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Blood II: The Chosen - Walkthrough
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Blood II – The Chosen – Walktrough (by Steven Clubb of www.planetblood.com)
Chapter One Walkthrough
Level 1: Cabalco Transit System
"You just can't sit and enjoy your new issue of Guns N' Gibs while suffering the subway in peace these days. First that ticket guy dared to confiscate yer flask of Ol' Red '99, and then that spineless conductor had to stop the train for an hour just because some snot-nose brat in a baby carriage rolled onto the tracks! You were about to go up there and give him a piece of his own mind but then you recognized his voice... and realized that your day was about to get... interesting."
This level shouldn't shouldn't present any problem. In case you never played a game with a "Use" key, you must press it to open the doors between the subway cars. And remember that the civilians often contain Life Essences, so take out your knife and slash away. Just make your way to the front of the train, and the train will crash ending the level.
Level 2: Pickman St. Station
"That hurt. That hurt a lot. The last time you blacked out, it was after throwing back nineteen consecutive shots of JoJo's Black Label #47, and even then, you think your physical proximity to the ice-cream stand you blew up had more to do with it. Ah, well. That idiot vendor shouldn't have pissed you off by putting sprinkles on your Killer Kiddy Kone. Speaking of sprinkles, you suspect it would behoove you to find Gideon and liberally sprinkle him on the nearest wall!"
Note: Remember to smash all garbage cans, trash bags, and crates on this level. They often contain useful items.
Go around the metal fence, and go up the escalators on your left. After the third set, you'll set some garbage cans on a ledge to your left which contain some goodies. Jump over and collect them, then jump back. Continue down the path until you find yourself outside "Crazy Eric's Guns and Ammo." Jump into the garbage bin to the right of the entrance to pick up a flashlight, then enter the store. Go into the back room, but before you go up the stairs, enter the room to you left. There, you'll find the target range with a new toy. Pick it up, and then go up the stair in the other room.
Make your your way around the second floor of the shop, and down another flight of stairs. You should soon find yourself in front of an open sewer. Before you jump into it, head over to the Laundromat (jump into the dumpster to the right of the entrance for a couple of remotes). Aside from a gag or two, the only thing of interest in the Laundromat is the washer with the body in it. Smash it, and you'll be rewarded with a Life Seed. Go back outside and jump into the inviting waters of the sewer.
Follow the tunnel into the next area, and jump out. Go up the stairs and jump up on top of the over-turned dumpster (you'll find some flares inside of it, so pick 'em up), then up onto the ledge, and over the fence. Follow the alley around until you get to the fire escape. Climb up to the second story (the third story contains some flares) and jump over the fence into the dilapidated playground. On the other side of it, jump up on the dumpster and over the fence to end the level.
Level 3: Lafayette Museum of Antiquities
"Cabalco's Lafayette Museum of Antiquities announces a new featured exhibit: Cults and Rituals. Take a remarkable and informative guided tour through the histories of some of the world's most bizarre fanatical organizations, ranging from the cursed Sect of the Barking Tree Frog to those dreaded fez-wearing Shriners. Also, do be sure to stop and sacrifice a moment of your day to visit our new Animatronic Dark God Exhibit. Scary!"
Note: Remember to slash all Garbage cans and crates. They often contain useful items.
Turn the corner and go around to the entrance of the alley on the far side of the museum. Look up, and shoot the pipes. After the explosion, make your way up the fire escape, and use the crater of the explosion to get up into the vent. Go through the vent, and you'll find yourself next to the museum's skylight. On the far side is the Willpower Power-Up, so grab it, and jump down into the museum entrance way.
As you move toward the first exhibit (a necroward), a laser trap will activate behind you. After vanquishing the ensuing ambush. Smash the glass surrounding the necroward, and carefully walk through the gaps in the laser beams to relieve the museum of one of it's prized exhibits. Now make you way to the West Wing. Again, as you go through the entrance, a laser trap will activate blocking your retreat. Enter the Wonder of Egypt exhibit and climb the stairs to your right (slashing the upper-most mummy will reveal another Willpower Power-up). Continue through the next laser trap, and through the doors into the next exhibit (note: blowing up the fire extinguisher allows you to drop through the floor into the same exhibit). Go down the stairs and through another laser trap.
Enter into the Mysteries of the Occult exhibit. After foiling the ambush, activate the Animatronic Controls on the left side of the room. Tchernobog will explode (wow, it's like deja vu all over again) creating a whole in the floor. Jump down and follow the passage on the right side of the area through a door marked "Exit."
Side Trip: In this room, you should see another door which allows you access to the storage area you saw in the previous area. Climb the stairs in the storage room, and jump up on top of the crane track. You'll see some Proximity Detonators up there. So grab them, and go back through the door.
To your right, you'll find a most welcome exhibit. Seems likes everyone's favorite weapon is on display. Jump into the display and pick it up. If you like. You can blow up the soda machines and enter the bathrooms. Look around and you'll find a cultist with The Eye. Kill her, and collect your power-up. Back in the previous area, near the Shotgun exhibit, you'll find some steps leading down to another laser trap. Go through and prepare to meet an old friend. Afterwards, follow the passage on the right side of the room, and blow the fire extinguisher. Go through hole to end the level.
Level 4: Condemned Tenement
"Gideon got away, but he's still on the run. You'll put him to rights and turn out his lights soon enough. Meanwhile, he's left behind some of his rotten friends for you to deal with. These pestilent meat-chunks do remind one of the undead things that the Cabal used to churn out in the old days... except for that weird stitching on their chests. Something's different about these particular walking-carcusses. But hey, gibs are gibs."
Note: Remember to smash all the garbage cans, trash bags, and crates. They often contain useful items.
If you like, you can walk down the stairs and pick up a few items, but afterwards enter into the room just to the right of your starting position. Smash the boards on the window, and crouch-jump out onto the ledge (if you fall, you can get back up here pretty easily, although you will meet some... resistance). Over to your left is a ladder, jump onto it, and climb up. Look down, and you'll see a small skylight. Smash the wood paneling, and you can drop down into the room. Find the boarded up window (need I remind you to pick up the Life Seed), smash through it, and crouch-jump out the window. Follow the alley around, and walk up the board to get over the fence and into an area that should be very familiar.
Remember to pick up the flares in the over-turned dumpster, and jump down into the open sewer, and go through the tunnel to the other area (be quick about it, and you can avoid the nasty little Bone Leaches. Otherwise, spend a couple of moments taking them out). Enter the Laundro-Hut, and work your way around the elevator to end the level.
Level 5: Steam Tunnels
"Man, do you hate sewers! The smell is rather appealing, but all-in-all slogging through the Floaters gets old. When you finally get around to ruling the world, it'll be time to declare the place a no-sanitation zone. The perks of an open-sewer society include not having to budget for pipe repairs. The stuff can find its way to the oceans on its own. Either way, even with the local fragrance, you can smell Gideon's nasty stench. The coward's probably headed for a Cabal safehouse."
Note: Remember to smash all the crates. They often contain useful items.
Directly under your starting position are a number of Life Essences. Grab 'em if you need 'em. Directly to the right of your starting position is a door. Go through it, up the steps, and activate the wooden lever. Gib the stabbed body behind you for a MAC-10. Slash your way through the crates, and look down the hole. Carefully jump down to the ledge, and then down to the floor. Follow the passage down until you get to a room with a large cylinder. Follow the path around it into the "sewer access" door. Smash the boards barring the storage room, and enter it. Under one of the tables is some IR goggles (easy to miss), and you smash the bookcases for some items. Jump through the hole in the wall, and smash the metal shelves to get into the next room. Go through the door, and smash the small window to your left. Walk through it to get the "Valve Access" room. Take anyone of the lifts down, and find the dials to turn off the steam. #1 and #3 are on a lower level than #2, and there's a ladder linking them. After you shut off all three, ride the lift back up. Walk back through the window I told you to smash earlier, and keep walking straight ahead until you get to the room with steam blowing on the door. Over to your left is the wooden lever that turns it off. Do so, and go through the door.
Side Trip: Across the way is a door marked "Maintenance," go through it, and duck under the pipes over to your left. Follow it around, and you'll find yourself in the infamous Predator room. Pick up the items, and leave the Maintenance room.
In between the "Valve Access" door and the "Maintenance" door is a path flanked by steam valves (thankfully, they're off now). Go down the path, and through a door. There are two paths you can follow, but you need to head over to your left first. You'll soon find yourself in a room with a metal cage and three wooden levers. Activate them all, and retrace your steps. This time take the stairs on the right side of the room. Ride the lift down to "Valve 4," and follow the path along until you get to the room with the big pipe over some raw sewage. Take the path on your left (the right side leads to bum's home, a curiosity, but absolutely useless), and enter the door at the end of the path. You'll see the elevator to the CDM here, so enter it to end the level.
Level 6: Center for Disease Management
"With humanity breeding like roaches, and over-crowding plaguing the whole planet, disease has become our second biggest business! We're proud to announce that we have a near monopoly at the Cabalco Center for Disease Management! This state-of-the-art facility has extensive research, dissection, and trauma centers. We assure you that the CDM is on the cutting-edge of disease, plague, and affliction of all types. Whether you're interested in the Ebola virus or just some-plain-old, tasty syphilis. Our motto? Invest and Infect. Cabalco does the rest!"
Note: Remember to smash all the metal cabinets. They often contain useful items.
Move forward until you see the computer room on your left. Blow up one of the computers, and collect the Life Essence you find in the crater. If you'd like some extra ammo (and who wouldn't), activate the console and enter the giant metal doors next to your starting point. If they close up again, activate the console in there to re-open them. After you re-stock, go through the automatic doors next to the computer room. Go through the next set of automatic doors, and make your right side until you find the "Examination Lab" (you might want to explore the other corridors outside the "Examination Lab," as there are some interesting things laying around; but it isn't necessary to complete the level). Enter the lab, and follow the passage over to the right of room to the "Mainframe Access," Enter it, and activate the computer panel next to the scientist. This turns off the fan, so return to the beginning of the level.
You'll find a conveyor belt behind the crates. Jump on it, and walk against it until you get to a room with an acid pool. Take note of the Life Seed on the other side of the room, we'll be coming back to get it in just a second. Follow the passage to the right, and go up the ladder. Go through the automatic doors, and enter the room over to your left. Activate the console, and make your way back to the acid pool. Some blocks should have risen up allowing you to jump to the Life Seed (if not, gib the corpses in the pool, and that should allow them to rise up). After you get it, go back down the passage, up the ladder, and through the automatic doors.
Follow the hall to the right. Keep going around (make note of the CRU (Cryogenics Retrieval Unit)), until you reach the PC2. After you go through the automatic doors, look to your left. You'll see an open elevator shaft. Look down it, and you'll see a Necroward and a small ledge. This is a bit tricky. You need to jump down, grab the booty, and quickly jump on the ledge before the elevator smashes you. If you feel lucky, jump down, get it, and jump back out of the shaft. After you make up your mind whether or not to get the Necroward, go up the steps, and search the central column for a hand pad. Push it, and the lasers on the door will de-activate. Go into the newly opened area, and follow the hall around. Go through the door and pick up the CRU access card. Now retrace your steps to the CRU.
After you get to the CRU, activate the console to de-activate the lasers. Step through the newly opened doorway, and onto the platform (if you gib the corpse on the right side of the room, you'll find a Life Seed). Ride the platform up to the next area and jump off. Go forward through the automatic doors and turn to your left. There's a mop closet at the end of the hall with a lab key in it. Pick it up and then follow the hall back around to the other side. At the other end, you'll find an elevator and a lab. Enter the lab, and grab the Express Card. Now, enter the elevator, and activate the panel to end the level.
Level 7: Movin' On Up
"Gideon is headed for one of the executive airships docked at the top of the building. It is obviously time to stop pounding back so much charred flesh at the corner Beefy Queen, 'cuz you ain't in proper shape to take the stairs. Interestedly, Gideon has also been taking his fair share of meat at the BQ, and thus he'd had to install express elevators in each of his skyscrappers. Not having to walk up the thousand-plus floors is a kindness if only you could figure out how to turn off that infernal music!"
Note: Remember to smash all the crates. They often contain useful items.
Wait for the elevator to get to the top. Hum along to the delightful muzak, or take out your pent up aggression on the pretty helicopters buzzing around the building. In any event, you'll soon find yourself at the top. Walk around (blowing up the soda machines to collect a couple of items), and open the metal doors. Prepare yourself for a battle with a Prophet. Once you vanquish him, the entrance to the airship will open up. Walk toward the airship to end the level.
Level 8: CAS Revenant
"The Cabalco Industries Model 1701D Airship is one of the finest, and certainly, most versatile, flying vessels ever to grace our soiled-skies. Versatility is the key word here, as our airship can be used simultaneously for both connoisseur-class business travel and military purposes. Why bother to make two trips? Carpet-bomb that nasty Third-World country, while keeping your most important clients flying in style! Beneath its armored exterior the Cabalco Airship truly has a heart of gold. Spacious seating, relaxing cabins, well-armed stewardesses, and the best nuts in the sky! Fly Cabalco. Fly in style."
Note: Remember to smash all the crates. They often contain useful items.
Enter into the airship on the right side. Walk along until you find two consoles. Activate them both, and head back outside. This time, enter the airship on the left side. Follow the passage along, and jump down when you get to the room with the ladder. Go through the door.
Side Trip: After going through the door, you'll see a gap in the railing to your left. It's a ladder, so use it to climb down. Walk to to where the crates are, and jump to the other side of the large crate. Smash the small wooden crate to get your grubby little hands on a Life Seed. Retrace your steps back up the ladder.
Go through the other door, and make your way to the left side of this room. Go through the automatic doors, across the ledge, and through the other set of doors. To your left, you'll find a ladder (you can turn the force field off with the console if you like--not necessary). Climb up the ladder, and make your way through the corridor past the automatic doors.
Side Trip: If you'd like a few goodies, don't go through the doors in front of you, yet. Instead, jump up on the sloped surface just to the right of the doors, and make your way to the other catwalk. Enter the doors on your right (not the door next to the sloped surface), and follow the passage to a storehouse. Smash the crates to get you some goodies. Retrace your steps back outside, and enter either set of doors next to the sloped surface to end the level.
Level 9: CAS Revenant (Interior)
"We are going down! Assume Crash Positions! Please bring your seats and tray tables to their upright and locked positions. Place your head between your own legs. If you are smoking, please put yourself out. Have a nice day and thank you for choosing Cabalco Air."
Note: Remember to smash all the metal cabinets, metal shelves, and foot lockers. They often contain useful items.
Head over toward the right side, and take the ladder down. Slash the grating and crawl along to the Bomb Bay. After slashing through the grating and taking care of the fanatics, you'll need to activate both of the consoles. I believe the one on the opposite side of your entrance needs to be activated first. After turning them both on, smash the grating on the opposite side of your entrance, and crawl along the vent. You'll find yourself in another room with a ladder and another vent. Smash the grating, and crawl through the vent. Exit through either one of the two gratings, and make your way to the ladder to the left of your position. Climb up it, find the next ladder, and climb up that one, too. Walk around the turbine, and through the metal door into a room with two more metal doors.
Go through the metal door on the right side of the room (not the one at the bottom of the stairs). Follow the passage, and go up the ladder. Activate the console, and retrace your steps to the room with the three metal doors. This time, take the one at the bottom of the stairs. After going through another metal door, you'll find a couple of ladder on the right side of the passage. Take the one leading up, and activate the console in that room. Exit through the newly opened door. Turn to your right, and take the next passage to your right.
When you get to the Force Field blocking your access to the bridge. Nearby is the Armory, the Galley, and a couple of crew quarters. Search the crew quarters to find a some useful items. Afterwards, enter the Galley, and enter the adjoining kitchen. Shoot the Fire Extinguisher on the wall, and go through the hole into the Armory. Over to your left is a niche with a console. Activate it to turn off several force fields, including the one to the bridge. Collect your goodies, and go back to the lift by the bridge. Ride it down.
Enter into the bridge and take care of all resistance. Find the door on the lower level of the bridge and follow it along to the "Self-Destruct" button. Break the glass, and push it. Turn around and make your way back to the bridge. You'll notice that the force field that was up in this room has now been de-activated. So run up the ramp and follow the passage along until you find the ladder leading down to the Bomb Bay. Climb down to the lower level of the Bomb Bay. There's a room next to the Bomb Bay, where you can find a parachute. Break the glass, grab the chute, and jump through one of the holes in the Bomb Bay floor to end the level.
Level 10: Hard Hat Area
"Well, that was fun... Gideon wasn't on board, sadly... but you now have a solid idea as to his whereabouts: the cathedral! That's what the sign out front said anyhow, 'OCT. 30, GIDEON DOES HIS DISSERTATION ON THE RITUAL CRIME OF SIN AND HOW TO GET AWAY WITH IT. GET HERE EARLY AND YOU'LL HEAR HIS MINOR SYMPOSIUM ON A VALVE'S INCREDIBLY ONEROUS HALF-LIFE!' He's not the type to disappoint his fans, so get over there and let him know you're in his audience."
Use the box to jump over the fence. Continue along until you get to a large open space with an open sewer entrance in the center of it. Look down, and carefully jump down to the next lower level--not the ground level.
Side Trip: If you accidentally fell all the way down to ground level, use the beam to get back up. Follow the ledge around, and you'll find a gap over on the left side. In this new area, you'll see a building with caution signs on it. If you're feeling really brave, you blow it up, and grab the Bug Spray Canister you'll find in the rubble, but I recommend against doing so. Instead, follow the ledge around and jump into the hole in the side of the building. Collect your goodies, and make your back to the sewer entrance in the first area.
Jump down to ground level, and into the sewer. Be extremely careful, there are lots of Bone Leaches in here. Make your way through the tunnel, and you'll find yourself in extremely familiar territory. Standard drill. Get out, get the Remotes out of the dumpster to the right of the Laundromat entrance. Jump back into the sewer, follow it to the next area. Use the over-turned dumpster to get over the fence. Follow the alley to the fire escape. Climb up to the second story (the third story has a Life Seed), jump over the fence to the dilapidated playground. On the left side of the playground, you can climb up a garbage slope to get into an alley. Follow it around, and use the box to jump over the fence. Smash the boxes on the other side, enter the hole. Follow the passage along, jump the gap in the stairs, and enter the doorway to end the level.
Level 11: The Cathedral
"You won't find any nuns in this cathedral! The resident lurder-from-beyond has warped this place into something more to its liking. You might actually find it habitable yourself, if it was up for sale (at a reasonable price), an didn't come with those annoying Cabal doormen. Ah, well. It's time to clean this place out and find out where Gideon's gone. Maybe you'll find time to get a lovely stone rubbing for that empty wall in your walk-in gun-closet while you're at it."
Note: Remember to smash just about everything. They often contain useful items.
Go up the steps and enter the stone door. Walk around the wall and through another stone door. Turn to your left and go through the door. To your left is a door leading to a pair of IR goggles and a Zealot, and probably not worth the trouble. Take the door to your right, and pick up the Apse Key. Backtrack to the room with all the Stained glass, and go through the door across the hall. To your right is a room with some Soul Drudges (no goodies). Take the door to your left and go up the stairs. Jump through the hole in the wall onto the ledge.
Look down. You'll see a hole in the wall next to a pool. There's a couple of Bone Leaches in the pool, so you might want to take care of them. A little later on, you might find yourself in that pool, and you don't want to have to deal with them then. Jump down, and go through the hole. Go around the corner, pick up the Tower Key, and go back to the room with the pool. Make your way to the top of the tower--make sure to grab the Life Seed on the other side.
Tip: When you get near the top, you'll find yourself ambushed by a couple of Zealots. The best course of action is to drop down into the pool (see, there was reason to take out those Bone Leaches), and take them out where you have a little room to maneuver.
Jump through the hole at the top. Climb the stairs and go through the door. Jump across the broken ledge, and go through the door. After going through another door, jump out through the hole.
This next bit is really, really evil, since you'll be navigating narrow ledges, while Fanatics and Zealots ambush you. A few tips. The first: you might want to turn your auto-run off, as precision is much more desirable than speed here. The second: there's at least one Zealot you can take out with a bomb. And lastly: when you get through the end, discretion can be the better part of valor--you can probably zip by the last Zealot or two without having to take them out.
Follow the ledge to your left until you find the slope leading down to the next building. There should be a small out-cropping to the right of the slope (facing the other building), and you might want to drop a proxy or two there (drop a couple of remotes if you're out of proxies), as a Zealot will teleport on that spot a little later on. Slide down the slope, and carefully jump from ledge to ledge until you eventually come to another slope. This one will have a hole underneath it. Jump onto the ledge by the hole, re-enter the cathedral through the hole, and go down the stairs. Quick-save.
If you look through the hole at the bottom of the stairs, you'll see a couple of Shikari, and some very inviting items on the ledge across the way. If you want to get those items, then you'll have to get them before you kill both of the Shikari--when you kill the second one, the big boss will warp in, and you'll probably find it impossible to get up to the ledge. Kill one of the Shikari, and drop down. Pick up the Necroward and Life Seed on the lower level, then jump up to the ledge to get the items. After picking up the Anger Power-Up, quickly kill Shikari and prepare for one Hell of a fight.
Whatever you do, do not leave the sight of the monster. If you do, it will pound the floor causing debris to fall and injure you, so you can't hide. Instead, you'll have to keep moving launching everything you possible can at it. The grenades from the Assault Rifle will come in handy. Try to do as much damage as you can while the Triple Damage of the Anger Power-up is active, but remember to KEEP MOVING.
Chapter Two Walkthrough
Level 1: Cabalco Transit System 2
"You are entering the Industrial Sector, be aware that we are currently at Stage Three Ozone Levels and a Stage Four Toxin Warning. Be advised that protective-breathing gear should be worn at all times. Thus, you'll find that this is the perfect opportunity to try Cabalco's new and improved Safe Sucks 2! It's the cheap-and-easy protective gear for all occasions. Please avoid high-danger areas like the out-of doors. Have a safe and a pleasant day."
Same drill as the last time, only this time it's a little tougher. Make your way to the front of the train, and the train will crash ending the level.
Level 2: Cabal Safehouse
"Trains used to be so much more gracious. These days it's all one can do to avoid being killed on one. There are very few things that seem to relieve tension better than blowing the living, er... um, bits out of the opposition. These Cabal Safehouses look like the epitome of luxury... the stench, the appointments, the rats, the ambiance, and the winos. And speaking of appointments, Gideon should be around here somewhere. That is a rendezvous that ought to be more fun than target practice on winos. Wheeeeee!"
Climb out of the over-turned train, and jump on top of it. Make your way to the front of the train. Before jumping down, take care of the Thieves (they make a distinctive sound, learn to recognize it). Jump down, and make your way to the subway platform. Jump up on it and make your way outside. Go up the steps to the Safehouse and enter the first set of doors. Push the intercom, and someone will buzz you up. Go through the next door, and up the stairs. Find the lobby with the soda machines (be sure to search the rooms next to this area). Enter the lobby, and you'll see two paths. If you'd like a new toy to play with, follow the path to your left. After getting it, go back to the lobby and take the right-hand path. Search the rooms for supplies (including a Life Seed and a Medkit), then take the stairs up the second floor. Make your way across the second floor (only the room without the door has anything useful in it) until you get to the door marked "Roof Access." Go through the door, and head up to the roof.
Note: You might want to save your game before you go through the door at the top of the stairs. Just like the original Blood, B2 has the door-killer bug. It's possible that you'll find yourself dead after the cutscene that activates when you go through the door.
After meeting an old friend, quickly go back through the door you just came through (there's some shotgun shells on the roof, but it's probably not worth the effort). Make your way back downstairs and back outside. Next to the pay phone ("Wolfman's got Nards"
is a newly opened tunnel. Walk down the alley (there's some ammo in one of the boxes here, the only stash on this level) until you get to the door. Go through it, and into a storeroom (don't get your hopes up, there's nothing in these boxes). Go down both sets of steps, and go under the landing. There's a secret room with a Necroward. After you get it, go back up one set of steps, and through the door. To your right are some Thieves, and a room with Freddy Kruger's glove. Head down the passage to your left until you get to the ladder. Climb down.
Side Trip: Jump into the corrosive liquid (don't worry, it won't hurt you). To your left is a passage. Turn on your flashlight, and swim into it. Inside, you'll find a Life Seed. Turn around, and swim back out.
Find the door on the right side of the room, and go through it. Follow the passage along, but be wary of the Thieves that are near the niche with all the goodies. Keep going down this passage until the level ends.
Level 3: Sewage Treatment Plant
"It's clear that the citizens of New Town have a couple of severe problems... they are overfed and they are anal-expulsives. The combination is going to be lethal... for them. From the smell, their pipes could use a good cleaning. That's you, immortal demigod and living high-colonic. It is clearly Gideon's fault that you have fallen to this level. Ankle-deep in feces, as it were. Hmmm. You can add it to his bill and take it out in chunks."
Caution: This level contains numerous Thieves. Proceed with caution.
Follow the passage along, and go through the door. Jump down into the water below you, and follow the sewer along. Go up the steps and up the ladder. Walk around the pool and through the doorway. Walk to the end of the passage and take the lift up. Walk along until you get to another lift, and take that one up. Follow the passage, and climb the ladder to end the level.
Level 4: Cabalco Meat Packing Plant
"Hungry for more meat? Sure you are. We all are! At Cabalco, we understand meat, so we've developed a new line of products to fulfill all your varied meat needs! Meat In A Can! It's both affordable and delicious! Comes in your favorite regular meat flavors... offal, cattle, foul, swine, goat, and bottom-feeding fish! Or, try out our newest selections! We've recently added a wonderfully yeasty sourdough meat, a fine new fermented-prune meat, and an ever-so-slightly hallucinogenic fungal meat! At Cabalco Meat Packing Plant we continue to create the foods of the future! Even better we now average more than 82 percent E. Coli free!"
Note: Smash all boxes, crates, metal cabinets, and filing cabinets. Many contain useful items.
Keep walking until your path is blocked by large boxes. Jump up to the boxes and onto the pipe. Be careful, there are several Thieves around.
Side Trips: If you'd like a Life Seed and a Necroward, follow the pipe to your left, and follow it back the way you just came from. When you can't walk any further, jump down to a ledge below you. Follow this ledge around to the goodies. Make your way back to the boxes, and jump back on the pipe. Again, follow it to your left, but this time take the left branch on the pipe. Jump onto the building to your right when you can't walk any further. Go left, and jump onto another pipe. Keep walking on this one until you're next to the roof across from a loading dock. Jump onto the roof, and look around. You'll find the elusive Death Ray behind something.
Make your way back to the boxes, jump back onto the pipe, and follow it to your right. When you can't go any further, jump down into the area below you (on the other side of the boxes). Walk along until you get to the loading dock. Enter the building through the metal door. To your right, you can find some supplies. Go get them, and then follow the passage to your left. Go up the steps (smash the box next to the door for a Willpower Power-Up), and go through the metal door. Keep walking (past the Flavor Room--it contains a gag, so you might want to enter it) until you get to the Meat Room. Enter it, and ride the lift up to a catwalk. Pull the lever to activate the grinder. Go back down the lift, and jump on the conveyor belt. Follow it into the next room, and go up the stairs. Follow the catwalk through several rooms until you get to the "Processing Area."
After entering the "Processing Area," look to left. You'll see a door below your position. Jump down and enter the door and smash the place up to get some supplies. Afterwards, go back into the "Processing Area" and make you way to the other side. Go through the metal door, and follow the hall to your left (there's a couple of Bone Leeches in the hall, so watch out). If you'd like some health, enter the double doors, climb the stairs, and shoot the hanging meat and bodies--it'll release Life Essences and Bone Leeches. Then go back out into the hall, and follow it to the doors marked "Shipping."
Enter the door to your right, and go up the steps. On the left side of the vat is a underwater (err... underblood) passage. Jump in, and swim into it, hopefully without taking too much damage. Be careful of the Bone Leeches at the end of the passage. Surface and jump out. Climb down the steps and through the double doors. After a few moments, a truck will burst through the large metal door. Go through the hole, and follow the passage on your left to end the level.
Note: Some people have experienced a bug where the truck will not burst through the door. If this happens, use the MPCLIP cheat to get through the door.
Level 5: Horlock's Station
"If you're happy and you know it, pop some brains... If you're happy and you know it, slice some veins... If you're happy and you know it, bouncing heads will clearly show it... Nothing like loving one's work. Another unmentionable station? Well, at least this one is more attractive than the last. Time to put the ol' trigger finger to work. You are definitely from the wrong side of these tracks, and as usual, the light at the end of the tunnel just might be a train."
Follow the alley around, and use the dumpster to get onto the elevated tracks. Quickly make your way into the tunnel toward the "Cabalco" sign (the same direction as the train is heading). Jump up on to the platform to your right. Walk into the next room (use the ledge on your left to get to the Batteries) and go down the stairs. At the bottom, you'll find a crawl space. Crouch down and make your way to the street outside (need I warn you that Thieves are lurking in the crawl space, also there's a Voodoo Doll here if you haven't already gotten one). Go down the street, and up the steps. You can't get into the front door of the station, so you'll have to jump into the open window in the nearby tenement. Follow the hall (search the first room to find a Sniper Rifle and some Binoculars), go down the stairs, and into the room (it's the last door you'll find). Search the apartment to find some supplies. Smash the window and jump out onto the fire escape.
Climb down the ladder, and enter into the tunnel before you. Follow the alley around, and enter the "Choke & Puke Diner." Go through the door into the kitchen, and shoot the oven to blow a hole in the wall. Go through the hole into the restroom of Horlock's Station. Walk out of the restroom, and go up the steps. Take the hall to your left (you'll find a Willpower power-up if you take the hall to your right, but there's nothing else that way, except for monsters), and keep walking until you get to the Downtown Express Train Platform (it's near the soda machines). Go through the doors, and enter the tunnel to end the level.
Level 6: Love Canal
"Sick of throwing your hard-earned money down the tubes in rent? Of course you are! That's why your friends at Cabalco Home Construction and Real Estate have just finished a darling new subdivision. We know land is expensive and scarce so we went ahead and dumped some fresh loam over that nasty old radioactive/toxc cesspit at Love Canal! A new house from Cabalco has never been so cheap! And, if you're planning a family, buy big! Please disregard any rumors you've heard about infertility, general malaise, constant vomiting, the ubiquitous 'three-headed love child' or any other such nonsense. Here at Cabalco we care and our housing prices are more than fair!"
If you want the goodies on the ledge to your right, you'll have to act quick and jump to it from the elevated track. Otherwise, you'll never get them. Jump down to ground level and follow the alley to the pool. Collect your supplies and jump down. Follow the tunnel into the next area, smash the grille, and follow that tunnel until you see a ladder. Climb up and activate the switch. Jump back in the water and continue down the tunnel. After you drop down, jump out of the pool. There's two doors and a hall. One of the door has some stairs which lead back up to the surface. The other to a small room with a panel (doesn't appear to do anything). Follow the hall (taking care not to be hit by the bursts of water), and go up the steps in the next room. Enter the passage and follow it to a room with some black liquid pouring down from the ceiling. Follow the path to your right to a darkened room. Use your flashlight to navigate through the holes in the floor to the stairs on the other side of the room.
Go up the stairs into a large corridor with a catwalk up above (there's a Sniper Rifle in an alcove to your right). Follow the passage to your left, up the ladder, and follow the catwalk around to another passage. Follow this back to the room with the black liquid pouring from the ceiling (hope you picked up the Napalm Launcher on the way there). Walk through the black liquid and keep going forward. Near the end of the passage, is a path to your right. Take it, and go up the stairs. Follow the hall until you get outside.
Enter the area to your right and activate the first of three wooden levers (hi-tech, isn't it?). Follow the passage over to your right, and keep going until you find the boat. Jump into it, and activate the panel in the bridge. When the boat goes into the next lock, jump into the water, and climb up the ladder. Take the stairs in front of you, and activate the second wooden lever. Return to the boat, and activate the console again. When the ship goes into the next lock, jump into the water, climb the ladder, and activate the third switch. When the boat finishes rising. Jump on top of it, and use it to get to the door on the opposite ledge. Go through the door and follow the hall to the train station. Walk down the stairs (taking care to avoid the Hands), and follow the hall to the train tracks. Jump down on the tracks, and climb up on the opposite platform to end the level.
Level 7: Cabalco Transit System 3
"Less than impressed by the local transit system's safety record? There's only one thing to do! Destroy it! That's right, tear the mutha down. Ticket? Hell no! The only ticket you need is your boomstick. And this ticket is going to wreak havoc on the opposition. Joy in one's work is definitely a plus. Maybe it would be wise to take a moment to get out and get some stale air this time. The last couple of rides have been a little too 'close.'"
Been there, done that. Not quite. This one is really nasty, and you'll have to get to the train in front of the one you're on. So make your way toward the front of this one until you get to the car with supplies and no monsters. Make sure to smash the first aid box on the wall to get a Medkit. When you exit this car, you'll notice something different. Namely, you're out in the open. Turn around, and you'll see a ladder. Climb it, and jump onto the lead car of the train. Now, all you need to do is jump onto the train in front of you, and make you're way to the front of it.
Level 8: Horlock's Station 2
"Ha! That bastard Gideon thought he would lose you by pulling the ol' switcheroo. Fat chance fancy pants! When you catch him he's definitely in store for your own brand of switch. Let's see, you could start by taking his head and changing his view to something a bit more inward looking. You can bet that since he's had his head up there so long, he'll find the perspective familiar. Into the breach, and all that. Well, enough warm thoughts... there's a job at hand and this time that Blue Line is gonna get painted red. Blood red."
Follow the passage back into Horlock's Station. Once you're back inside, follow the hall to your right until the Drudge Priests teleport in to attack you (this is right next to the restrooms). Go down the steps, and head toward the Blue Line (after coming down the steps, it's behind you and to left). Keep going until you get to the tracks. Jump down and follow the tunnel to your right to end the level.
Level 9: The Underground
"Now this is more like it. Feels just like home. Makes one want to lie down and take the long sleep. Being immortal just ain't what its cracked up to be. Far more effort then one could have expected. At least you get to help others attain what you never can. Even better, you can offer a faster assist than they could ever imagine. That's you always kindness and charitable thoughts. Time to speed their passage. Come out, come out wherever you are... you are about to be, ahem, chosen."
Warning: There are Thieves and Hands all over the place.
Follow the corridor (remember to snatch the supplies in the crypts as you go) until you get to a place where you have stairs on both sides of you. To your left is some Howitzer shells, and above you is a Stealth Power-Up (use the stairs to jump up to it). Now follow the stairs to your right until your path is blocked by rubble. Climb up over it, and follow the passage until you get to a ledge overlooking a pillared room. You should see some supplies on the right side of this room. Jump down to them and get them.
The Behemoth is big & tough, and has one hell of a devastating attack. Luckily for you, he's got one of the most pathetic AI routines in this game, so he tends to get stuck on the pillars in the room. You should be able to snipe at him from your position until he's dead, without exposing yourself to any danger. A cowardly, pathetic way to defeat him, but it works. If you have an ounce of courage within you, move toward him, and he should give you one hell of a fight. Defeat him to end the Chapter.
Chapter Three Walkthrough
Level 1: Frank Cotton Memorial Bridge
"Now entering New Town, home of Cabalco Industries' immense corporate Headquarters! Riots and civil uprisings are rarely a problem anymore! Overlooking the lovely burning river of White Rock, New Town is the near-perfect picture of a city only gently-oppressed by a giant, amoral megacorp! Sure, we admit that there are still the occasional ritual sacrifices, or kidnapping-by-dark, and yes, sometimes people disappear never to be seen or heard from again, but the streets are mostly safe and clean, and our economy is on the rise with only a few minor hiccups. We're New Town! Cabalco is our friend!"
Note: Smash all garbage cans and crates. Many contain useful items.
Walk to the end of the road and enter the door on your right. Follow the corridor around until you find yourself next to the bridge. On the right side of the bridge, you'll see a door marked "Keep Out." Enter it and jump down. Go down the stairs and you'll find a room with some crates and a ladder. Use the crates to jump onto the ladder and climb up. Activate the panel under the "Valve Access" sign, and climb back down the ladder. There should be a newly opened door in the floor. Jump down and walk around the corner and you'll see a couple of doors. Pushing the button will open the larger door revealing some supplies. Get them, then enter the other door. Climb the ladder, smash the grille at the top, and climb into the above room. Follow the corridor around (ignoring the door you'll pass) until you come to a room with black and yellow railings. Climb the stairs and activate the panel under the "Valve Control" sign. Go back down the stairs, and across the little bridge. Take the passage to your left and climb the ladder up to the street.
Follow the street all the way around past the playground. There's an Anger power-up here if you want to fight the Behemoth. Otherwise, rush up the steps, and into the front door of the warehouse. Find the door on the other side of the warehouse and go through it to get back outside. Go through the door marked "Keep Out," up the steps, and climb the ladder. Grab the supplies, smash the grate, and jump down. Head away from the steam, and you'll find yourself next to the bridge again. Cross it to end the level.
Level 2: Security Check Point
"Worried about your future? Did the other students terrorize you at your high school? Are you in need of a truly challenging career? Then join the ranks of Cabalco's Security Division. You don't know what a challenging day is... unless you've spent it naked-and-sweltering, inside a small, dark, nearly-airless-metal-box with only your feeble grip on sanity, and a couple o' dozen hungry rats to keep you company! But enough about me! Our intense regimen of general-degradation and sock-beatings will make you feel like a new man, or woman! At the end of our 12 step program you'll be handed a big gun and given daily life-and-death control over others! That'll show those small-minded bastards you went to school with!"
Note: Smash all crates and foot lockers. Many contain useful items.
Smash the boxes to your left (normally these colored boxes can't be smashed), then walk past the security checkpoint and down the ramp into the parking lot. Find the elevator and take it down into the facility. Follow the hall and enter the first door you see. Walk down the steps and activate the panel in front of you. A security door will open up in the hall. Walk back out to the hall, and follow the hall to your right, and enter the newly opened security door. There's a door and an elevator here. If you'd like some supplies, go through the door and smash up the office you'll find down there. Afterwards, enter the elevator and ride it up to one of the guardhouses next to the starting point. Climb up the ladder, walk over to the other guardhouse, and down the ladder. Pick up the Level3 keycard, and retrace your steps to the security door you opened earlier (it's a little easier to just jump down and re-enter the facility through the parking lot elevator). Continue further down the hall (you'll find some dorm rooms over on your left which have some supplies) and go through the door. Follow the hall to your left and enter the first door you find. Pick up the Vulcan Cannon and use the boxes to jump up the upper level. Go down the stairs and follow the hall to your right. Enter the first door you see and go down the ladder. Make your way through around the toxic pits and climb the ladder to end the level.
Level 3: Temple of Poon
"You've reached Cabalco's top-secret High Temple. We're not here at the moment, but please feel free to give blood, preferably human or goat, at the door. If this is an emergency, please light 69 white candles, scratch a large pentagram into the concrete floor with your fingernails, and dance, skyclad within it, after painting yourself with the blood of your torn and stumpy fingers while chanting to our dark god. An insidious servant of the Underworld will be with you shortly. Thank you for your patience!"
Warning: There are Thieves all over the place, so be careful.
After defeating the Death Shroud, jump into the water in the altar. Pick up the Necroward and the Life Seed and jump back out. Exit through the door and make you way around to the stairs. Climb down them and walk around (enter one of the two large wooden doors to pick up the Life Leech) and go up the stairs. Walk forward until you get to a fork in the passage. You can pick some Howitzer shells up to your left, then take the passage to your right. Cross the bridge, and after it collapses on you, jump up into the cave. Find the lift and ride it up. Follow the passage around (smashing the boxes as you go) to another lift. Ride it up to end the level.
Level 4: Cabalco Enterprises
"Welcome to Checkpoint Gnarly. Ha. The security around here looks a little overly... fanatical. There's got to be an alternate entrance to the Cabalco HQ. In the meantime, it might be wise to do a bit of cleansing, and take down some unworthy opponents. Sometimes you have to make a bit of a mess to get a place clean. You're just glad that you don't have to get those gray-matter stains off of the walls. Those have to be a serious drag when they've had time to dry. Time to make your own 'unlimited-access' pass."
Walk through the door, and make your way over to your right. You'll find two hallways (one is blocked by lasers). Enter the unblocked one and go up the stairs to the top floor. Find the door, and activate the panel to your left. Go back down the stairs, and enter the hallway that was blocked by the lasers. Walk around until you get to the elevators. The one you need is to your left. Enter it and ride it up.
Note: I had some problems with this elevator. I found that I had to open the doors. Hit the switch on the outside, then quickly enter it. When it rises up to the top, I had to manually open those doors, and exit the elevator.
The hallway will branch off in two directions. If you follow the hallway to your right, you can find some goodies (remember to blow up the soda machine on the way and do not go up the stairs) in some cubicles. Remember to smash the filing cabinet for a Medkit. Retrace your steps to where the hall branched off, and take the hallway to your left. Follow it down to the red doors. Enter it, and pick up the ExecAcess keycard. Now take one of the flights of stairs up, and go through the door you find up there. Go forward, and make you way through a pair of double doors. Find the small door in which "unauthorized personal are forbidden," and enter it. Push the button to get into the lift to end the level.
Level 5: Power Station
"Time to shut these bastards down. Pull their plug. No more AC! Hell, no more DC! Welcome to the power station... you are grid-failure incarnate. The excitement just sizzles around here. Sizzles so much that you could be quick-fried to a crackly crunch, and after your recent train experiences you have very little interest in becoming a conductor. Time to do what you do best... break stuff. And what better way to start than with fanatical types. Get to work O' circuit breaker."
Climb down the ladder and go through the door next to the ladder. Go through the next door and follow the hall around to a flooded room. Jump across (being careful not to fall into the water) to the other side. Keep going until you get to the stairs in Sector 2. Go down them and look for the switch with the palm print (watch out for the Hands down here). Activate it and go back up the stairs, and enter the door to the right of the staircase. Walk down the corridor and go around the raised platform in Sector 3 into another corridor. The catwalk right in front of you will collapse, so use the railing to get past this part. Follow the catwalk to Sector 4. Be sure to grab the supplies to your right before riding the lift up. Press the button with the hand print to open up the lift. Enter it to end the level.
Level 6: Cabalco Enterprises 2
"Looking for work? Cabalco could always use an extra body! We're constantly hiring, and boy do we have perks. You'll get to work in a vast new skyscraper, we've got soda and coffee machines on every floor, our, ahem, medical-treatment-plan is out of this world. At Cabalco, even if you are at the bottom run looking up, we promise that you'll get an underling in no time! Our, er, Human Resources Department doesn't put you through any of the onerous stuff that those other corporations require. Inexperienced? No problem! We don't even require a resume (much less an application). Just show up and you are ours, I mean, um, you get the job. Cabalco is an unequal opportunity employer."
You've been here before, so you should know where to go. There's a security door that you couldn't open last time, and that is our destination. Make your way through the pair of double doors, and down some stairs. Go through the newly opened door, and find another door. Go through it to end the level.
Level 7: Research and Development
"Ah, science! You fondly remember the first time you got to dissect something. you were all aquiver with excitement as you began to flay the skin off the fetid corpse. The muscle tissues danced when you applied just the tiniest bit of voltage, and boy were you surprised when you opened the bowels by accident! What a gas! Well, enough daydreaming... time to get to it and find the entrance to Cabalco's R&D."
Follow the hall to your right and jump down into the Shikari pit. You'll find a IntraAccess keycard down here. Get it and climb back out. Now go back the way you came, until you get to a door. Go through it and you'll find a palm print panel in this room. If you activate it, you'll open a door to the Shikari pit where there's a Life Seed. Activate it if you willing to cross paths with the Shikaris. Find the lift in the corner of the room and ride it down , and follow the hall to your right (enter the Shikari pit to get the Life Seed if you activated the panel). When you turn the corner, turn around and look up. You'll see a short ladder. Jump up and climb it. Follow the duct around (you'll need to jump at one point) until you find a grille. Smash it, and drop down into a lab. Grab the Status9 keycard, and activate the panel to lower the forcefield. Go through the door and follow the hall to your right (across from you, you'll find a couple of labs where you can pick up a ward and a couple of Life Essences), and go through the door at the end of the hall.
Follow the hall to your left, and you'll enter the Asylum (feel free to terrorize the patients, you'll find some items in their rooms). Go to the end of the hall and through the door. To your left if the Sector9 keycard, grab it and make your way back through the Asylum. On the other side of the Asylum, follow the hall to your left. Enter the first door on your left and drop down into the hole to your right. Make your way through the sewer to a ladder (be careful of the Bone Leeches on the way). Climb the ladder and enter the lift. Ride it up, and make your way across the spinning blades. Ride the lift up on the other side, and activate the panel near the Mad Scientist (or near his bloody carcass). This will open up a compartment to your left where you'll find the Singularity Access keycard. Grab it, and make your way across the spinning blades to the lift. Ride it down, activate the console, and enter into the room where you found the hole. Go through the door, and hug the left wall until you get to a room with a window overlooking the Singularity Generator. Enter the room, grab the gun, and go out the other door. Go through another door to end the level.
Level 8: Cabalco Enterprises 3
"You've got to hand it to Cabalco. Their designer certainly went all out on this particular piece o' property. There are wide-sweeping staircases, some strange-but-lovely art, some exceptionally fun cubicles, and more stuff to blow up than one could shake a boomstick at. All-in-all a nice spot. It could use some touching up. But, the various Cultists, Drudge-types, Shikari, and Fanatics are gonna have to go. Go to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.00. The rather cuddly-looking Behemoth might be a nice addition to your own personal pet population. But sadly, it isn't house-trained."
Head to your left until you get to the stairs (you could follow the hall to your left to the lobby where the Behemoths are to get a Life Seed and Necroward, but it probably isn't worth the effort). Go up the stairs, through the double doors into the waiting elevator to end the level.
Level 9: Cabal CO Offices
"There's nothing like a very hostile corporate takeover bid to invigorate one's senses! The game of hunter and hunted has always had major appeal. This is starting to get fun. Gideon is soon to run out of hiding places. Time to tree the rat, as it were. A bit of janitorial work is at hand. Cleaning out offices has never been so much fun! Now where was that elevator to the rooftops?"
Note: There are various offices with goodies in them. Smash them up, and you'll often find some goodies.
Step out of the elevator and go through the doors to your left. Blow up the soda machines to grab a ward, and follow the hall to the right and up the stairs. Enter the first office you see and smash up the place. Pick up the LevelB keycard from the rubble. Retrace your steps down the stairs and through the double doors. Head to your right and you'll find another set of double doors behind some cubicles. Go through them, and up the stairs (blow up the soda machines at the top). Follow the hall to your left (smash one of the window here, and jump down to get a Life Seed, Necroward, and a Medkit; then find your way back upstairs again) and keep going until you see the two sets of double doors. Enter the ones on your right, and push the button on the floor under the desk to open up a passage behind you. Enter the passage, and ride the lift to the roof to end the level.
Level 10: Cabal CO Rooftops
"There's that clay pigeon Gideon! That fairly rolls off the tongue: Pigeon Gideon. WooooHooooo! Skeet shooting is one of your favorite games. This is going to be a blast! For him. Pull! Bang! Pull! Bang! Pull! No more running Gideon. Your flight is over, schmuck. You're outta luck."
There's lots of goodies around, so look around. You'll find a small platform with a Life Seed on it off of one of the higher spots on the map. Kill Gideon to end the level. Chapter Four Walkthrough
Chapter Four Walkthrough
Level 1: Beyond the Rift
"It's a battle to the death. Preferably someone else's. Gideon's puppet strings can no longer be pulled and the puppeteer's comeuppance has just come up. Ancient One? Are you listening. Then hear this..."
Note: The city is pretty big, and there's ammo stashed all over the place. I won't be pointing any of it out. Just remember to smash all your boxes and gib all the corpses you find. They often contain useful items.
Make your way past the Behomoth into the cave. Find the entrance to the city at the end of the cave and enter it. Defeat Gideon and a couple of doors will open. One of them has a hole in the side of it. Jump into the hole and pull the lever. Jump down through the window, and go through the newly opened door over to your right. Follow the path along until you come to a small bridge. Cross it and then head to your left. If you hug the left wall, you'll find a passage leading to a Willpower power-up. Walk back out of the passage, and continue to hug the left wall, and you'll come to another bridge. Cross it, push the button, and enter the door.
Smash the vase in front of you for a ward, then follow the passage until you get to the two sets of stairs. Take the ones on your right and hug the right wall. You'll eventually see a passage to your right with some stairs. Climb them and pull the wooden lever at the top. Continue on, and jump across to the ledge with the Life Seed and the Necroward. Now hug the left wall until you get to a stone door. Go through it to end the level.
Level 2: Battle of the Chosen
"There's Something Different! You can't quite put your trigger finger on it. you're old pals are looking rather peeked, maybe even sickly. What the heck possessed them to climb into the those coffins? Hmmm. Ah, well. Nothing a bit of supplementary lead won't cure... lead to the head, and put 'em to bed. Night-night, fellow Chosen. Poisonous dreams."
Walk through the door doors, and walk forwad toward the Life Seed. You'll now have to face down the undead Chosen. There's plenty of items laying around to help you out, but you might want to save the Willpower power-up until after you kill all three of them. That way you can start the next level with an extra advantage. When you defeat all three, a hole will open up in the center of the Arena. Grab the Willpower if you haven't already used it, and jump in to end the level.
Level 3: The Ancient One
"In the words of some long-forgotten and not-so-long-winded poet: 'Kill it!'
If you grabbed the Willpower power-up just before you ended the last level, you'll still have some of it left over. Make your way over to your left to grab another one. Then grab the Anger power-up on the other side of the Ancient One, and anihilate the bastard. The Vulcan Gun is a good choice of weapons for this job.
"Does Caleb really close the rift? Does Ophelia get her two-minutes of gift? What the heck happened to Gabriel... er, Gabriella? What if Ishamel can't get home? And, where did he get those tattoos? Tune in next time on: As 'It burns, it burns." Enjoy these answers and more soon... we promise. In the meantime, get into some major BLOODBATH!!"
Chapter One Walkthrough
Level 1: Cabalco Transit System
"You just can't sit and enjoy your new issue of Guns N' Gibs while suffering the subway in peace these days. First that ticket guy dared to confiscate yer flask of Ol' Red '99, and then that spineless conductor had to stop the train for an hour just because some snot-nose brat in a baby carriage rolled onto the tracks! You were about to go up there and give him a piece of his own mind but then you recognized his voice... and realized that your day was about to get... interesting."
This level shouldn't shouldn't present any problem. In case you never played a game with a "Use" key, you must press it to open the doors between the subway cars. And remember that the civilians often contain Life Essences, so take out your knife and slash away. Just make your way to the front of the train, and the train will crash ending the level.
Level 2: Pickman St. Station
"That hurt. That hurt a lot. The last time you blacked out, it was after throwing back nineteen consecutive shots of JoJo's Black Label #47, and even then, you think your physical proximity to the ice-cream stand you blew up had more to do with it. Ah, well. That idiot vendor shouldn't have pissed you off by putting sprinkles on your Killer Kiddy Kone. Speaking of sprinkles, you suspect it would behoove you to find Gideon and liberally sprinkle him on the nearest wall!"
Note: Remember to smash all garbage cans, trash bags, and crates on this level. They often contain useful items.
Go around the metal fence, and go up the escalators on your left. After the third set, you'll set some garbage cans on a ledge to your left which contain some goodies. Jump over and collect them, then jump back. Continue down the path until you find yourself outside "Crazy Eric's Guns and Ammo." Jump into the garbage bin to the right of the entrance to pick up a flashlight, then enter the store. Go into the back room, but before you go up the stairs, enter the room to you left. There, you'll find the target range with a new toy. Pick it up, and then go up the stair in the other room.
Make your your way around the second floor of the shop, and down another flight of stairs. You should soon find yourself in front of an open sewer. Before you jump into it, head over to the Laundromat (jump into the dumpster to the right of the entrance for a couple of remotes). Aside from a gag or two, the only thing of interest in the Laundromat is the washer with the body in it. Smash it, and you'll be rewarded with a Life Seed. Go back outside and jump into the inviting waters of the sewer.
Follow the tunnel into the next area, and jump out. Go up the stairs and jump up on top of the over-turned dumpster (you'll find some flares inside of it, so pick 'em up), then up onto the ledge, and over the fence. Follow the alley around until you get to the fire escape. Climb up to the second story (the third story contains some flares) and jump over the fence into the dilapidated playground. On the other side of it, jump up on the dumpster and over the fence to end the level.
Level 3: Lafayette Museum of Antiquities
"Cabalco's Lafayette Museum of Antiquities announces a new featured exhibit: Cults and Rituals. Take a remarkable and informative guided tour through the histories of some of the world's most bizarre fanatical organizations, ranging from the cursed Sect of the Barking Tree Frog to those dreaded fez-wearing Shriners. Also, do be sure to stop and sacrifice a moment of your day to visit our new Animatronic Dark God Exhibit. Scary!"
Note: Remember to slash all Garbage cans and crates. They often contain useful items.
Turn the corner and go around to the entrance of the alley on the far side of the museum. Look up, and shoot the pipes. After the explosion, make your way up the fire escape, and use the crater of the explosion to get up into the vent. Go through the vent, and you'll find yourself next to the museum's skylight. On the far side is the Willpower Power-Up, so grab it, and jump down into the museum entrance way.
As you move toward the first exhibit (a necroward), a laser trap will activate behind you. After vanquishing the ensuing ambush. Smash the glass surrounding the necroward, and carefully walk through the gaps in the laser beams to relieve the museum of one of it's prized exhibits. Now make you way to the West Wing. Again, as you go through the entrance, a laser trap will activate blocking your retreat. Enter the Wonder of Egypt exhibit and climb the stairs to your right (slashing the upper-most mummy will reveal another Willpower Power-up). Continue through the next laser trap, and through the doors into the next exhibit (note: blowing up the fire extinguisher allows you to drop through the floor into the same exhibit). Go down the stairs and through another laser trap.
Enter into the Mysteries of the Occult exhibit. After foiling the ambush, activate the Animatronic Controls on the left side of the room. Tchernobog will explode (wow, it's like deja vu all over again) creating a whole in the floor. Jump down and follow the passage on the right side of the area through a door marked "Exit."
Side Trip: In this room, you should see another door which allows you access to the storage area you saw in the previous area. Climb the stairs in the storage room, and jump up on top of the crane track. You'll see some Proximity Detonators up there. So grab them, and go back through the door.
To your right, you'll find a most welcome exhibit. Seems likes everyone's favorite weapon is on display. Jump into the display and pick it up. If you like. You can blow up the soda machines and enter the bathrooms. Look around and you'll find a cultist with The Eye. Kill her, and collect your power-up. Back in the previous area, near the Shotgun exhibit, you'll find some steps leading down to another laser trap. Go through and prepare to meet an old friend. Afterwards, follow the passage on the right side of the room, and blow the fire extinguisher. Go through hole to end the level.
Level 4: Condemned Tenement
"Gideon got away, but he's still on the run. You'll put him to rights and turn out his lights soon enough. Meanwhile, he's left behind some of his rotten friends for you to deal with. These pestilent meat-chunks do remind one of the undead things that the Cabal used to churn out in the old days... except for that weird stitching on their chests. Something's different about these particular walking-carcusses. But hey, gibs are gibs."
Note: Remember to smash all the garbage cans, trash bags, and crates. They often contain useful items.
If you like, you can walk down the stairs and pick up a few items, but afterwards enter into the room just to the right of your starting position. Smash the boards on the window, and crouch-jump out onto the ledge (if you fall, you can get back up here pretty easily, although you will meet some... resistance). Over to your left is a ladder, jump onto it, and climb up. Look down, and you'll see a small skylight. Smash the wood paneling, and you can drop down into the room. Find the boarded up window (need I remind you to pick up the Life Seed), smash through it, and crouch-jump out the window. Follow the alley around, and walk up the board to get over the fence and into an area that should be very familiar.
Remember to pick up the flares in the over-turned dumpster, and jump down into the open sewer, and go through the tunnel to the other area (be quick about it, and you can avoid the nasty little Bone Leaches. Otherwise, spend a couple of moments taking them out). Enter the Laundro-Hut, and work your way around the elevator to end the level.
Level 5: Steam Tunnels
"Man, do you hate sewers! The smell is rather appealing, but all-in-all slogging through the Floaters gets old. When you finally get around to ruling the world, it'll be time to declare the place a no-sanitation zone. The perks of an open-sewer society include not having to budget for pipe repairs. The stuff can find its way to the oceans on its own. Either way, even with the local fragrance, you can smell Gideon's nasty stench. The coward's probably headed for a Cabal safehouse."
Note: Remember to smash all the crates. They often contain useful items.
Directly under your starting position are a number of Life Essences. Grab 'em if you need 'em. Directly to the right of your starting position is a door. Go through it, up the steps, and activate the wooden lever. Gib the stabbed body behind you for a MAC-10. Slash your way through the crates, and look down the hole. Carefully jump down to the ledge, and then down to the floor. Follow the passage down until you get to a room with a large cylinder. Follow the path around it into the "sewer access" door. Smash the boards barring the storage room, and enter it. Under one of the tables is some IR goggles (easy to miss), and you smash the bookcases for some items. Jump through the hole in the wall, and smash the metal shelves to get into the next room. Go through the door, and smash the small window to your left. Walk through it to get the "Valve Access" room. Take anyone of the lifts down, and find the dials to turn off the steam. #1 and #3 are on a lower level than #2, and there's a ladder linking them. After you shut off all three, ride the lift back up. Walk back through the window I told you to smash earlier, and keep walking straight ahead until you get to the room with steam blowing on the door. Over to your left is the wooden lever that turns it off. Do so, and go through the door.
Side Trip: Across the way is a door marked "Maintenance," go through it, and duck under the pipes over to your left. Follow it around, and you'll find yourself in the infamous Predator room. Pick up the items, and leave the Maintenance room.
In between the "Valve Access" door and the "Maintenance" door is a path flanked by steam valves (thankfully, they're off now). Go down the path, and through a door. There are two paths you can follow, but you need to head over to your left first. You'll soon find yourself in a room with a metal cage and three wooden levers. Activate them all, and retrace your steps. This time take the stairs on the right side of the room. Ride the lift down to "Valve 4," and follow the path along until you get to the room with the big pipe over some raw sewage. Take the path on your left (the right side leads to bum's home, a curiosity, but absolutely useless), and enter the door at the end of the path. You'll see the elevator to the CDM here, so enter it to end the level.
Level 6: Center for Disease Management
"With humanity breeding like roaches, and over-crowding plaguing the whole planet, disease has become our second biggest business! We're proud to announce that we have a near monopoly at the Cabalco Center for Disease Management! This state-of-the-art facility has extensive research, dissection, and trauma centers. We assure you that the CDM is on the cutting-edge of disease, plague, and affliction of all types. Whether you're interested in the Ebola virus or just some-plain-old, tasty syphilis. Our motto? Invest and Infect. Cabalco does the rest!"
Note: Remember to smash all the metal cabinets. They often contain useful items.
Move forward until you see the computer room on your left. Blow up one of the computers, and collect the Life Essence you find in the crater. If you'd like some extra ammo (and who wouldn't), activate the console and enter the giant metal doors next to your starting point. If they close up again, activate the console in there to re-open them. After you re-stock, go through the automatic doors next to the computer room. Go through the next set of automatic doors, and make your right side until you find the "Examination Lab" (you might want to explore the other corridors outside the "Examination Lab," as there are some interesting things laying around; but it isn't necessary to complete the level). Enter the lab, and follow the passage over to the right of room to the "Mainframe Access," Enter it, and activate the computer panel next to the scientist. This turns off the fan, so return to the beginning of the level.
You'll find a conveyor belt behind the crates. Jump on it, and walk against it until you get to a room with an acid pool. Take note of the Life Seed on the other side of the room, we'll be coming back to get it in just a second. Follow the passage to the right, and go up the ladder. Go through the automatic doors, and enter the room over to your left. Activate the console, and make your way back to the acid pool. Some blocks should have risen up allowing you to jump to the Life Seed (if not, gib the corpses in the pool, and that should allow them to rise up). After you get it, go back down the passage, up the ladder, and through the automatic doors.
Follow the hall to the right. Keep going around (make note of the CRU (Cryogenics Retrieval Unit)), until you reach the PC2. After you go through the automatic doors, look to your left. You'll see an open elevator shaft. Look down it, and you'll see a Necroward and a small ledge. This is a bit tricky. You need to jump down, grab the booty, and quickly jump on the ledge before the elevator smashes you. If you feel lucky, jump down, get it, and jump back out of the shaft. After you make up your mind whether or not to get the Necroward, go up the steps, and search the central column for a hand pad. Push it, and the lasers on the door will de-activate. Go into the newly opened area, and follow the hall around. Go through the door and pick up the CRU access card. Now retrace your steps to the CRU.
After you get to the CRU, activate the console to de-activate the lasers. Step through the newly opened doorway, and onto the platform (if you gib the corpse on the right side of the room, you'll find a Life Seed). Ride the platform up to the next area and jump off. Go forward through the automatic doors and turn to your left. There's a mop closet at the end of the hall with a lab key in it. Pick it up and then follow the hall back around to the other side. At the other end, you'll find an elevator and a lab. Enter the lab, and grab the Express Card. Now, enter the elevator, and activate the panel to end the level.
Level 7: Movin' On Up
"Gideon is headed for one of the executive airships docked at the top of the building. It is obviously time to stop pounding back so much charred flesh at the corner Beefy Queen, 'cuz you ain't in proper shape to take the stairs. Interestedly, Gideon has also been taking his fair share of meat at the BQ, and thus he'd had to install express elevators in each of his skyscrappers. Not having to walk up the thousand-plus floors is a kindness if only you could figure out how to turn off that infernal music!"
Note: Remember to smash all the crates. They often contain useful items.
Wait for the elevator to get to the top. Hum along to the delightful muzak, or take out your pent up aggression on the pretty helicopters buzzing around the building. In any event, you'll soon find yourself at the top. Walk around (blowing up the soda machines to collect a couple of items), and open the metal doors. Prepare yourself for a battle with a Prophet. Once you vanquish him, the entrance to the airship will open up. Walk toward the airship to end the level.
Level 8: CAS Revenant
"The Cabalco Industries Model 1701D Airship is one of the finest, and certainly, most versatile, flying vessels ever to grace our soiled-skies. Versatility is the key word here, as our airship can be used simultaneously for both connoisseur-class business travel and military purposes. Why bother to make two trips? Carpet-bomb that nasty Third-World country, while keeping your most important clients flying in style! Beneath its armored exterior the Cabalco Airship truly has a heart of gold. Spacious seating, relaxing cabins, well-armed stewardesses, and the best nuts in the sky! Fly Cabalco. Fly in style."
Note: Remember to smash all the crates. They often contain useful items.
Enter into the airship on the right side. Walk along until you find two consoles. Activate them both, and head back outside. This time, enter the airship on the left side. Follow the passage along, and jump down when you get to the room with the ladder. Go through the door.
Side Trip: After going through the door, you'll see a gap in the railing to your left. It's a ladder, so use it to climb down. Walk to to where the crates are, and jump to the other side of the large crate. Smash the small wooden crate to get your grubby little hands on a Life Seed. Retrace your steps back up the ladder.
Go through the other door, and make your way to the left side of this room. Go through the automatic doors, across the ledge, and through the other set of doors. To your left, you'll find a ladder (you can turn the force field off with the console if you like--not necessary). Climb up the ladder, and make your way through the corridor past the automatic doors.
Side Trip: If you'd like a few goodies, don't go through the doors in front of you, yet. Instead, jump up on the sloped surface just to the right of the doors, and make your way to the other catwalk. Enter the doors on your right (not the door next to the sloped surface), and follow the passage to a storehouse. Smash the crates to get you some goodies. Retrace your steps back outside, and enter either set of doors next to the sloped surface to end the level.
Level 9: CAS Revenant (Interior)
"We are going down! Assume Crash Positions! Please bring your seats and tray tables to their upright and locked positions. Place your head between your own legs. If you are smoking, please put yourself out. Have a nice day and thank you for choosing Cabalco Air."
Note: Remember to smash all the metal cabinets, metal shelves, and foot lockers. They often contain useful items.
Head over toward the right side, and take the ladder down. Slash the grating and crawl along to the Bomb Bay. After slashing through the grating and taking care of the fanatics, you'll need to activate both of the consoles. I believe the one on the opposite side of your entrance needs to be activated first. After turning them both on, smash the grating on the opposite side of your entrance, and crawl along the vent. You'll find yourself in another room with a ladder and another vent. Smash the grating, and crawl through the vent. Exit through either one of the two gratings, and make your way to the ladder to the left of your position. Climb up it, find the next ladder, and climb up that one, too. Walk around the turbine, and through the metal door into a room with two more metal doors.
Go through the metal door on the right side of the room (not the one at the bottom of the stairs). Follow the passage, and go up the ladder. Activate the console, and retrace your steps to the room with the three metal doors. This time, take the one at the bottom of the stairs. After going through another metal door, you'll find a couple of ladder on the right side of the passage. Take the one leading up, and activate the console in that room. Exit through the newly opened door. Turn to your right, and take the next passage to your right.
When you get to the Force Field blocking your access to the bridge. Nearby is the Armory, the Galley, and a couple of crew quarters. Search the crew quarters to find a some useful items. Afterwards, enter the Galley, and enter the adjoining kitchen. Shoot the Fire Extinguisher on the wall, and go through the hole into the Armory. Over to your left is a niche with a console. Activate it to turn off several force fields, including the one to the bridge. Collect your goodies, and go back to the lift by the bridge. Ride it down.
Enter into the bridge and take care of all resistance. Find the door on the lower level of the bridge and follow it along to the "Self-Destruct" button. Break the glass, and push it. Turn around and make your way back to the bridge. You'll notice that the force field that was up in this room has now been de-activated. So run up the ramp and follow the passage along until you find the ladder leading down to the Bomb Bay. Climb down to the lower level of the Bomb Bay. There's a room next to the Bomb Bay, where you can find a parachute. Break the glass, grab the chute, and jump through one of the holes in the Bomb Bay floor to end the level.
Level 10: Hard Hat Area
"Well, that was fun... Gideon wasn't on board, sadly... but you now have a solid idea as to his whereabouts: the cathedral! That's what the sign out front said anyhow, 'OCT. 30, GIDEON DOES HIS DISSERTATION ON THE RITUAL CRIME OF SIN AND HOW TO GET AWAY WITH IT. GET HERE EARLY AND YOU'LL HEAR HIS MINOR SYMPOSIUM ON A VALVE'S INCREDIBLY ONEROUS HALF-LIFE!' He's not the type to disappoint his fans, so get over there and let him know you're in his audience."
Use the box to jump over the fence. Continue along until you get to a large open space with an open sewer entrance in the center of it. Look down, and carefully jump down to the next lower level--not the ground level.
Side Trip: If you accidentally fell all the way down to ground level, use the beam to get back up. Follow the ledge around, and you'll find a gap over on the left side. In this new area, you'll see a building with caution signs on it. If you're feeling really brave, you blow it up, and grab the Bug Spray Canister you'll find in the rubble, but I recommend against doing so. Instead, follow the ledge around and jump into the hole in the side of the building. Collect your goodies, and make your back to the sewer entrance in the first area.
Jump down to ground level, and into the sewer. Be extremely careful, there are lots of Bone Leaches in here. Make your way through the tunnel, and you'll find yourself in extremely familiar territory. Standard drill. Get out, get the Remotes out of the dumpster to the right of the Laundromat entrance. Jump back into the sewer, follow it to the next area. Use the over-turned dumpster to get over the fence. Follow the alley to the fire escape. Climb up to the second story (the third story has a Life Seed), jump over the fence to the dilapidated playground. On the left side of the playground, you can climb up a garbage slope to get into an alley. Follow it around, and use the box to jump over the fence. Smash the boxes on the other side, enter the hole. Follow the passage along, jump the gap in the stairs, and enter the doorway to end the level.
Level 11: The Cathedral
"You won't find any nuns in this cathedral! The resident lurder-from-beyond has warped this place into something more to its liking. You might actually find it habitable yourself, if it was up for sale (at a reasonable price), an didn't come with those annoying Cabal doormen. Ah, well. It's time to clean this place out and find out where Gideon's gone. Maybe you'll find time to get a lovely stone rubbing for that empty wall in your walk-in gun-closet while you're at it."
Note: Remember to smash just about everything. They often contain useful items.
Go up the steps and enter the stone door. Walk around the wall and through another stone door. Turn to your left and go through the door. To your left is a door leading to a pair of IR goggles and a Zealot, and probably not worth the trouble. Take the door to your right, and pick up the Apse Key. Backtrack to the room with all the Stained glass, and go through the door across the hall. To your right is a room with some Soul Drudges (no goodies). Take the door to your left and go up the stairs. Jump through the hole in the wall onto the ledge.
Look down. You'll see a hole in the wall next to a pool. There's a couple of Bone Leaches in the pool, so you might want to take care of them. A little later on, you might find yourself in that pool, and you don't want to have to deal with them then. Jump down, and go through the hole. Go around the corner, pick up the Tower Key, and go back to the room with the pool. Make your way to the top of the tower--make sure to grab the Life Seed on the other side.
Tip: When you get near the top, you'll find yourself ambushed by a couple of Zealots. The best course of action is to drop down into the pool (see, there was reason to take out those Bone Leaches), and take them out where you have a little room to maneuver.
Jump through the hole at the top. Climb the stairs and go through the door. Jump across the broken ledge, and go through the door. After going through another door, jump out through the hole.
This next bit is really, really evil, since you'll be navigating narrow ledges, while Fanatics and Zealots ambush you. A few tips. The first: you might want to turn your auto-run off, as precision is much more desirable than speed here. The second: there's at least one Zealot you can take out with a bomb. And lastly: when you get through the end, discretion can be the better part of valor--you can probably zip by the last Zealot or two without having to take them out.
Follow the ledge to your left until you find the slope leading down to the next building. There should be a small out-cropping to the right of the slope (facing the other building), and you might want to drop a proxy or two there (drop a couple of remotes if you're out of proxies), as a Zealot will teleport on that spot a little later on. Slide down the slope, and carefully jump from ledge to ledge until you eventually come to another slope. This one will have a hole underneath it. Jump onto the ledge by the hole, re-enter the cathedral through the hole, and go down the stairs. Quick-save.
If you look through the hole at the bottom of the stairs, you'll see a couple of Shikari, and some very inviting items on the ledge across the way. If you want to get those items, then you'll have to get them before you kill both of the Shikari--when you kill the second one, the big boss will warp in, and you'll probably find it impossible to get up to the ledge. Kill one of the Shikari, and drop down. Pick up the Necroward and Life Seed on the lower level, then jump up to the ledge to get the items. After picking up the Anger Power-Up, quickly kill Shikari and prepare for one Hell of a fight.
Whatever you do, do not leave the sight of the monster. If you do, it will pound the floor causing debris to fall and injure you, so you can't hide. Instead, you'll have to keep moving launching everything you possible can at it. The grenades from the Assault Rifle will come in handy. Try to do as much damage as you can while the Triple Damage of the Anger Power-up is active, but remember to KEEP MOVING.
Chapter Two Walkthrough
Level 1: Cabalco Transit System 2
"You are entering the Industrial Sector, be aware that we are currently at Stage Three Ozone Levels and a Stage Four Toxin Warning. Be advised that protective-breathing gear should be worn at all times. Thus, you'll find that this is the perfect opportunity to try Cabalco's new and improved Safe Sucks 2! It's the cheap-and-easy protective gear for all occasions. Please avoid high-danger areas like the out-of doors. Have a safe and a pleasant day."
Same drill as the last time, only this time it's a little tougher. Make your way to the front of the train, and the train will crash ending the level.
Level 2: Cabal Safehouse
"Trains used to be so much more gracious. These days it's all one can do to avoid being killed on one. There are very few things that seem to relieve tension better than blowing the living, er... um, bits out of the opposition. These Cabal Safehouses look like the epitome of luxury... the stench, the appointments, the rats, the ambiance, and the winos. And speaking of appointments, Gideon should be around here somewhere. That is a rendezvous that ought to be more fun than target practice on winos. Wheeeeee!"
Climb out of the over-turned train, and jump on top of it. Make your way to the front of the train. Before jumping down, take care of the Thieves (they make a distinctive sound, learn to recognize it). Jump down, and make your way to the subway platform. Jump up on it and make your way outside. Go up the steps to the Safehouse and enter the first set of doors. Push the intercom, and someone will buzz you up. Go through the next door, and up the stairs. Find the lobby with the soda machines (be sure to search the rooms next to this area). Enter the lobby, and you'll see two paths. If you'd like a new toy to play with, follow the path to your left. After getting it, go back to the lobby and take the right-hand path. Search the rooms for supplies (including a Life Seed and a Medkit), then take the stairs up the second floor. Make your way across the second floor (only the room without the door has anything useful in it) until you get to the door marked "Roof Access." Go through the door, and head up to the roof.
Note: You might want to save your game before you go through the door at the top of the stairs. Just like the original Blood, B2 has the door-killer bug. It's possible that you'll find yourself dead after the cutscene that activates when you go through the door.
After meeting an old friend, quickly go back through the door you just came through (there's some shotgun shells on the roof, but it's probably not worth the effort). Make your way back downstairs and back outside. Next to the pay phone ("Wolfman's got Nards"

Side Trip: Jump into the corrosive liquid (don't worry, it won't hurt you). To your left is a passage. Turn on your flashlight, and swim into it. Inside, you'll find a Life Seed. Turn around, and swim back out.
Find the door on the right side of the room, and go through it. Follow the passage along, but be wary of the Thieves that are near the niche with all the goodies. Keep going down this passage until the level ends.
Level 3: Sewage Treatment Plant
"It's clear that the citizens of New Town have a couple of severe problems... they are overfed and they are anal-expulsives. The combination is going to be lethal... for them. From the smell, their pipes could use a good cleaning. That's you, immortal demigod and living high-colonic. It is clearly Gideon's fault that you have fallen to this level. Ankle-deep in feces, as it were. Hmmm. You can add it to his bill and take it out in chunks."
Caution: This level contains numerous Thieves. Proceed with caution.
Follow the passage along, and go through the door. Jump down into the water below you, and follow the sewer along. Go up the steps and up the ladder. Walk around the pool and through the doorway. Walk to the end of the passage and take the lift up. Walk along until you get to another lift, and take that one up. Follow the passage, and climb the ladder to end the level.
Level 4: Cabalco Meat Packing Plant
"Hungry for more meat? Sure you are. We all are! At Cabalco, we understand meat, so we've developed a new line of products to fulfill all your varied meat needs! Meat In A Can! It's both affordable and delicious! Comes in your favorite regular meat flavors... offal, cattle, foul, swine, goat, and bottom-feeding fish! Or, try out our newest selections! We've recently added a wonderfully yeasty sourdough meat, a fine new fermented-prune meat, and an ever-so-slightly hallucinogenic fungal meat! At Cabalco Meat Packing Plant we continue to create the foods of the future! Even better we now average more than 82 percent E. Coli free!"
Note: Smash all boxes, crates, metal cabinets, and filing cabinets. Many contain useful items.
Keep walking until your path is blocked by large boxes. Jump up to the boxes and onto the pipe. Be careful, there are several Thieves around.
Side Trips: If you'd like a Life Seed and a Necroward, follow the pipe to your left, and follow it back the way you just came from. When you can't walk any further, jump down to a ledge below you. Follow this ledge around to the goodies. Make your way back to the boxes, and jump back on the pipe. Again, follow it to your left, but this time take the left branch on the pipe. Jump onto the building to your right when you can't walk any further. Go left, and jump onto another pipe. Keep walking on this one until you're next to the roof across from a loading dock. Jump onto the roof, and look around. You'll find the elusive Death Ray behind something.
Make your way back to the boxes, jump back onto the pipe, and follow it to your right. When you can't go any further, jump down into the area below you (on the other side of the boxes). Walk along until you get to the loading dock. Enter the building through the metal door. To your right, you can find some supplies. Go get them, and then follow the passage to your left. Go up the steps (smash the box next to the door for a Willpower Power-Up), and go through the metal door. Keep walking (past the Flavor Room--it contains a gag, so you might want to enter it) until you get to the Meat Room. Enter it, and ride the lift up to a catwalk. Pull the lever to activate the grinder. Go back down the lift, and jump on the conveyor belt. Follow it into the next room, and go up the stairs. Follow the catwalk through several rooms until you get to the "Processing Area."
After entering the "Processing Area," look to left. You'll see a door below your position. Jump down and enter the door and smash the place up to get some supplies. Afterwards, go back into the "Processing Area" and make you way to the other side. Go through the metal door, and follow the hall to your left (there's a couple of Bone Leeches in the hall, so watch out). If you'd like some health, enter the double doors, climb the stairs, and shoot the hanging meat and bodies--it'll release Life Essences and Bone Leeches. Then go back out into the hall, and follow it to the doors marked "Shipping."
Enter the door to your right, and go up the steps. On the left side of the vat is a underwater (err... underblood) passage. Jump in, and swim into it, hopefully without taking too much damage. Be careful of the Bone Leeches at the end of the passage. Surface and jump out. Climb down the steps and through the double doors. After a few moments, a truck will burst through the large metal door. Go through the hole, and follow the passage on your left to end the level.
Note: Some people have experienced a bug where the truck will not burst through the door. If this happens, use the MPCLIP cheat to get through the door.
Level 5: Horlock's Station
"If you're happy and you know it, pop some brains... If you're happy and you know it, slice some veins... If you're happy and you know it, bouncing heads will clearly show it... Nothing like loving one's work. Another unmentionable station? Well, at least this one is more attractive than the last. Time to put the ol' trigger finger to work. You are definitely from the wrong side of these tracks, and as usual, the light at the end of the tunnel just might be a train."
Follow the alley around, and use the dumpster to get onto the elevated tracks. Quickly make your way into the tunnel toward the "Cabalco" sign (the same direction as the train is heading). Jump up on to the platform to your right. Walk into the next room (use the ledge on your left to get to the Batteries) and go down the stairs. At the bottom, you'll find a crawl space. Crouch down and make your way to the street outside (need I warn you that Thieves are lurking in the crawl space, also there's a Voodoo Doll here if you haven't already gotten one). Go down the street, and up the steps. You can't get into the front door of the station, so you'll have to jump into the open window in the nearby tenement. Follow the hall (search the first room to find a Sniper Rifle and some Binoculars), go down the stairs, and into the room (it's the last door you'll find). Search the apartment to find some supplies. Smash the window and jump out onto the fire escape.
Climb down the ladder, and enter into the tunnel before you. Follow the alley around, and enter the "Choke & Puke Diner." Go through the door into the kitchen, and shoot the oven to blow a hole in the wall. Go through the hole into the restroom of Horlock's Station. Walk out of the restroom, and go up the steps. Take the hall to your left (you'll find a Willpower power-up if you take the hall to your right, but there's nothing else that way, except for monsters), and keep walking until you get to the Downtown Express Train Platform (it's near the soda machines). Go through the doors, and enter the tunnel to end the level.
Level 6: Love Canal
"Sick of throwing your hard-earned money down the tubes in rent? Of course you are! That's why your friends at Cabalco Home Construction and Real Estate have just finished a darling new subdivision. We know land is expensive and scarce so we went ahead and dumped some fresh loam over that nasty old radioactive/toxc cesspit at Love Canal! A new house from Cabalco has never been so cheap! And, if you're planning a family, buy big! Please disregard any rumors you've heard about infertility, general malaise, constant vomiting, the ubiquitous 'three-headed love child' or any other such nonsense. Here at Cabalco we care and our housing prices are more than fair!"
If you want the goodies on the ledge to your right, you'll have to act quick and jump to it from the elevated track. Otherwise, you'll never get them. Jump down to ground level and follow the alley to the pool. Collect your supplies and jump down. Follow the tunnel into the next area, smash the grille, and follow that tunnel until you see a ladder. Climb up and activate the switch. Jump back in the water and continue down the tunnel. After you drop down, jump out of the pool. There's two doors and a hall. One of the door has some stairs which lead back up to the surface. The other to a small room with a panel (doesn't appear to do anything). Follow the hall (taking care not to be hit by the bursts of water), and go up the steps in the next room. Enter the passage and follow it to a room with some black liquid pouring down from the ceiling. Follow the path to your right to a darkened room. Use your flashlight to navigate through the holes in the floor to the stairs on the other side of the room.
Go up the stairs into a large corridor with a catwalk up above (there's a Sniper Rifle in an alcove to your right). Follow the passage to your left, up the ladder, and follow the catwalk around to another passage. Follow this back to the room with the black liquid pouring from the ceiling (hope you picked up the Napalm Launcher on the way there). Walk through the black liquid and keep going forward. Near the end of the passage, is a path to your right. Take it, and go up the stairs. Follow the hall until you get outside.
Enter the area to your right and activate the first of three wooden levers (hi-tech, isn't it?). Follow the passage over to your right, and keep going until you find the boat. Jump into it, and activate the panel in the bridge. When the boat goes into the next lock, jump into the water, and climb up the ladder. Take the stairs in front of you, and activate the second wooden lever. Return to the boat, and activate the console again. When the ship goes into the next lock, jump into the water, climb the ladder, and activate the third switch. When the boat finishes rising. Jump on top of it, and use it to get to the door on the opposite ledge. Go through the door and follow the hall to the train station. Walk down the stairs (taking care to avoid the Hands), and follow the hall to the train tracks. Jump down on the tracks, and climb up on the opposite platform to end the level.
Level 7: Cabalco Transit System 3
"Less than impressed by the local transit system's safety record? There's only one thing to do! Destroy it! That's right, tear the mutha down. Ticket? Hell no! The only ticket you need is your boomstick. And this ticket is going to wreak havoc on the opposition. Joy in one's work is definitely a plus. Maybe it would be wise to take a moment to get out and get some stale air this time. The last couple of rides have been a little too 'close.'"
Been there, done that. Not quite. This one is really nasty, and you'll have to get to the train in front of the one you're on. So make your way toward the front of this one until you get to the car with supplies and no monsters. Make sure to smash the first aid box on the wall to get a Medkit. When you exit this car, you'll notice something different. Namely, you're out in the open. Turn around, and you'll see a ladder. Climb it, and jump onto the lead car of the train. Now, all you need to do is jump onto the train in front of you, and make you're way to the front of it.
Level 8: Horlock's Station 2
"Ha! That bastard Gideon thought he would lose you by pulling the ol' switcheroo. Fat chance fancy pants! When you catch him he's definitely in store for your own brand of switch. Let's see, you could start by taking his head and changing his view to something a bit more inward looking. You can bet that since he's had his head up there so long, he'll find the perspective familiar. Into the breach, and all that. Well, enough warm thoughts... there's a job at hand and this time that Blue Line is gonna get painted red. Blood red."
Follow the passage back into Horlock's Station. Once you're back inside, follow the hall to your right until the Drudge Priests teleport in to attack you (this is right next to the restrooms). Go down the steps, and head toward the Blue Line (after coming down the steps, it's behind you and to left). Keep going until you get to the tracks. Jump down and follow the tunnel to your right to end the level.
Level 9: The Underground
"Now this is more like it. Feels just like home. Makes one want to lie down and take the long sleep. Being immortal just ain't what its cracked up to be. Far more effort then one could have expected. At least you get to help others attain what you never can. Even better, you can offer a faster assist than they could ever imagine. That's you always kindness and charitable thoughts. Time to speed their passage. Come out, come out wherever you are... you are about to be, ahem, chosen."
Warning: There are Thieves and Hands all over the place.
Follow the corridor (remember to snatch the supplies in the crypts as you go) until you get to a place where you have stairs on both sides of you. To your left is some Howitzer shells, and above you is a Stealth Power-Up (use the stairs to jump up to it). Now follow the stairs to your right until your path is blocked by rubble. Climb up over it, and follow the passage until you get to a ledge overlooking a pillared room. You should see some supplies on the right side of this room. Jump down to them and get them.
The Behemoth is big & tough, and has one hell of a devastating attack. Luckily for you, he's got one of the most pathetic AI routines in this game, so he tends to get stuck on the pillars in the room. You should be able to snipe at him from your position until he's dead, without exposing yourself to any danger. A cowardly, pathetic way to defeat him, but it works. If you have an ounce of courage within you, move toward him, and he should give you one hell of a fight. Defeat him to end the Chapter.
Chapter Three Walkthrough
Level 1: Frank Cotton Memorial Bridge
"Now entering New Town, home of Cabalco Industries' immense corporate Headquarters! Riots and civil uprisings are rarely a problem anymore! Overlooking the lovely burning river of White Rock, New Town is the near-perfect picture of a city only gently-oppressed by a giant, amoral megacorp! Sure, we admit that there are still the occasional ritual sacrifices, or kidnapping-by-dark, and yes, sometimes people disappear never to be seen or heard from again, but the streets are mostly safe and clean, and our economy is on the rise with only a few minor hiccups. We're New Town! Cabalco is our friend!"
Note: Smash all garbage cans and crates. Many contain useful items.
Walk to the end of the road and enter the door on your right. Follow the corridor around until you find yourself next to the bridge. On the right side of the bridge, you'll see a door marked "Keep Out." Enter it and jump down. Go down the stairs and you'll find a room with some crates and a ladder. Use the crates to jump onto the ladder and climb up. Activate the panel under the "Valve Access" sign, and climb back down the ladder. There should be a newly opened door in the floor. Jump down and walk around the corner and you'll see a couple of doors. Pushing the button will open the larger door revealing some supplies. Get them, then enter the other door. Climb the ladder, smash the grille at the top, and climb into the above room. Follow the corridor around (ignoring the door you'll pass) until you come to a room with black and yellow railings. Climb the stairs and activate the panel under the "Valve Control" sign. Go back down the stairs, and across the little bridge. Take the passage to your left and climb the ladder up to the street.
Follow the street all the way around past the playground. There's an Anger power-up here if you want to fight the Behemoth. Otherwise, rush up the steps, and into the front door of the warehouse. Find the door on the other side of the warehouse and go through it to get back outside. Go through the door marked "Keep Out," up the steps, and climb the ladder. Grab the supplies, smash the grate, and jump down. Head away from the steam, and you'll find yourself next to the bridge again. Cross it to end the level.
Level 2: Security Check Point
"Worried about your future? Did the other students terrorize you at your high school? Are you in need of a truly challenging career? Then join the ranks of Cabalco's Security Division. You don't know what a challenging day is... unless you've spent it naked-and-sweltering, inside a small, dark, nearly-airless-metal-box with only your feeble grip on sanity, and a couple o' dozen hungry rats to keep you company! But enough about me! Our intense regimen of general-degradation and sock-beatings will make you feel like a new man, or woman! At the end of our 12 step program you'll be handed a big gun and given daily life-and-death control over others! That'll show those small-minded bastards you went to school with!"
Note: Smash all crates and foot lockers. Many contain useful items.
Smash the boxes to your left (normally these colored boxes can't be smashed), then walk past the security checkpoint and down the ramp into the parking lot. Find the elevator and take it down into the facility. Follow the hall and enter the first door you see. Walk down the steps and activate the panel in front of you. A security door will open up in the hall. Walk back out to the hall, and follow the hall to your right, and enter the newly opened security door. There's a door and an elevator here. If you'd like some supplies, go through the door and smash up the office you'll find down there. Afterwards, enter the elevator and ride it up to one of the guardhouses next to the starting point. Climb up the ladder, walk over to the other guardhouse, and down the ladder. Pick up the Level3 keycard, and retrace your steps to the security door you opened earlier (it's a little easier to just jump down and re-enter the facility through the parking lot elevator). Continue further down the hall (you'll find some dorm rooms over on your left which have some supplies) and go through the door. Follow the hall to your left and enter the first door you find. Pick up the Vulcan Cannon and use the boxes to jump up the upper level. Go down the stairs and follow the hall to your right. Enter the first door you see and go down the ladder. Make your way through around the toxic pits and climb the ladder to end the level.
Level 3: Temple of Poon
"You've reached Cabalco's top-secret High Temple. We're not here at the moment, but please feel free to give blood, preferably human or goat, at the door. If this is an emergency, please light 69 white candles, scratch a large pentagram into the concrete floor with your fingernails, and dance, skyclad within it, after painting yourself with the blood of your torn and stumpy fingers while chanting to our dark god. An insidious servant of the Underworld will be with you shortly. Thank you for your patience!"
Warning: There are Thieves all over the place, so be careful.
After defeating the Death Shroud, jump into the water in the altar. Pick up the Necroward and the Life Seed and jump back out. Exit through the door and make you way around to the stairs. Climb down them and walk around (enter one of the two large wooden doors to pick up the Life Leech) and go up the stairs. Walk forward until you get to a fork in the passage. You can pick some Howitzer shells up to your left, then take the passage to your right. Cross the bridge, and after it collapses on you, jump up into the cave. Find the lift and ride it up. Follow the passage around (smashing the boxes as you go) to another lift. Ride it up to end the level.
Level 4: Cabalco Enterprises
"Welcome to Checkpoint Gnarly. Ha. The security around here looks a little overly... fanatical. There's got to be an alternate entrance to the Cabalco HQ. In the meantime, it might be wise to do a bit of cleansing, and take down some unworthy opponents. Sometimes you have to make a bit of a mess to get a place clean. You're just glad that you don't have to get those gray-matter stains off of the walls. Those have to be a serious drag when they've had time to dry. Time to make your own 'unlimited-access' pass."
Walk through the door, and make your way over to your right. You'll find two hallways (one is blocked by lasers). Enter the unblocked one and go up the stairs to the top floor. Find the door, and activate the panel to your left. Go back down the stairs, and enter the hallway that was blocked by the lasers. Walk around until you get to the elevators. The one you need is to your left. Enter it and ride it up.
Note: I had some problems with this elevator. I found that I had to open the doors. Hit the switch on the outside, then quickly enter it. When it rises up to the top, I had to manually open those doors, and exit the elevator.
The hallway will branch off in two directions. If you follow the hallway to your right, you can find some goodies (remember to blow up the soda machine on the way and do not go up the stairs) in some cubicles. Remember to smash the filing cabinet for a Medkit. Retrace your steps to where the hall branched off, and take the hallway to your left. Follow it down to the red doors. Enter it, and pick up the ExecAcess keycard. Now take one of the flights of stairs up, and go through the door you find up there. Go forward, and make you way through a pair of double doors. Find the small door in which "unauthorized personal are forbidden," and enter it. Push the button to get into the lift to end the level.
Level 5: Power Station
"Time to shut these bastards down. Pull their plug. No more AC! Hell, no more DC! Welcome to the power station... you are grid-failure incarnate. The excitement just sizzles around here. Sizzles so much that you could be quick-fried to a crackly crunch, and after your recent train experiences you have very little interest in becoming a conductor. Time to do what you do best... break stuff. And what better way to start than with fanatical types. Get to work O' circuit breaker."
Climb down the ladder and go through the door next to the ladder. Go through the next door and follow the hall around to a flooded room. Jump across (being careful not to fall into the water) to the other side. Keep going until you get to the stairs in Sector 2. Go down them and look for the switch with the palm print (watch out for the Hands down here). Activate it and go back up the stairs, and enter the door to the right of the staircase. Walk down the corridor and go around the raised platform in Sector 3 into another corridor. The catwalk right in front of you will collapse, so use the railing to get past this part. Follow the catwalk to Sector 4. Be sure to grab the supplies to your right before riding the lift up. Press the button with the hand print to open up the lift. Enter it to end the level.
Level 6: Cabalco Enterprises 2
"Looking for work? Cabalco could always use an extra body! We're constantly hiring, and boy do we have perks. You'll get to work in a vast new skyscraper, we've got soda and coffee machines on every floor, our, ahem, medical-treatment-plan is out of this world. At Cabalco, even if you are at the bottom run looking up, we promise that you'll get an underling in no time! Our, er, Human Resources Department doesn't put you through any of the onerous stuff that those other corporations require. Inexperienced? No problem! We don't even require a resume (much less an application). Just show up and you are ours, I mean, um, you get the job. Cabalco is an unequal opportunity employer."
You've been here before, so you should know where to go. There's a security door that you couldn't open last time, and that is our destination. Make your way through the pair of double doors, and down some stairs. Go through the newly opened door, and find another door. Go through it to end the level.
Level 7: Research and Development
"Ah, science! You fondly remember the first time you got to dissect something. you were all aquiver with excitement as you began to flay the skin off the fetid corpse. The muscle tissues danced when you applied just the tiniest bit of voltage, and boy were you surprised when you opened the bowels by accident! What a gas! Well, enough daydreaming... time to get to it and find the entrance to Cabalco's R&D."
Follow the hall to your right and jump down into the Shikari pit. You'll find a IntraAccess keycard down here. Get it and climb back out. Now go back the way you came, until you get to a door. Go through it and you'll find a palm print panel in this room. If you activate it, you'll open a door to the Shikari pit where there's a Life Seed. Activate it if you willing to cross paths with the Shikaris. Find the lift in the corner of the room and ride it down , and follow the hall to your right (enter the Shikari pit to get the Life Seed if you activated the panel). When you turn the corner, turn around and look up. You'll see a short ladder. Jump up and climb it. Follow the duct around (you'll need to jump at one point) until you find a grille. Smash it, and drop down into a lab. Grab the Status9 keycard, and activate the panel to lower the forcefield. Go through the door and follow the hall to your right (across from you, you'll find a couple of labs where you can pick up a ward and a couple of Life Essences), and go through the door at the end of the hall.
Follow the hall to your left, and you'll enter the Asylum (feel free to terrorize the patients, you'll find some items in their rooms). Go to the end of the hall and through the door. To your left if the Sector9 keycard, grab it and make your way back through the Asylum. On the other side of the Asylum, follow the hall to your left. Enter the first door on your left and drop down into the hole to your right. Make your way through the sewer to a ladder (be careful of the Bone Leeches on the way). Climb the ladder and enter the lift. Ride it up, and make your way across the spinning blades. Ride the lift up on the other side, and activate the panel near the Mad Scientist (or near his bloody carcass). This will open up a compartment to your left where you'll find the Singularity Access keycard. Grab it, and make your way across the spinning blades to the lift. Ride it down, activate the console, and enter into the room where you found the hole. Go through the door, and hug the left wall until you get to a room with a window overlooking the Singularity Generator. Enter the room, grab the gun, and go out the other door. Go through another door to end the level.
Level 8: Cabalco Enterprises 3
"You've got to hand it to Cabalco. Their designer certainly went all out on this particular piece o' property. There are wide-sweeping staircases, some strange-but-lovely art, some exceptionally fun cubicles, and more stuff to blow up than one could shake a boomstick at. All-in-all a nice spot. It could use some touching up. But, the various Cultists, Drudge-types, Shikari, and Fanatics are gonna have to go. Go to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.00. The rather cuddly-looking Behemoth might be a nice addition to your own personal pet population. But sadly, it isn't house-trained."
Head to your left until you get to the stairs (you could follow the hall to your left to the lobby where the Behemoths are to get a Life Seed and Necroward, but it probably isn't worth the effort). Go up the stairs, through the double doors into the waiting elevator to end the level.
Level 9: Cabal CO Offices
"There's nothing like a very hostile corporate takeover bid to invigorate one's senses! The game of hunter and hunted has always had major appeal. This is starting to get fun. Gideon is soon to run out of hiding places. Time to tree the rat, as it were. A bit of janitorial work is at hand. Cleaning out offices has never been so much fun! Now where was that elevator to the rooftops?"
Note: There are various offices with goodies in them. Smash them up, and you'll often find some goodies.
Step out of the elevator and go through the doors to your left. Blow up the soda machines to grab a ward, and follow the hall to the right and up the stairs. Enter the first office you see and smash up the place. Pick up the LevelB keycard from the rubble. Retrace your steps down the stairs and through the double doors. Head to your right and you'll find another set of double doors behind some cubicles. Go through them, and up the stairs (blow up the soda machines at the top). Follow the hall to your left (smash one of the window here, and jump down to get a Life Seed, Necroward, and a Medkit; then find your way back upstairs again) and keep going until you see the two sets of double doors. Enter the ones on your right, and push the button on the floor under the desk to open up a passage behind you. Enter the passage, and ride the lift to the roof to end the level.
Level 10: Cabal CO Rooftops
"There's that clay pigeon Gideon! That fairly rolls off the tongue: Pigeon Gideon. WooooHooooo! Skeet shooting is one of your favorite games. This is going to be a blast! For him. Pull! Bang! Pull! Bang! Pull! No more running Gideon. Your flight is over, schmuck. You're outta luck."
There's lots of goodies around, so look around. You'll find a small platform with a Life Seed on it off of one of the higher spots on the map. Kill Gideon to end the level. Chapter Four Walkthrough
Chapter Four Walkthrough
Level 1: Beyond the Rift
"It's a battle to the death. Preferably someone else's. Gideon's puppet strings can no longer be pulled and the puppeteer's comeuppance has just come up. Ancient One? Are you listening. Then hear this..."
Note: The city is pretty big, and there's ammo stashed all over the place. I won't be pointing any of it out. Just remember to smash all your boxes and gib all the corpses you find. They often contain useful items.
Make your way past the Behomoth into the cave. Find the entrance to the city at the end of the cave and enter it. Defeat Gideon and a couple of doors will open. One of them has a hole in the side of it. Jump into the hole and pull the lever. Jump down through the window, and go through the newly opened door over to your right. Follow the path along until you come to a small bridge. Cross it and then head to your left. If you hug the left wall, you'll find a passage leading to a Willpower power-up. Walk back out of the passage, and continue to hug the left wall, and you'll come to another bridge. Cross it, push the button, and enter the door.
Smash the vase in front of you for a ward, then follow the passage until you get to the two sets of stairs. Take the ones on your right and hug the right wall. You'll eventually see a passage to your right with some stairs. Climb them and pull the wooden lever at the top. Continue on, and jump across to the ledge with the Life Seed and the Necroward. Now hug the left wall until you get to a stone door. Go through it to end the level.
Level 2: Battle of the Chosen
"There's Something Different! You can't quite put your trigger finger on it. you're old pals are looking rather peeked, maybe even sickly. What the heck possessed them to climb into the those coffins? Hmmm. Ah, well. Nothing a bit of supplementary lead won't cure... lead to the head, and put 'em to bed. Night-night, fellow Chosen. Poisonous dreams."
Walk through the door doors, and walk forwad toward the Life Seed. You'll now have to face down the undead Chosen. There's plenty of items laying around to help you out, but you might want to save the Willpower power-up until after you kill all three of them. That way you can start the next level with an extra advantage. When you defeat all three, a hole will open up in the center of the Arena. Grab the Willpower if you haven't already used it, and jump in to end the level.
Level 3: The Ancient One
"In the words of some long-forgotten and not-so-long-winded poet: 'Kill it!'
If you grabbed the Willpower power-up just before you ended the last level, you'll still have some of it left over. Make your way over to your left to grab another one. Then grab the Anger power-up on the other side of the Ancient One, and anihilate the bastard. The Vulcan Gun is a good choice of weapons for this job.
"Does Caleb really close the rift? Does Ophelia get her two-minutes of gift? What the heck happened to Gabriel... er, Gabriella? What if Ishamel can't get home? And, where did he get those tattoos? Tune in next time on: As 'It burns, it burns." Enjoy these answers and more soon... we promise. In the meantime, get into some major BLOODBATH!!"
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