring. To summarize. Snake meets Hal Emmerich, Hal asks Snake to call
him Otacon. Otacon knows where Meryl is. Snake contacts Meryl but she is
found by some guards and her radio breaks up. Otacaon mentions he heard
some music in the background. Otacon claims he didn't join the team to
make weapons of mass descruction. Also, Otacon hands you the level 4 key
card which we'll loose very quickly, then Otacon reveals he has another
cloaking device like the ninja and runs off using it.
Now, back in control of Snake. Take the various items like the box of
chaff grenades, Socom ammo and a ration from this room and head back
out the way we came. Make your way back all the way to the elevator
and take the elevator to floor B1.
Now that we're back here, head in the door across the elevator door one
more time, in here you'll notice a single soldier walking on the left
hand side who makes a squishing sound while walking. Don't kill this
guard as its actually Meryl and you'll get a game over very quickly for
doing so. Let her see you, she'll run off into the women's toilet.
Follow her and check the corner cabin to trigger another scene. Snake
will finally meet Meryl in all her feminine glory. Meryl seems to know
how to handle guns pretty easily and she despises weak women. After the
scene is over head outside the bathroom. Meryl will comment that the
guards have disappeared and Snake will comment on the mysterious music
that was playing here before. That has stopped too.
---------------| SEE MERYL IN HER UNDIES PART II|-----------------
| If your one of those preverted gamers who were willing to see Meryl |
| in her panties the last time, you'll want to read this part as well. |
| As soon as Meryl spots you, quickly go after her and make sure that |
| you trigger the scene within Five seconds after entering the female |
| toilet. Then through out the first half of the next scene Meryl will |
| be without her pants. Thast what I call caught with your pants down. |
Now since there are no more guards in this area your free to roam around
this floor and check all the doors to find various items that we couldn't
get before, also since Meryl gave you a level 5 card you can open various
new doors as well. So head back into the door across the one from the
elevator. There are a total of 6 rooms left and right combined, check all
of them. You should be able to open all of them. You'll find various ammo
and a box B in one room, also I think you won't be able to open the door
at the bottom right hand corner right now since its locked with Level 6.
One of the room contains the Night vision goggles, they're useless in my
opinion as you'll only really need them in one area in a little while.
---------------| MAKE MERYL BLUSH ON SCREEN |----------------------
| Once Meryl is with you stand right in front of her and start looking |
| at her directly in first person mode, after a little while Meryl will |
| turn slightly red and ask Snake what he's looking at. Continue that |
| and after a little while she'll get more red and ask snake to stop |
| looking her. Continue looking at her and she'll keep getting redder |
| and redder making comments at Snake. |
Once you've taken all the items from the various rooms its time for us
to proceed. From the elevator door proceed left and you'll see a hall
going north on the screen. Go there and pass through the door at the
end of the hall to reach the next area.
In this new area, proceed forward and Meryl will run ahead of you and
stand next to the big door leading into the Commandor's room. When you
get near her a scene will begin and Meryl will begin to feel a terrible
head ache. Suddenly she gets all fine but her voice becomes mono tone
and she starts acting weird.
-------------------| MERYL'S POINT OF VIEW|----------------------
| After this scene happens if you press the first person view button |
| you'll notice that you'll be seeing from Meryl's eyes rather then |
| snake. So stand right up to Meryl and press the FPS view button to |
| see Snake's ugly face close by. |
Afterwards, head into the room ahead and you'll notice that its empty and
the base commandor is no where to be seen. But Meryl is still being weird
and following you around. After a little while in this room Meryl will go
to the center of the screen and raise her gun at Snake. Cue another scene.
Meryl will start asking Snake weird questions and waving her gun at him,
but Snake notices some distortion behind Meryl and realizes that some one
is doing this to her. Suddenly Meryl gets ready to shoot at Snake and its
back to Snake. You will be contacted by the Colonel who will beg you not
to shoot Meryl and that she's being controlled by some one via the music.
At this time, you must quickly knock Meryl out by punching her, DON'T you
shoot her at all. Just keep punching her until she falls unconscious. Now
finally the person controlling Meryl reveals himself. Its Psycho Mantis,
the psychic of the Fox hound group.
He challanged Snake to a battle and warns him that he can read every one
of his moves. He also demonstrates by reading a part of Snake's memory
and scanning through your memory card to see if you have any other saves
from a Konami game. If you do then he'll comment on those games too.
After some more talking its boss fight time.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : PSYCHO MANTIS |-------------------
| This is one helluva interesting boss fights. Its one of those fights |
| where if you don't know EXACTLY what to do then you won't have a god |
| damn chance in the world of surviving. Right from the start of the |
| fight if your playing the PSX version of the game then take out the |
| control pad from the player 1 slot and plug it into the player 2 slot |
| |
| Here are the Dont's of this fight.. |
| |
| 1/ DON't forget to switch the controller slots. |
| 2/ DON't forget to equip the thermal goggles at all times. |
| 3/ DON't bother trying to shoot Mantis when he swings the items |
| around the room like a hurricane, wait for it subside. |
| 4/ DON't let Meryl die |
| |
| As soon as the boss battle begins you should take out the controller |
| from the first player slot and put it in the second player slot if |
| you haven't done that already, after that a second or two into the |
| boss battle the screen will go black and the word HIDEO will come |
| on the screen for a brief while. Then it will disappear. If the word |
| appears that means your doing it just right. Now you will be able |
| to face the boss without him avoiding your every move. |
| |
| Otherwise if you fight him normally then he will dodge your every |
| single move and you'll become frustrated very quickly. With this |
| trick though, you'll have an easier time. Also you should equip the |
| thermal goggles for this boss fight since you will be able to see |
| Mantis even when he becomes invisible. Now onto the fighting. |
| |
| Basically, I use the Socom for this battle, fire a round into him |
| a nd wait until he stops blinking and fire another round into him. |
| You should keep track of him thanks to the thermal goggles. But if |
| for some reason you dont have them then you can still track him if |
| he goes invisible. Just press the first person view mode and you |
| will switch over to Mantis's vision, which should help you to some |
| extent in finding out where's he at. Then aim and fire at him. |
| |
| During the fight he will often hurl objects at you using his mind |
| power, which shouldn't be too hard to avoid. It gets a little more |
| annoying when he calls too little things and makes them attack you |
| repeatedly, in that case all you can do is run away from them. Make |
| sure you pop one into Mantis every other time causing his health bar |
| to go down rapidly. |
| |
| When you've caused him a substancial amount of damage Mantis will |
| wonder why he couldn't read your mind, but then he realizes what |
| Snake's weakness is and summons Meryl. He then forces Meryl to try |
| and shoot herself. At this time you must quickly punch Meryl to |
| knock her out like before. If you dont do that she will blow her |
| brains out and its game over. Once you've knocked her out again |
| Mantis will damn near lose his mind and quickens the attacks. |
| |
| Now continue like before and Mantis should be dead pretty soon. |
| |
| If your playing the PC version of the game and also have a gamepad |
| connected then the game will detect that and will do the same thing |
| as the PSX version and you will have to switch to the keyboard in |
| order to make the Mantis fight easier. But on the other hand if you |
| don't have any gamepads installed and are playing the game using |
| just the keyboard then the battle will be easy to begin with and the |
| game will not require any sort of control changes. |
After the fight is over you will see another lengthy scene in which Mantis
shows his better side and ends up helping Snake and Meryl by telling them
what they have to do after this part of the game, and he also reveals the
hidden exit out of the Commander's room.
Once the talking is done take the secret exit that Mantis revealed for you
and head in it. Climb down the little stairs but before heading through the
door check the area on the side of the stairs for some more ammo and one
ration. Take all these and exit through the door on the north.
You will come out to the open.
Once you reach the new area Snake and Meryl will comment on the wolf dog
voices they're hearing in this area. Then Meryl runs off and you have to
continue yourself. From the start of this area go up and crawl under the
grating. You'll come to an open area with wolves in it. These wolves are
going to attack you so you have to avoid them or throw a stun grenade to
momentarily stun them giving you the time to get out of the area. Since
its a dark place you might want to equip either the Thermal goggles or
the Night vision goggles to see better.
After crawling under the ledge, run up north and stick to the right side,
and go right when you can, after that go down when you can. Throw a stun
grenade or two to distract the dogs. Once you've reached the south part
of this side you'll see two further crawling spaces, one in the south
corner and one heading off to the right. The south one has a couple of
stun grenades in it. Ignore that one and take the one to the right. You
will come to an open area.
Run a bit forward and you will meet up with Meryl again who is waiting
for you by the gate leading to the next area. She'll comment on Snake's
attitute towards the dogs. When your in control take the ration next to
the gate heading further and head through it when your ready.
-----------------| MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE WOLVES |-----------------
| This following trick can come in really handy for you at times. If |
| your a bastard then go ahead and punch Meryl, she will blow a whistle |
| and the wolves will attack you draining a small part of your health, |
| but we being sneaky and all figured a way around it. Punch Meryl once |
| then quickly hide inside either one of the boxes from your item menu. |
| She will blow the whistle but the dog won't be able to attack you, |
| instead it will take a piss on your box. From now on when ever your |
| in this area equip the pissed on box and the wolves will consider you |
| as one of their own and not attack. |
Now you will come out in another big wide open area. But before you can go
any further Meryl will stop you and tell you that the place is mined. When
Psycho Mantis tapped into her mind she was able to see where the mines are
placed. Meryl will then walk across the area leaving behind footsteps for
Snake to follow. She will clear the field successfully.
But its much easier to just crawl across the area to avoid the mines. Once
you reach Meryl another scene begins. Some one is aiming at her with what
looks like a sniper rifle and suddenly Meryl is shot three times by this
unseen sniper. But none of the shots is critical and hits her in her legs
and arms. This person is an excellent sniper. Snake realizes that he can't
face the sniper unless he has a rifle himself so he has to leave a bloody
and injured Meryl and escape the area to find a Sniper rifle. Luckily Otacon
tells him that there is a sniper rifle in the Armory way back in the hanger.
Now we have to go back all the way to the Armory way back in the Hanger. At
the wolves area equip the box that they pissed on to avoid being attacked
by them. In the Nuke Building B1 area quickly rush to the elevator since
you'll be able to make it without any one noticing you. In the 1st floor
of the Nuke Building avoid the guard and run down the left side, down the
stairs and head to the big gate.
In the open mine field, stick to the left or right side of the field, equip
the Thermal goggles or the mine detector for easier navigation and enter
the tank hanger again. Luckily no more wires here for now so quickly go
over to the elevator and take it to B2, the armory of the hanger.
In the armory, check your radar, you will notice one guar patrolling out
near the door of the small room in the top left row. That is the room in
which the sniper rifle is. Quietly kill the guard using the Socom and go
inside the room. The sniper rifle is in the back but there are a couple
of lasers here as well. So crouch down and take the sniper rifle without
alerting the guards or tripping the wires. Afterwards proceed back all
the way to where Meryl was shot at.
There shouldn't be any significant changes on your trip back either but
once you return back to the place you'll notice that Meryl is no longer
there, but her blood is still there. The sniper is also still there and
you have to duel with her. Sniper Wolf.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : SNIPER WOLF |-------------------
| This is a very unique sniper vs sniper fight. Not an easy one if your |
| not good with aiming and especially not good if you don't have any of |
| those Diazepan items. You should have found some Diazepan in one of |
| the rooms in the Office area of the nuke building. Anyway, before you |
| start the fight face the front side so you dont waste half an hour in |
| turning the sniper rifle and use a Diazepan on yourself and equip the |
| PSG 1 Sniper rifle. |
| |
| Here are the DONT's of this fight. |
| |
| 1/ Don't shoot unless you have a clear shot. |
| 2/ Don't waste your Diazepan too quickly. |
| 3/ Don't take a long time in aiming since Sniper Wolf doesn't. |
| 4/ Don't try to shoot her multiple times. You can only shoot her |
| once at a time and wait for her to stop blinking before you can |
| shoot her again. |
| |
| If your low on sniper rifle ammo then there's a pack on the left and |
| right of the screen, and if you run out of ammo during the battle the |
| pack on the left keeps regenerating. So you can breath a sigh for now |
| |
| As soon as the battle starts, use a Diazepan and aim steadily at her, |
| you should see her aiming at you or running and hiding behind pillars |
| the best time to shoot her is when she's aiming at you but don't take |
| a long time since she has pretty accruate shooting skills and she is |
| not going to miss you. |
| |
| You can also get a shot in her if you catch her running. That is |
| very hard to do since the sniper scope doesn't move that fast to |
| catch up to a person. |
| |
| Overall this is one of the easier boss fights and you really should |
| not have any problems with it. The only concern is that a shot from |
| Sniper wolf takes a good chunk of your health out and it also moves |
| your sniper scope so you have to re adjust your aiming again. Which |
| totally sucks. |
Even though she screams as if she's dead, believe me Sniper wolf is not
even after this boss fight. So as soon as the fight is over, start running
to the north of this huge area. Once you reach the tower where Sniper wolf
was go to the second floor taking note of the blood spots and take the box
of PSG 1 ammo from there. Also check under the tower to find a ration. And
some more ammo on the area to the left of the tower.
To the right of the small tower is a door, run towards it but before you
can enter it a scene begins and Snake is ambushed by some guards. Sniper
Wolf also makes an appearance and she leaves the mark of death on Snake's
face before one of the guards knocks him out with his gun. Snake see's in
a subconscious state that he's being dragged away from that area.
-------------------| PISS OFF THE COLONEL |-----------------------
| This is a very funny thing to do. When you've beaten Sniper Wolf stay |
| there and aim at the tower where she was with the Sniper rifle, on |
| the metal pipes of the tower you'll notice some rats going back and |
| forth. Shoot the rats with the sniper rifle and after a couple of |
| them the colonel will call you in and angrily tell you to stop doing |
| that and proceed on with the mission. |
Now begins another lengthy series of scenes. Snake will wake up on a bed,
a torture bed actually and he will over hear some of the conversation
between Ocelot and Liquid Snake before they finally realize that he is up.
After that his bed is straightened and Snake finally comes face to face
with Liquid Snake for the first time. He looks remarkably like the hero
Snake besides the blonde hair.
Pretty soon Sniper wolf will enter the area too, and after some chatting
Liquid Snake and Sniper wolf will leave you with Ocelot and its time for
his interogation. Which means a fun little mini game called Survive the
brutal torture. He will tell you a couple of the details, like press the
action button to survive, and if you die there is no continue. Its game
over for you. He also warns you not to use a turbo controller since he
will know about it.
-------------------| SURVIVING THE TORTURE |-----------------------
| This is without a doubt the most important location in the game as |
| what you do in this sequence will determine what ending you get at |
| the end of the game. Surviving the torture succesfully will give |
| you the good ending and giving up and submitting to Ocelot will be |
| rewarded by the bad ending. |
| |
| Surviving the torture is simple enough, you just mash the action key |
| as fast as you can to make sure your health bar doesn't finsish |
| before the time runs out. If you press the Select key then you will |
| give up and Ocelot wins. |
| |
| Although Ocelot says he'll know if you use the turbo controller for |
| cheating, i've read on many places that it doesn't do anything and |
| you can use a auto controller to cheat through this area easily. |
| |
| The torture will have three parts. Each time the time bar will be |
| increased slightly and you'll have to press the buttons harder to |
| keep Snake alive through it. After three shocks Ocelot will think |
| its enough for now and you'll be sent to your cell. |
When you reach the cell another scene begins, Snake will notice that there
is a corpse in his sell. Its the DARPA chief's body and its decomposing
already. Snake receives a call from the Colonel and a lengthy talk begins
in which Snake talks about his past with Naomi.
Also, call Otacon and inform him of your situation, he'll say that he's
heading for your area now. But he won't be there quickly engouh as in some
time you will be called back for a second torture. Since we're hopefully
going for the good ending we'll have to endure this one as well. Do what
we did the last time and all should be fine.
Now its time to escape.
When you come back from the torture a second time, keep an eye on the
guard patrolling outside your cell. Pretty soon he'll feel some pain in
his stomach and will run off to the toilet. Soon after that Otacon will
arrive, still cloaked and decloak next to the cell door and call you. Run
towards the cell door to trigger the scene. Otacon can't free you bue he
will give you a Level 6 card, some ketchup and Sniper wolf's scented
scarf to hold by. Then before the guard comes he bails off.
Now you can do one of the two things in order to escape the cell. The
guard is coming back from the cell and you don't have much time to decide.
The first trick is simple, lay down on the ground and use the Ketchup that
Otacon just brought for you, Snake will squirt it around himself, when the
guard enter's he think Snake's dead and enter's the cell to check on him.
Quickly get up and kill him.
Note that if you move even a little bit during this time the guard will
see you and you'll be busted.
The second method is a bit simpler, hide under the bed in the cell before
the guard arrives. He'll come and not find Snake in the cell. He opens
the cell door to check inside, quickly get out and kill the guard before
he gets out and closes the cell again. Either way you should be free now.
Exit the door which takes you back to the torture device room. Take the
box floating here to receive all of your items back. If you survived all
of Ocelot's tortures then check your item menu right now. There should be
a bomb in there placed by Ocelot, get rid of it by pressing the action
button on it. Afterwards the colonel will contact you and Snake will vow
revenge on Ocelot.
-------------------| HIDDEN ESCAPING METHOD |----------------------
| Most people don't know about this method since they dont want to go |
| through the torture sequence this many number of times. For this you |
| will have to pass the torture sequence five times. Yes FIVE times. |
| After you pass it the fifth time the ninja will come in and kill the |
| guard and open the cell for you to escape. |
| |
| The plus side of this method is that once you take your items back |
| all your ammo will be restored on full capacity. Cool. |
After collecting all your items again head outside via the door on the
right wall, watch out for the camera there as some times people don't see
it. Once out the door you'll realize that your in a familiar place. This
is the hallway outside the elevator in floor B1 of the Tank Hanger.
Our Objective now is to make it all the way back to the place where we
fought Sniper wolf. Although there have been no significant changes in
the path there are still two side trips that we can make to get two items
which we will benefit from a lot.
------------------| SECRET ITEM : THE CAMERA |------------------
| Now that we have the level 6 card courtey of Otacon, we can open all |
| the doors in this base and the Nuke Building. This is one of those |
| fun to have in your inventory items. To get the camera, go back to |
| the armory of the Tank Hanger, and go through the wall hole as if we |
| were going to the place where we fought Revolver Ocelot. But remember |
| there was an additional place to put the C4 in on the right wall, it |
| was right next to the place where we put the bomb to reveal the area |
| where Kenneth Baker was held. Blow that area up now with the C4. If |
| you don't have any then take it from the rooms in the armory itself. |
| |
| Now you will come out in a little hallway, there are two gun cams in |
| this place, one at the north end and one at the south end, and also |
| two doors, both locked with level 6. Open those doors after using a |
| chaff grenade to disrput the gun camera's. Each of the two doors has |
| a gun camera inside it as well so you'll need to be quick. One door |
| woill have a bunch of stun and chaff grenades, and the other one has |
| the Camera in it. Take it. |
| |
| NOTE : You can take pictures of anything from the camera using it as |
| if you were viewing through the Scope you have. Remember that each |
| picture takes one block on your memory card so dont waste it. |
| |
| NOTE FOR PC VERSION : All of you who have the PC version, dont hold |
| back on using the camera since it takes very little space on your PC |
| hard drive and the pictures are neatly stacked. So get on. |
| |
| Also, the camera will be in your inventory in the next game too but |
| only if you found it once in the main game. |
-----------------| SECRET ITEM : THE BODY ARMOR |------------------
| This isn't really a secret item and you can find a body armor later |
| in the game too but that is very late in the game and here you are |
| able to find one pretty early on. So, when your in the NUKE building |
| take the elevator to floor B2 and go down the gassy hallway as if we |
| were going to Otacon's lab. But turn left at the intersection to the |
| hall where we moved as the Nikita Missile. |
| |
| Go left till you reach an open area with a couple of gun cameras and |
| a bunch of doors above you. One of the doors here will be locked by |
| a Level 6 pad. Go in it to find the Body armor. When equipped, this |
| baby will reduce the amount of damage that Snake sustains. Really is |
| handy during boss fights. |
| |
| Also, check around the rest of this area as well to find the various |
| ammo for different weaponry of yours. |
Oh and just let me add one more thing. When your passing through the wolf
area equip Sniper Wolf's scarf and the wolves will go soft on you, they
wont hurt you even if you kill them or punch them. That's because Sniper
Wolf is the only person in FOX hound who takes care of the wolves, and
they like her too.
After you've taken the items and are ready to proceed on with the story.
Head back to where we fought Sniper Wolf. Once you reach the passageway
Snake will stop and have a flashback of Meryl, where she was shot. Also
your contacted by your Codec team and they try to make Snake feel good.
Once your ready, proceed on to the other side of this large area andg go
to the door we were trying to enter before we were caught. Now that you
have the right card, enter that door. Now you'll enter another straight
hallway. Go ahead and turn left. Run down the end of the hallway and go
through the door. You will be spotted by a Camera's and Snake will note
that there are guards coming from behind him.
Quickly take out the FA MAS and kill these first two guards right here
afterward, pick up the Rope item and the pack of stun grenades near you
and run forward. This is one helluva sequence as you will now run up all
the stairs of this huge tower chased by guards who come from ahead and
behind of you.
Here's a few tips that you should find helpful.
1/ You should never stop and keep running at all times since the guards
will close in from behind you and start shooting.
2/ Keep an eye out in front of you as well since there are guards who
will shoot at you from your front as well.
3/ A tip to make the run easier to remove all weaponry and run bare hand
and when you come up to a solder in front of you press the fire key
to make Snake throw that guy behind you, hopefully knocking out any
approaching guards as well.
4/ If your one of those people who have finished the game once and are
equipped with the Bandana, you can make this trip very easy, either
just keep on throwing stun grenades to get yourself a clear path or
equip the FAMAS and keep firing while running to mow down anyone in
front of you.
Continue to run upwards in the tower with these tips, when you reach
the middle part you will see a door, but it won't open from your side,
Otacon will call in and tell you that it gets jammed due to the ice so
you have to go all the way up to the tower. So go all the way up.
Once you reach the final floor of the tower, the camera will go to a
different angel and you'll see the ladder you can take to the roof of
the tower. But ignore that for now and run to the opposite end of the
top floor of the tower. Here you can find some missiles and a ration.
Now quickly run to the ladder and take it to the top, the guards on
your tail are probably on your ass by now.
Once your up the ladder, go up and through the only door in this small
room, Snake will notice that he is on the roof of the communication
tower A and we need to go to the tower B, the two towers are luckily
joined by a bridge and you need to cross it to reach the other side.
So when your back in control head for the bridge but before you can go
over it a barrage of missiles comes in and blows the bridge, and a big
antena dish into bits. Its Liquid Snake, in a chopper and he's out to
get rid of our hero Snake once and for all. Snake realizes that he is
trapped and needs to find a way to get out of this area quickly.
As soon as your back in control take out the rope item from your item
inventory and head straight up, to the corner of the roof of the tower.
Snake will harness the rope quickly and now you have to repel down the
side of the tower with it. When your back in control the Colonel will
call you and give you a quick briefing on how to repel downards and go
sideways etc etc.
The important thing here is that Liquid will be shooting at you with
the hind D at times and there will be dangerous steam coming out of
some of the pipes, you have to avoid both of them and make it all the
way down before your health runs out. In order to avoid the gun fire
just simply repel further down, and make sure that there is no steam
where your about to land. If there is a steam of gas below you then
wait a second or two for the gas to subside then quickly jump to that
area and jump further down before the gas starts up again.
You should be able to make it all the way down using this method. You
will come on a narrow bridge, which is actually just on the other side
of the door we crossed when in the middle of our run to to top of the
communication tower a little while earlier.
If you want to go back through the door then take out a C4 and put it
on the door, get back a little and detonate it. This should un jam the
door and you will be able to pass through it at will now.
Now, to go ahead. First check where you landed and you will find one
ration and some missiles or ammo. Before you think or crossing this
narrow bridge in front of you, you should know there are guards on the
other side who can shoot you from there, but you can't. Meaning that
you cannot pass ahead until you get rid of them.
So take out the Sniper rifle, and take some medicine to calm Snake and
kill those three guards from where you are. Each should take two hits
from the rifle. Otherwise use the Nikita missile to get rid of them.
Once they're dead, run forward to where they were, but before you get
to the end of the bridge Liquid pops up again and shoots at you, avoid
him completely and turn left. Go to the end of the bridge and enter the
door at the end. In this small room do NOT forget to take the STINGER
MISSILE LAUNCHER and some ammo for it.
Pass through the small door here to reach a new area.
Your in the middle of communication tower B now. Before anything, you
must turn right and go down all the floors of the tower as possible.
But you will see that the stairs are broken in the middle of a floor
so this is out of the question.
Go back to the floor we started in this tower from, and go down the
screen this time, you'll notice an elevator here but it won't work
either. So now we have to go to the roof of this tower to finish the
battle with Liquid once and for all. By the way, did I forget to tell
you that you'll run into Otacon here too

From the elevator go right and you'll see stairs leading up, but this
time there's no guards following you. You will see some gun camera's
mounted on the walls every few floors and they increase in number on
each location. In order to get past them throw a chaff grenade just
as your about to reach the gun's so they are distracted and you can
go past them safely.
Once you reach the top of the stairs take the ladder up like tower A
and enter the door up top to reach the roof of this tower. Snake and
Liquid come face to face now, or rather face to chopper. After a chat
scene its time for the boss fight.
--------------| BOSS BATTLE : LIQUID iN HIND D |----------------
| This, in my opinion is one of the easier fights if your a good hider |
| and can quickly aim and fire at the chopper with the Stinger missile .|
| A little note that you can not fight this battle with anything other |
| then the stinger missile. So you know exactly what to equip. |
| |
| Here are the basic DONT's of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON't attempt to fight without the stinger, you'll fail. |
| 2/ DON't stay in the open too long since he'll chop you up. |
| 3/ DON't stay on the lower end of the roof, its better to |
| stay in the top area with the big block structure to hide behind. |
| 4/ DON't fire the stinger unless the target box gets red. Fire any |
| other time and your missile is wasted. |
| |
| Right from the start of the battle, if you picked up the body armor |
| earlier then equip it. See that block like structure in the middle |
| of the top part of the roof, thats what we're going to hide behind |
| for the most part of this fight. The radar is very important in the |
| battle since you'll be able to find out exactly where the chopper is. |
| |
| When your ready to fire, get out of the covering, make sure your not |
| too close to anything as your missile can damage you pretty badly if |
| it miss fires. Then aim at the chopper until the target box gets red |
| and fire the missile. Then quickly hide behind the box again since |
| Liquid will most definetly start shooting at you once he's hit. |
| |
| The Hind has a couple of hit zones, so you shouldn't have a hard time |
| aiming at the chopper itself. The hard thing about this battle is the |
| gun on the chopper as it causes really quick multiple damage. If your |
| aiming at the hind and he starts shooting at you, forget the shot for |
| now and concentrate on hiding. |
| |
| If your short on missiles, then you can find another pack in the area |
| where the broken bridge should have joined this tower, lower right |
| hand corner of the area. There's a ration on the roof too. |
| |
| Once you hit him enough he will get back and you will see a little |
| scene of Liqiud firing a missile from his chopper. When he does that |
| you should definetly stay behind the box structure to be safe, the |
| missile will hit the lower parts of the roof and it can cause quiet |
| a lot of damage if your hit. After this scene continue like before. |
| |
| When the hind is almost finished Liquid will start hiding his hind in |
| the lower corners of the roof, you will be able to see it but you can |
| not do anything about it if its below you. You will know this part as |
| the boss music will also fade out. Then the chopper will suddenly |
| emerge from the shadows and start shooting. At this time quickly hide |
| or shoot the chopper with your missile. |
| |
| When the chopper health finishes, liquid will go back and fire one |
| more missile at the roof, but this one can't damage you so stand |
| where ever you like. After the missile is fired, the chopper starts |
| to malfunction and falls down with Liquid in it. This battle is done. |
Once the battle is finished you will get a call from Otacon who tells you
that the elevator in the tower has mysteriously started working again and
that Snake should use it now.
From the roof, if you didnt take it before, take the ration and make your
way back down to the floor with the elevator on it. Use Chaff grenades on
the turrets to make your path easier and once you get down to the floor
with the elevator use it.
Once in the elevator, first the weight limit bell will go off, then Snake
will get a call from Otacon who tells him that some one stole his four
stealth prototype devices and those some one are in the elevator with our
hero at this time. Now a frantic battle begins. There are four soldiers
in the elevator with you using the stealth device that Otacon uses and we
have to kill them.
Equip the thermal goggles to see them easier, but you'll be able to spot
them easily enough without it since they move a lot. The best method to
take on them is the FA MAS. But you can also choke and break their necks
for quicker more efficient kills.
Either way, once you kill the four soliders the elevator will come to the
bottom floor and you can proceed on with the story. Once off the elevator
head left and behind the stairs area to find some more ammo. Once taken go
back to the elevator area and enter the small door on the south wall to
the right of the elevator. There are gun cams in this area so you might
want to throw a chaff grenade just in case.
In this room, run south and enter the door to the left, continue on this
path and enter the door at the very end of the passage to exit to a snow
field where the next boss battle awaits.
In the snow field, run forward and you'll see via the sniper scope that
Sniper Wolf is aiming at Snake, now we have to finish her one more time
in order to proceed. You will have a long codec chat with Otacon during
which Wolf butts in as well. After the chat is finished the battle begins.
----------------| BOSS BATTLE : SNIPER WOLF II |------------------
| You have to fight Sniper wolf again, but this time the battle is much |
| harder as your in a big snow field and she can attack you from diff |
| erent directions to make your life miserable. First off you can do |
| this battle with either the PSG 1 Sniper rifle or the Nikita missiles |
| for some efficient fighting. |
| |
| Here are the basic DONT's of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON't stay in the open, get to the corner ASAP. |
| 2/ DON't waste your Diazepan unless you know exactly where she is. |
| 3/ DON't hesitate in using the nikita missiles. |
| |
| Once the battle begins, you can either stand where you are and start |
| aiming for her with the Sniper rifle or if you have a bunch of Nikita |
| missile's left then you can follow a very sneakier method. From the |
| start quickly go right and hide behind the elevator ledge in that end |
| of the room. You should find some ammo there as well. |
| |
| Now, from there, Wolf will not be able to hit you as long as you are |
| behind the elevated ledge. So, equip the Nikita missile and fire one |
| shot, switch into first person view mode so you can see exactly where |
| Wolf is hiding, the detector on the missile will show Wolf as a box |
| even if she's in the dark area {I-E too far to see normally} so you |
| can easily steer the missile right into her. |
| |
| Keep in mind that the missile cant magically go over elevated ledges |
| so you need to find paths for the missile to go up. Also, dont hit |
| anything else in the way and concetrate on hitting wolf directly. |
| The missile also has its own fuel limit so be quick in your shooting. |
| |
| With this method it really shouldn't take a long time to beat her and |
| you won't be loosing much of your health either. But if you want to |
| save the missiles or you just dont have any, then you have no other |
| choice but to fight her sniper on sniper. In that scenario, take a |
| Diazepan and aim quickly, first spot where she is, then run away a |
| little bit from where you were since she's probably aiming at you |
| as well. Then re aim and fire at her. Note that even though you can |
| see her arms and legs when she's hiding behind a tree, you will not |
| be able to hit her unless she aims at you herself, or is running to |
| a different location. Pretty soon she'll be dead and its over. |
After the fight is over you'll see probably the most emotional scene in the
entire game, Otacon arrives just in time to see Snake setting the love of
his life, Sniper Wolf, 'free'. Otacon asks Snake why we all fight and Snake
replies that he'll tell him later.
After the scene is over and your back in control, check the area around you
and you'll realize your in a snow field with a lot of doors around you, on
the left and right and on the north end also.
First check the rooms in the left and right corners to find various ammo
grenades missiles and such, then check the north doors. The one on the
right side is locked with a level 7 lock. We can't go in there right now.
But the other one is accessible. So go through the only other door in the
northern side. Inside you will see two gun cams and a set of stairs going
down on the far side of the room. Throw a chaff grenade to distract the
gun cams and quickly dash down the stairs to end disc 1.
-------------------| USING THOSE BOX ITEMS |----------------------
| The reason why im telling you guys how to use the box so late is that |
| in the snowfield area you should have found the final box, and now you|
| can fully utilize the boxes. The boxes do have other uses rather then |
| being pissed on by wolves ya know lol. See those trucks, there's three|
| trucks in total. One in the initial heliport area, one in the storage |
| area for the dismantled warheads, and one in the snowfield here. Equip|
| the respective area box you want to return to and sit in the truck. In|
| a little while a soldier walks by, spots the box and drives you to the|
| specific area. Box A represents the heliport area, box B represents |
| the Nuke storage Building and box C represents this snowfield. Now you|
| can return to previous area's to regain ammo. |
Disc 2
Now, at the end of the stairs you will come out in the blast furnace of
the facility. Before anything, kill the single guard here and check the
far left area. you'll notice a narrow ledge going to the other side of
the area but there is a crane moving in between which will cause problems.
After you've killed the guard, equip either the stinger or the nikita
missiles and fire two shots at the crane, that should make the crane fall
down clearing the path. There is an elevator to cross over to the other
side as well but thats not working right now. How predictable.
After making the crane fall down, go over to the left side of the area you
are in and stick to the wall, now cross over the narrow catwalk, since the
crane is now destroyed there is nothing blocking your path ahead. Cross to
the other side and reach the other area.
Once here, go north of the screen and you'll see some stairs leading down
to the main floor of the furnace, be cautious as there is sometimes one
guard walking on the stairs. Kill the guard and go down the stairs, you
will see a big door on the north wall right after the stairs and a small
opening in the south wall.
-----------------| SECRET ITEM : THE BODY ARMOR |------------------
| This time getting the body armor will apply only if you didn't take it|
| the first time when possible. In the main floor of the blast furnace|
| go through the little opening at the south of the stairs. You will be|
| in a very high temperature room as the screen starts to get heated up.|
| In this small room, watch out for steam jets coming out of walls, they|
| can hurt you as well. Proceed south then turn left and at the very|
| left crouch down and cross over the pipes into the new area. |
| |
| Now you will come out in the main furnace floor again, in a different |
| area, there are two gun cam's here, throw a chaff to distract them |
| then quickly take the various ammo here and also take the body armor |
| from the center of the floor. Head back afterwards. |
Head through the big north door to enter the new area.
In this new area run forward and you'll see that the big cargo elevator is
coming up to your floor, so take the time to collect the ammo packs around
this area before the elevator arrives at your floor. Once the elevator is
stopped go to the control panel in the right hand corner and press on it
with the action key. Snake will start the elevator.
But before the elevator can go wrong, a couple of guards spot Snake and
jump onto the elevator as well. Now we have to kill them quickly. Equip
the FA MAS to kill them quicker or if your good enough you can either
throw them off the railing of the elevator or punch combo them over it.
This battle is sort of hard as these soldiers take a lot of bullets.
Once you've killed them the elevator will reach its destination. At this
time throw a chaff grenade and quickly head for the right side of the
screen where you'll see another similar elevator, we threw the grenade
because there's a gun cam right in our way. Start this second elevator
now and prepare to go down.
On your way down you will get a long and interesting codec call. Listen
to it well. Once the elevator ride ends you will come out in a frozen
like area with a bunch of crows flying around in it. There is a big door
at the north end but dont go in it straight away. Check the area behind
the containers to find some missiles and a ration. Once your ready enter
the big door.
Inside, Snake meets Vulcan Raven again, only this time he's on his feet
and you have to fight him mano e mano.
--------------| BOSS BATTLE : VULCAN RAVEN |----------------
| This is your final encounter with this behemoth of a man and its a |
| fight to death this time. Raven will be equipped with a mammoth |
| mini gun and he won't hesitate in stomping holes in Snake with it. |
| Also, raven has a huge field of vision so he will be able to spot |
| you from any corner of the ware house, so you should take cover. |
| |
| Here are the basic dont's of this fight. |
| |
| 1/ DON't get in front of Raven, stay behind him or hidden. |
| 2/ DON't try to finish him using hand to hand moves. Won't work. |
| 3/ DON't use small arms like FAMAS or Socom on him, won't work. |
| 4/ DON't stay around after firing a missile at him since he'll |
| immediately look at you after that. |
| |
| Okey, in this fight your going to use only the missiles, either the |
| Stinger missiles or the Nikita missiles. You shouldn't have a lot of |
| Stingers on you by this time so use them wisely and carefully. |
| |
| Raven will be patrolling around the warehouse in all directions and |
| he'll often turn around quickly to check his rear side. What you do |
| is not get in front of him or he'll mow you down. The best method of |
| taking on him is by hiding behind the containers and firing when he's |
| got his back turned to your side, so you can shoot from behind. |
| |
| With the Stinger missile, wait for Vulcan to run ahead of where ever |
| your standing so his back will be at you, then quickly come out of |
| hiding and fire a missile at him, quickly un equip the stinger and |
| get back behind a container. Hopefully the missile will make contact. |
| |
| With the Nikita missile, like before make sure his back is turned at |
| you but since you can control the Nikita missile, you can navigate |
| around corners as well if you accidentally miss him. But dont forget |
| to keep an eye on the radar, you don't want Raven to spot Snake while |
| your out controlling the missile, cause that'll be really bad for you.|
| |
| One more thing you should remember using the nikita, try not to make |
| the missile move much since it slows down if you change its direction |
| and vulcan raven can shoot your missiles down with his machine gun. |
| Which is also another reason we don't attack him up front, since you |
| will just end up wasting your missiles. Remember, if Vulcan is right |
| in front of you, let the nikita go straight, it will detect if the |
| missile is near it and turn around, but get hit with it any way. |
| |
| You can also play sneaky in this fight and use C4 or mines to set |
| traps in the path he walks on. The C4 does a good deal of damage to |
| him and you might want to use this method slightly more often. |
| |
| When his health bar gets smaller he starts to get more annoyed and he |
| moves around quicker and turns around more often to look behind. You |
| should continue the above given methods and soon he'll be finished. |
Once this fight is over, Raven will reveal some very important story plots
to you and before he dies he will hand over a level 7 card to you as well.
Well, atleast he did something good once. After his scenes are over you
will immediately get another codec call from the Master.
Once the talking is done you'll have the level 7 card and now we can go
anywhere we like. So proceed through the big door at the north end of the
warehouse and go through. You will come out in a new area. Here equip the
thermal goggles to see two trap doors on the floor in front of you. Don't
forget to take the Chaff grenade from your left and proceed a little more
into the room. When you come to an open area you'll notice hundreds of
gun camera's everywhere. So quickly throw a chaff grenade and make a run
for the door in the other corner of the room. Ignore the part to the right
of the door with the stairs unless you want some extra missiles.
---------------| GETTING THE MINE DETECTOR AGAIN |---------------
| If for some reason you forgot to take the mine detector very early on|
| in the game then you can find another mine launcher on the area to the|
| right of the door that you have to go through,there are some stairs on|
| that side and if you climb up those you will find a mine detector and |
| a couple of more missiles for the taking. |
In the new area, run straight forward and Snake will finally come face to
face with the Metal Gear. Looking pretty much completed. After the scene
go straight then turn right and go to the upper right portion of the area
to find a ladder leading up towards the Metal Gear. There are some stairs
leading down into some sewer water here as well but ignore that for now,
When your about to climb the ladder you'll get a call from Otacon. Take it
then climb up the ladder.
Here, either go around the catwalk to find some items, or go up north the
screen to find the next ladder. in the third area go around the cat walk
again to find some ammo or take the ladder which takes you to the roof of
the Metal Gear. Cross over it and drop on the other side of the cat walk.
Now just run across this catwalk, there's a guard here so watch out for
him. At the end of the catwalk you'll see a control room. Enter it.
Now you'll see a scene in which Snake realizes that Liquid is still alive
and well, even after that hind D crash. Otacon explains to Snake how to
use the PAL keycard during this scene and it ends with Ocelot knocking
the card out of Snake's hand and into the water down below.
After the scene is over, the guards would have been alerted and there is
nothing you can do about liquid and ocelot for the time being so ignore
them and quickly head back to where the ladder were. Take out any guard
that blocks your way and make it to the ladders.
Take the ladders all the way to the first floor of the Metal Gear room
and take the stairs down into the muddy water, we need to find the PAL
key card quickly. Note that you will loose your health very slowly if
you stay in the water for too long.
Now, you won't be able to see any thing in the water so equip the mine
detector which doubles as a metal detector and you should see a couple
of red blimps on your radar. Note that you can accidentally pick up a
bomb in these waters as well, so if that happens throw it out of your
inventory ASAP. You may also find some other items in here but we're
here just for the card.
If you don't find the card using the metal detector quickly then that
means that a rat must have swallowed it, you will get a call from
Master if that happens and he'll tell you what to do in that case.
Keep your eye on the radar and you will spot a moving red blimp in
the piping system, keep track of it and you'll notice its a rat, wait
for it to come out into open then shoot its ass to get the card back.
How a rat is able to eat a card is beyond me.
Once you hopefully have your card back go back all the way up to the
control room where you spotted Liquid and Ocelot, they won't be here
now but we dont care about them. Throw a chaff grenade before you go
inside this room as there are two security camera's in there and if
your spotted they'll lock the room down and gas it.
Once inside the room, check the first of the three computers with the
PAL card equipped. You will see a scene now. Now we need to cool the
key down. How do we do that ? We do it in the warehouse.
If you dont know what to do then you can always ask your Codec team,
they'll tell you where you have to go as well. Anyway, we now have
to cool the card down and the closest we can do that is in the ware
house we just killed Vulcan Raven in. So get out of the control room
and get back all the way down to the first floor of the Metal Gear.
From here, go back to the room with the hundreds of gun camera's. Use
a chaff to clear your path and watch out for the pits while entering
the raven warehouse.
Something i forgot to mention before was that you can find more ration
and missiles on the sides of the warehouse so while your here take all
of those things. Now, un equip the PAL card if you've got it on you
and just stand in one corner of the place for a little while. Check on
your inventory from time to time. You'll know when the card is cool.
When the card becomes blue and the logo on it changes, quickly go to
the gun camera room, then back to the metal gear room and head for
the control room quickly since if you waste time with the card it
will go back to its original state and you will have to cool it all
over again. Once in the control room, use the card on the middle PC.
Now just one more thing to do.
After using the cold key, we now have to warm the key up, and since
we're in Alaska, there's only one place i can think of. The big bad
Blast furnace. So start making your way all the way back through the
area's to the Blast furnace.
Note though that the Vulcan Raven warehouse will now be patrolled by
guards and on your way back you will receive another call from Master
on your Codec. Watch out for the gun camera when switching Elevators
and when your up to the Blast furnace its best that you go in that
little steam room directly to the south of the cargo elevator entrace.
In the steam room, find a corner, equip the card and sit tight. Check
on the card every little while, first it will go back to the normal
temperature mode then after a little while it will turn Red and its
logo will change again. Now that the card is heated up, we need to be
really quick since the cold weather can change it quickly.
Keep the card equipped and close to your body at all times so that it
doesn't go cold quickly and make your way back to the Metal Gear area.
Along the way, you'll get a very long and emotional Codec session and
things start to add up.
Once your near the Metal Gear Control room don't forget to save your
game and enter the control panel and use the final card on the final
computer. Its all over now.
Or is it ?
Snake doesn't know what he's done as he finds out that he's a part of
a very elaborate scheme and he accidentally helped Liquid and Ocelot
by starting up the Metal Gear for them. Master Miller calls you and
you finally learn how the terrorists knew everything, since Miller IS
liquid snake in disguide.
After the scenes are over, you will be trapped in the control room and
it will start filling up with gas. Quickly call Otacon from the codec
and he will shut the gas down in a little while, equip the gas mask as
Otacon does his work and when the gas is out and the door opens back up
you'll see a glimpse of Liquid running in the distance. Follow him.
Another series of scenes starts in which Liquid reveals to Snake that
he and Snake are infact twin brothers and that they're both the sons
of Big Boss. After some more talking Liquid suddenly makes a break for
the Metal Gear and enters it. The entire area begins to rise and Snake
and Liquid are taken to a huge empty ware house like area. Now its you
against a huge Metal Gear.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : METAL GEAR REX |-----------------
| PART I |
| ------ |
| |
| The first part of this boss fight is not that difficult, neither is |
| the second part for that matter, but here we go. For this stage of |
| the fight your main target is the radome plate on Rex's shoulder. |
| His left shoulder to be a bit more specific. You can not hurt Rex |
| at any other place at this time in the battle. |
| |
| Here are the basic DONT's of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON't stand still as he'll hit missiles at you. |
| 2/ DON't get too close to him, he'll try to stomp on you. |
| 3/ DON't use any other weaponry besides the Stinger missiles, |
| since nothing else is powerful enough to hurt him. |
| 4/ DON't fire off missiles rapidly, wait for the red target |
| box to appear again before firing the second missile. |
| |
| This battle can be very easy if you have a couple of chaff grenades |
| on you before the fight, as soon as the fight starts REX roars and |
| charges at you. Throw a chaff grenade to confuse it momentarily and |
| hit the radome on his shoulder at least 2 times. When REX is back in |
| order it will launch missiles at you, to avoid the missiles just run |
| right towards rex and you'll be safe from them. |
| |
| If you get too close to him, he'll attack with a machine gun, to |
| avoid that run away from REX. Also, dont get too close since he's |
| just all that much happy to stomp on you. |
| |
| If you have the body armor with you then equip it ASAP, and this |
| fight will be a tad bit easier. Overall this isnt a hard fight and |
| will quickly be over. After you've damaged it enough a scene begins. |
| |
| Grey Fox comes in to rescue Snake just as he's about to be pounded |
| and manages to knock off the radome dish completely opening up the |
| mouth of REX revealing Liquid inside it. But unfortunately even Fox |
| isnt strong enough to survive REX and gets seriously injured. |
| |
| When FOX is talking and you are back in aiming mode, Snake will not |
| be able to fire at either FOX or REX because he doesn't want to hit |
| Fox accidentally. But unfortunately Liquid is not that kind and he |
| crushes Fox with REX, killing him. |
| |
| |
| ------- |
| |
| Now its personal. Liquid has gone too far. Fortunately Grey fox did |
| what he said he would, the rex mouth is now open and you have a new |
| target to fire at, liquid himself. Also the metal gear will not move |
| during this stage of the fight. |
| |
| The basic DONT's of this battle are the same as part I. |
| |
| In this stage of the fight, like before the rex will shoot out guns |
| missiles and if your a little close to it, it will use the same blue |
| laser it used to cut fox's legs in the previous scene. If you want to |
| buy yourself some time throw a Stun grenade to distract Liquid for a |
| small time, take that time to hit him in the cockpit of the rex two |
| times. This battle will be similar to the first one and you should be |
| able to finish Liquid quickly enough. |
After the big boss fight is finally over, you'll see another series of some
great scenes in which Snake gets caught by Liquid who surprisingly escaped
the Metal gear blasts without taking serious injuries. Liquid reveals a lot
of gene related information to Solid Snake. He also reveals that Meryl may
or may not be alive.
After all the chatting and a disappointing conversation on the Codec, its
time for the final fight. Liquid unties Snake's hands and wants to do one
on one battle with him. Liquid has tied a bomb near Meryl and the timer is
set for three minutes. If Snake wins he might still be able to save her.
-----------------| BOSS BATTLE : LIQUID SNAKE |-------------------
| |
| This is it. The battle of fates. Its brother against brother. Both the|
| brothers will be on the roof of the destroyed Metal Gear Solid, a tied|
| up Meryl is there too but we dont know if she's alive or dead and the |
| worst part is that you only have a three minute time in which you must|
| beat Liquid. |
| |
| Here are the basic don't of this battle. |
| |
| 1/ DON't stand near Liquid after hitting a punch punch kick combo. |
| 2/ DON't stand near the corners when fighting since you'll slip. |
| 3/ DON't waste time since you have very little. |
| 4/ DON't try to knock Liquid off the side unless his health is |
| completely finished since he takes a lot of time to get back |
| up, and here, time is money. |
| |
| So, in this battle you will have no guns, no rations, and a rapidly |
| fininshing time in which you must beat Liquid. The easiest strategy |
| here is to just hit liquid with a punch punch kick combo then wait |
| for him to get up, then hit him with another combo and repeat the |
| process until his health finihes. |
| |
| Note that when his health bar is almost over he will start doing |
| running charges which are very dangerous since they take a big part |
| out of Snake's health. Try to avoid those. Also, when ever you are |
| able to knock him down, he flips to get up, stay away from him at |
| this point since he'll knock you down with his flipping action too. |
| |
| Also, do try and not get hit by him since his punches are much more |
| damaging then yours are to him. There is a sneaky method to get rid |
| of him quickly though, if your a master of this, try to hit him with |
| just two punches, then wait for half a second and quickly tap the |
| punch button two times, if your timing is right then Snake will not |
| do the kick and hit Liquid two more times with the punches. |
| |
| If your good at this, you can completely finish his health without |
| even knocking him down once. But this requires a lot of practice. |
| You can make this tip easier on yourself by pressing the pause key |
| after hitting the first two punches, un pausing and pressing the key |
| two more times to hit two more punches. Sneaky. |
| |
| When his health bar finishes, wait for him to be near a corner and |
| then do a full combo to knock him over and down the side of rex. |
| Remember, this battle will not finish until you knock him down the |
| side after his health bar finishes completely. |
Now you will get the biggest spoiler in the entire game, if you submitted to
Ocelot's torture then Snake will discover that Meryl is dead and Otacon will
arrive in the area to help Snake in getting out and he'll be with you in the
ending stages of the game.
If you managed to survive through the torture sequence the Meryl will be all
alive and well. She and Snake will be together for the final stretch of the
game and Otacon will help them from back in the facility.
After the scenes are over and Snake is in prep again you'll see a 9 minute
timer on your head, once your back in control of Snake your partner will go
ahead, dont follow him/her just yet, turn back around and enter the small
door behind you, you will find another ration there. Since you've lost all
items this is the only one you'll have. Now run after your partner and he
or she will get caught by a camera and some guards will rush in.
You need to fight the guards until your partner can start up the jeep, the
best method is to choke out the guards quickly, once your partner manages
to start the jeep ignore them and run for the jeep, once your in it blow
up the barrles next to the blocked path to make the jeep go ahead.
-------------| SURVIVING THE JEEP SEQUENCE FINALE |--------------
| This is it. The final stretch of the game, your in the back seat of a |
| gun mounted jeep and Meryl or Otacon will be driving the jeep. You've |
| got to take out any enemies that pop up. Well technically speaking you|
| won't be facing enemies randomly. The jeep will stop at two checkposts|
| and you will have to kill three guards on each post. After killing the|
| guards blow the barrels next to the posts to clear the path so that |
| your partner can move the jeep further. |
| |
| If your having a hard time aiming them press the first person key to |
| see directly with the gun, this makes aiminig a lot easier. |
| |
| When you pass both the check points, a brief scene happens in which |
| we see that Liquid is STILL alive and he's following you in another |
| jeep. He's got a machine gun in his hand and he'll be shooting at you |
| too so you return the favor. The quicker you shoot Liquid in this |
| sequence the faster the chase scene will end. There is no specific |
| health bar for him during this stage but you should keep on hitting |
| him. Dont hesitate to use the ration if your health goes down since |
| you won't be needing any after this sequence. |
| |
| Once the chase scene is about to end your partner character will see |
| some light at the end of the tunnel but Liquid crashes his jeep into |
| yours and its game over. Now sit back and watch the finale. |
Now sit back and watch the long and well deserved ending sequence of the game
but dont be quick to shut the game down, watch the entire ending credits and
once the credits are over you'll be able to save your game.
If you load this game then you will start from the beginning docks and have
either the camo device Otacon gave you or the limitless bandana Meryl gave
you in the final sequences. Along with the Camera if you took it this time.
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